The Dark Paladin
Class Features
Channel Divinity
Sacred Oaths

Oath of Anarchy
Oath of the Ancients
Oath of Balance
Oath of the Bastion
Oath of Benevolence
Oath of Conquest
Oath of Courage
Oath of the Crown
Oath of Devotion
Oath of the Elder Sign
Oath of Freshness
Oath of the Grave
Oath of the Guardian
Oath of Leadership
Oath of the Lyan
Oath of Martyrdom
Oath of the Purge
Oath of Radiance
Oath of Redemption
Oath of Supremacy
Oath of Tomorrow
Oath of Tradition
Oath of Vengeance
Oath of the Waves

Restricted Oaths

Oath of Blood

Eladrin and Halfling
Oath of Festivity

Oath of the Revenant

Oath of the Wing seeker



Through a select, worthy few shines the power of the divine. Called paladins, these noble souls dedicate their swords and lives to the battle against evil. Knights, crusaders, and law-bringers, paladins seek not just to spread divine justice but to embody the teachings of the virtuous deities they serve. In pursuit of their lofty goals, they adhere to ironclad laws of morality and discipline.

As reward for their righteousness, these holy champions are blessed with boons to aid them in their quests: powers to banish evil, heal the innocent and inspire the faithful. Although their convictions might lead them into conflict with the very souls they would save, paladins weather endless challenges of faith and dark temptations, risking their lives to do right and fighting to bring about a brighter future.

A paladin is a living embodiment of an oath — a promise or a vow made manifest in the person of a holy warrior who has the skill and the determination to see the cause through to the end. Some paladins devote themselves expressly to protecting the innocent and spreading justice in the world, while others resolve to attain that goal by conquering those who stand defiant and bringing them under the rule of law.

Although no paladin in the world could be described as typical, a number of them are narrowminded do-gooders who refuse to tolerate even the smallest deviation from their own outlook. Paladins who take up the adventuring life, however, rarely remain so rigid in their attitudes — if only to keep from alienating their companions.

It’s important to keep in mind that most paladins aren’t robots. They have doubts and prejudices and harbor contradictory thoughts just as any other character does. Some are compelled by an internal motivation that might sometimes be at odds with the principles of their oaths.

The Dark Paladin

Paladins are undisputed heroes and champions of noble causes. These brave knights walk a lonely road, maligned for being “too uptight,” or “Lawful Stupid” by their less scrupulous companions. Yet despite their renowned moral code, paladins can still succumb to the darkness that tempts all living creatures.

The following roleplaying prompts and class features are perfect for Evil paladins, but can be used by any paladin who chooses to stray from the straight and narrow path.

The Doors of Darkness

Darkness enters a paladin’s heart through the flaws in his or her personality. Flaws are prompts for exploring how the paladin goes astray. They are the corruptions of the proper paladin virtues of bravery, loyalty, and wisdom.


Aggressive paladins have a penchant for dominance and destruction. Many suffer wounds of the heart and mind. A wrathful paladin’s blood boils so hot that they lose their divine virtues in a haze of fury.

d8 Flaw
1 Few things satisfy my sadistic urges as well as smiting my enemies.
2 I take my anger out on others, even if they are not personally to blame.
3 In the fight against Evil, collateral damage is the sign of a worthy battle.
4 Once I get angry, I cannot stop myself from yelling.
5 It excites me to toy with foes that I’ve cornered or challenged to a duel.
6 I lay awake at night thinking about how I will kill my enemies.
7 I am righteous. Therefore, I never compromise.
8 Only the weak confide their worries. Only the false confess their sins.

Naive paladins are unfamiliar with the ways of the world. Their actions are well intended, but in their haste for justice they bite off more than they can chew. Those who lack diligence or patience may find themselves accessory to a villain’s plot. Soft-hearted paladins will someday discover the brutality of their profession, and the wisdom to accept that is hard-won.

d8 Flaw
1 I think everyone wants to be a loyal subject of the law, and I must teach them how.
2 I find the teachings of my oath, faith, or order confusing and disorienting.
3 Critical thinking hurts! I avoid it by reciting catechisms.
4 I am guided on the path of righteousness, so my plans needn’t account for failure.
5 I rarely interact with people outside my faith or community.
6 Nobody understands my burden; I regularly tell them so.
7 I find no peace in quiet moments; my thoughts return to the lives I couldn’t save.
8 Even in my dreams, I cannot escape the carnage I wreak in the name of virtue.

Class Features

The Paladin
-Level- -PB- -Features-
1st +2 Divine Sense, Sacred Oath,
Sacred Touch
2nd +2 Bless Ally, Fighting Style,
3rd +2 Channel Divinity
4th +2 Divine Health
5th +3 Cleansing Touch, Extra Attack
6th +3 Aura of Protection
7th +3 Sacred Oath feature
8th +3 Cleansing Touch Improvement
9th +4 Strengthening the Divine
10th +4 Aura of Courage
11th +4 Divine Strikes
12th +4 Cleansing Touch Improvement
13th +5 Strengthening the Divine
14th +5 Aura of Conviction
15th +5 Sacred Oath feature
16th +5 -
17th +6 Strengthening the Divine
18th +6 Aura improvements
19th +6 -
20th +6 Sacred Oath feature

As a paladin, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10

Saving Throws

You are proficient with Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.


Class Skills: Animal handling (only specific mount, such as camel, dog or horse), Leadership, Physique, Religion and Speechcraft

Skill Points: You gain 2 skill points at 1st level.

Skills - Combat

Weapon Groups: You have rank 2 with Axe, Club, Flail, Lance, Spear, Sword and Bow. Additionally you have rank 1 with Knife, Polearm and Crossbow.

Combat Skills: You gain the Light armor, Medium armor and Heavy armor skills.

After 1st level: You gain 1 skill point to spend on combat skills every level.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Divine Sense

The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend or undead within 60 ft, not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of being, but not its identity.

Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.

Rest Additions
The following additions are made to the general rest rules.
Long rest
After a long rest:
* Regain Devotion equal to your proficiency bonus.
Add the following class specific benefits to choose from:
* Regain Devotion equal your level.
* Regain all uses of Channel Divinity.
* Regain all uses of Cleansing Touch.

Sacred Oath

Your oath is a sacred vow which separates you from any common knight — it is what makes you a paladin. At 1st level, choose your oath and begin living by its tenets.

Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 15th, and 20th level.

In addition, some oaths may grant additional choices for your feature, like divine blessing, channel divinity and prayers. Those will be described in the oath description at the appropriate level (1st, 9th, 13th and 17th).

Sacred Touch

Drawing strength from your divine power, you can harm or bless those you come in contact with. This power is represented by a pool of Devotion equal to twice your class level.

You can spend Devotion to use the Divine Blessing, Lay on Hands and Divine Smite abilities listed below. The maximum number of Devotion you can spend at a time on an ability equals your proficiency bonus.

When you finish a long rest, you can choose to regain some of your expended Devotion.

Strength of Devotion

Some of your class features require saving throws. The saving throw DC for all those is calculated as follows:

Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Divine Blessing

Using your weapon as a focus, you raise it towards the sky as an action, while shouting a forceful intent. The intent can be anything appropriate to your oath, like “For the Crown!”, “In the name of Justice!” or even “By the power of Grayskull!”.

A divine blessing can initially only be used on yourself, and require you to spend one or more Devotion from your pool. A blessing counts as divine magic and lasts for 1 hour unless otherwise stated, or until you lose concentration.

Lay on Hands

As an action, you can touch a creature and spend Devotion in order to heal its injuries. Roll a d8 for each Devotion you spend and restore a number of hit points to the creature equal to the total + your Charisma modifier. This ability has no effect on undead and constructs.

You can use this as a reaction on yourself when you are reduced to 0 hp. When doing so, you need to spend twice the Devotion for the same effect.

Alternatively, when you spend Devotion to use this ability, you can forgo rolling one of those dice to instead cure the target of a disease, remove a curse, or neutralize a poison affecting it. Some diseases or curses may require several dice to cure, or even be beyond your capability.

Divine Smite

When you attack a creature with a melee weapon, you can spend Devotion to further wound the target. If you miss, the Devotion is not spent. Otherwise, roll a d8 for each Devotion and deal the total as extra radiant damage in addition to the weapon’s damage. If the target is a fiend or an undead, it takes an additional d8 damage.

Alternatively, when you spend Devotion to use this ability, you can forgo rolling 4 of those dice to instead attempt to Banish the target.


You attempt to send the target to another plane of existence. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be banished.

If the target is native to the plane of existence you’re on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there as long as you concentrate, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.

If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the one you’re on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane. If you can keep concentration for 1 minute, the target doesn’t return. Otherwise, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.

Bless ally

Your divine blessings can be used to bless others. By placing your palm on a creature and uttering a short prayer as an action, you can spend one or more Devotion and grant one of your blessings to it.

When doing so, you can additionally expend an equal amount of Devotion to bless yourself as well, and/or expend an equal amount and place your other palm on one additional target.

You are still restricted to using a maximum number of Devotion equal to your proficiency bonus at the same time.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the fighting style options from the Fighter class description. In addition, the Blessed Warrior style is also added to your options.

Whenever you gain a level in a class that has the Fighting Style feature, you can replace a fighting style you know with another style available to your class. This change represents a shift of focus in your martial training and practice, causing you to lose the benefits of one style and gain the benefits of another style.

Blessed Warrior

You learn two cantrips of your choice from a cleric spell list appropriate to your oath. They count as paladin spells for you. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the same spell list.


A prayer is a way to prepare your mind against the struggles ahead. It can be a prayer to a deity that is guiding you, or a mantra you use to focus, or some other kind of ritual you perform. It takes at least 10 minutes to perform a prayer. If you want to affect another creature with your prayer, it needs to attend, but not necessarily as an active participant.

The number of prayers you know are equal to your proficiency modifier, and whenever you gain a new Paladin level you can replace a prayer with a new one. All prayers are listed at the end of the class description.

If a prayer requires a saving throw, use your Devotion DC.

Channel Divinity

Your sacred vows allow you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. You know two Channel Divinity options from the list at the end of the class description, and additionally one or more determined by your oath. When you gain a new Paladin level you can replace one of your Channel Divinity options with a new one, but you cannot replace one provided by your oath.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and can regain all uses after a long rest.

If your Channel Divinity requires a saving throw, use your Devotion DC.

To Channel. Unless otherwise mentioned, channeling divinity takes an action, and you can affect yourself and/or creatures of your choice within 30 ft that you can see. You can always target yourself, and the maximum number of additional creatures you can target equals your proficiency bonus.

Divine Health

By 4th level, the divine magic flowing through you makes you immune to most mundane diseases. However, your immunity is not absolute. Your capability to withstand a disease depends on its strength.

Paladin Level Immunity
01-05 Diseases up to DC 15
06-10 Diseases up to DC 20
11-15 Diseases up to DC 25
16-20 All diseases

Cleansing Touch

Beginning at 5th level, you gain new ways to impart your divine power unto a creature. As an action, you can touch a willing creature (which can include yourself) and end one effect on the creature causing it to be blinded or deafened.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and can regain uses after a long rest.

When you reach certain levels in this class, you gain additional ways to use this feature. Starting at 8th level, you can end an effect on the target causing it to be paralyzed or stunned and at 12th level, you can end one spell on the target.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Aura of Protection

Starting at 6th level, whenever you or a friendly creature within 10 ft makes a saving throw, the creature gains a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. You must be conscious to grant this bonus.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

From 9th level you gain access to additional blessings. In addition some oaths gain access to other features.

To use one of the following blessings, you must spend at least 3 Devotion.

Aura of Courage

Starting at 10th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft can’t be frightened while you are conscious. If a friendly creature is frightened when it enters your aura, the effect is suspended while it remains within the aura.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Divine Strikes

By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous might that all your melee weapon strikes carry divine power with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack or an unarmed strike, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.

Strengthening the Divine

From 13th level you gain access to additional blessings. In addition some oaths gain access to other features.

The following blessings can only be used on yourself, and to use them you must spend at least 4 Devotion.

Aura of Conviction

Starting at 14th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft can’t be charmed while you are conscious. If a friendly creature is charmed when it enters your aura, the effect is suspended while it remains within the aura.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

From 17th level you gain access to additional blessings. In addition some oaths gain access to other features.

The following blessings can only be used on yourself, and to use them you must spend at least 5 Devotion.

Channel Divinity options

Your sacred vows allow you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. You know two Channel Divinity options from below, and additionally one or more determined by your oath. When you gain a new Paladin level you can replace one of your Channel Divinity options with a new one, but you cannot replace the one provided by your oath.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and can regain all uses after a long rest.

To Channel. Unless otherwise mentioned, channeling divinity takes an action, and you can affect yourself and/or creatures of your choice within 30 ft that you can see. You can always target yourself, and the maximum number of additional creatures you can target equals your proficiency bonus.

Available from level 9

The following channel divinity options can be selected when you reach 9th level of the Paladin class.

Available from level 17

The following channel divinity options can be selected when you reach 17th level of the Paladin class.


A prayer is a way to prepare your mind against the struggles ahead. It can be a prayer to a deity that is guiding you, or a mantra you use to focus, or some other kind of ritual you perform. It takes at least 10 minutes to perform a prayer. If you want to affect another creature with your prayer, it needs to attend, but not necessarily as an active participant.

The number of prayers you know are equal to your proficiency modifier, and whenever you gain a new Paladin level you can replace a prayer with a new one.

Prayers available from level 9

The following prayers can be chosen when you reach 9th level of the Paladin class.

Prayers available from level 13

The following prayers can be chosen when you reach 13th level of the Paladin class.

Prayers available from level 17

The following prayers can be chosen when you reach 17th level of the Paladin class.

Sacred Oaths

Becoming a paladin involves taking vows that commit the paladin to a cause. The sacred oath is the culmination of all the paladin’s training. For others, the actual swearing of the oath is a formality, an official stamp on what has always been true in the paladin’s heart.

The ‘Classic’ Paladin

The most common oaths are for a cause of righteousness, an active path of fighting wickedness. They are often called white knights or holy warriors, meeting the ideal of a knight in shining armor, acting with honor in pursuit of justice and the greater good.

The oaths in this group all strive to become an ideal; a clarion call in the darkness and the voice of a leader in the darkest of times.

Paladins of the Natural World

Paladins who swear these oaths cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the natural world, not necessarily because they believe in principles of honor, courage, and justice.

They focus on promoting the freedom of individuals, and encourage the chaos of the natural world.

Paladins of other Ideals

Just as the more common paladins, followers of these oaths are sworn to an ideal. However, the ideals are not necessarily the pursuit of justice or the greater good.

Paladins in Service

Most paladins serve some kind of ideal or idea, but the following serve a specific deity, organization or group.

Defenders Against Threat

Some oaths have been sworn in the defense of the world against a specific threat. Such a paladin is just as much devoted to the paths of justice and the greater good, but they often see the monsters they are fighting to be the greatest threat.

Darker Paladins

The paladins in this group often do not not notice when they have crossed the line, when they come to a point that common folk are more afraid of them than the evil they are fighting. In their minds they are still doing the right thing.

Restricted Oaths

Some oaths are restricted, and only available to specific folk. This can be due to physical attributes only existing in those kinds of folk, or a due to cultural differences.

In the second case, the oath wold not be available if you grew up completely outside the folks’ typical culture, while a member of a completely different folk would have access to it if growing up within the culture.

Oath of Anarchy

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Chaos Strike, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Prayer: Primeval Speech
7th Aura of Impunity
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Strengthening the Divine
20th Limitless Power

Traditionally sworn to oneself, a comrade, or the wilderness itself, the Oath of Anarchy binds a paladin to protect freedom and nature against tyranny and control. These paladins believe in the liberty of chaos; rules and authority are dangerous things, nothing more than the chains that separate people from each other and bind them down against their own desires. People are best off trusted to make their own decisions and learn to peacefully coexist in freedom.

In addition to promoting the freedom of individuals, bearers of this oath also encourage the chaos of the natural world. They dislike conquest of the wilderness, preferring that people live with nature, not against it. In the eyes of many of these paladins, the world was as it was meant to be when it was first made, without the changes wrought by mortal hands. Called fantra, after the Sylvan word for guardian, these paladins are keepers of chaos and defenders of disorder, sworn to uphold their values even to bloodshed.

“We need the tonic of wildness… at the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious… that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”

– Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Tenets of Anarchy

As advocates against formal rules, there are no uniform tenets for the paladins of Anarchy. Nevertheless, their commitment to chaos can be summarized roughly as follows.

Anarchy. The rigidity of institutions ought to be rejected wherever possible. Authority is an agent of separation and oppression, and power is best left in the hands of people.

Relativism. Good and evil are sophistries and opinions, and the only true measure of right is peaceful, free coexistence. People should determine on their own and amongst each other how they ought to conduct themselves, not lawmakers, kings, or judges.

Earth. The natural world is the ultimate symbol of freedom and coexistence, and it must be protected against those agents of law which would abuse and destroy it.

Autonomy. Use your own judgment and encourage others to use theirs. Commit acts that fulfill your oath and acts that please you. Feel no duty to that which accomplishes neither.

Equity. Respect the autonomy and desires of others, their personal chaos. Acknowledge the inherent worth of each mortal and their freedoms. Hierarchy is always the path to tyranny; equity will always restore freedom.

Anarchic Witnesses

As part of its espousal of natural chaos, the Oath of Anarchy has no formal orders or official fellowships. Because of this, the divine witness before or to whom a fantra swears is often a very personally significant decision. Who did you swear your Oath of Anarchy before? Consider some of the suggestions on the following table, or come up with an idea of your own.

1d6 Anarchic Witness
1 You stood before a beautiful vista and poured your heart out to the wilds and all its natural treasures.
2 To make your oath, you sought out an ancient druid who guarded the wilderness of your homeland.
3 You and a friend swore the Oath of Anarchy with each other as the only witnesses you needed.
4 A fey queen recognized the valor of your quest, and she sealed your oath as an otherworldly witness.
5 You decided that the only witness you need is yourself. Your commitment is yours alone.
6 A tyrant was your only witness as you swore to someday end his rule and liberate the domain.

Paladin Feature Change

The Oath of Anarchy is sworn by paladins dedicated to struggling in behalf of chaos against law. Such paladins may thus be disinterested with the conflicts of good and evil and even disregard them. The following features are changed when you take this oath:

Channel Divinity

If you select the Magic Circle Channel Option, it instead functions against constructs, devils and other lawfully aligned extraplanar creatures.

Detect Law

When you use your Divine Sense, you detect the presence of constructs, devils and other lawfully aligned extraplanar creatures instead of celestials, fiends and undead.

Divine Blessings

You do not have access to the Protection from Evil divine blessing. You can instead use:

Protection from Law. Constructs, devils and other lawfully aligned extraplanar creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. In addition you can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.

Forceful Strikes

All base paladin class features that deal radiant damage, instead deal force damage.

Divine Smite

You can not use Divine Smite. This feature is replaced by Chaos Strike.

Chaos Strike

When you attack a creature with a melee weapon, you can spend Devotion to bless your strike with the powers of primordial chaos. If you miss, the Devotion is not spent. Otherwise, you deal 1d6 extra damage per Devotion spent in addition to the weapon’s damage. Constructs, devils and other lawfully aligned extraplanar creatures take an additional d6 damage.

Roll a d6 to determine the type of extra damage. A target that takes the damage must make a Constitution saving throw or also experience an additional effect based on the damage type.

Type Extra Effect
1 Acid The target takes acid damage equal to half your paladin level at the end of its next turn.
2 Cold The target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
3 Fire The target is blinded until the end of its next turn.
4 Lightning The target is incapacitated until the end of its next turn.
5 Poison The target is poisoned until the end of its next turn.
6 Thunder The target is knocked prone and 15 feet directly away from you.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite feature, you can spend one additional die from your pool to make it a Deconstructing Smite. You can spend a single die for no extra damage.

Deconstructing Smite

If the target is a construct, and is reduced to 50 hit points or fewer with this attack, it stops functioning, i.e. becomes stunned. If it has more than 50 hp, it avoids the effect on a successful Constitution save.

It remains like this for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute, or until it receives damage, at which point it starts functioning again.

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity option.

Prayer: Primeval Speech

Add this to your selectable prayers.

By calling on the land’s natural forces, you can comprehend and verbally communicate with a beast for 10 minutes if you can first make it stay in your proximity while performing the Prayer. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at a minimum, beasts can give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day.

During this communication you can spend 1 Devotion to force the beast to roll a Wisdom save. On a failed save you can select one of the following:

Beast Sense. For 1 hour, you can use your action to see through the beast’s eyes and hear what it hears, and continue to do so until you use your action to return to your normal senses. While perceiving through the beast’s senses, you gain the benefits of any special senses possessed by that creature, though you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings.

Messenger. You can use the beast to deliver a message. Specify a location, which you must have visited, and a recipient who matches a general description, such as “a man or woman dressed in the uniform of the town guard” or “a red-haired dwarf wearing a pointed hat.” You also speak a message of up to twenty-five words. The target beast travels up to 24 hours toward the specified location.

When the messenger arrives, it delivers your message to the creature that you described, replicating the sound of your voice. The messenger speaks only to a creature matching the description you gave. If the messenger doesn’t reach its destination during the 24 hours, the message is lost.

Aura of Impunity

You and friendly creatures within 10 ft are unaffected by nonmagical difficult terrain while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine at 9th level

You gain access to the following.

Strengthening the Divine at 15th level

You gain access to the following.

Limitless Power

By using your action and spending 5 Devotion, you break free of all bonds and restrictions, adopting a mantle of sovereignity. For 1 minute, you gain a flying speed of 90 ft, experience the effects of the freedom of movement spell, and are immune to enchantment spells you do not choose to be affected by.

You can also move through other creatures and objects, but take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

Oath of the Ancients

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Naturalist, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Speak with Animals
7th Aura of Warding
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Undying Sentinel
20th Elder Champion

The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the world, not necessarily because they believe in principles of honor, courage, and justice. They adorn their armor and clothing with images of growing things - leaves, antlers or flowers - to reflect their commitment to preserving life and light in the world.

Tenets of the Ancients

The tenets of the Oath of the Ancients have been preserved for uncounted centuries. This oath emphasizes the principles of good above any concerns of law or chaos. Its four central principles are simple.

Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.

Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.

Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.

Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.


You are well-versed with the wilds and their natural balms and remedies. You gain 3 skill points to spend on the Nature, Survival and Herbalism skills.

Sacred Touch

When you spend Devotion to use Divine Smite, you can forgo rolling 1 or more of your dice to instead use Ensnaring Smite.

Ensnaring Smite

A writhing mass of thorny vines appears at the point of impact, and the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the magical vines for 1 minute, or until you lose concentration. A Large or larger creature has advantage on this saving throw.

If the target succeeds on the save, the vines deal 1d4 piercing damage for each Devotion spent, and then shrivel away.

While restrained by the vines, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage per Devotion spent, at the start of each of its turns. A creature restrained by the vines or an adjacent creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your devotion DC. On a success, the target is freed.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Speak with Animals

You can spend 1 Devotion to gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for 10 minutes. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. You might be able to persuade a beast to perform a small favor for you, at the DM’s discretion.

Aura of Warding

Ancient magic lies so heavily upon you that it forms an eldritch ward. You and friendly creatures within 10 ft have resistance to damage from spells.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Undying Sentinel

When you are reduced to 0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, you suffer none of the drawbacks of old age, and you can’t be aged magically.

Elder Champion

You can assume the form of an ancient force of nature, taking on an appearance you choose. For example, your skin might turn green or take on a bark-like texture, your hair might become leafy or mosslike, or you might sprout antlers or a lion-like mane.

By using your action and spending 5 Devotion, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Balance

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Bonus Skills,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Censure
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Without Opinion
20th Elder Champion

The grand struggles of cosmic forces representing good, evil, law, and chaos engulf many worlds in the multiverse. Those who take on the Oath of Balance are paladins who choose to step back from this conflict, believing alliance with any extreme only blinds one to the truths of the universe.

Instead, these warriors pursue the objectivity of what they deem “ultimate truth,” believing it to lie within a perfect balance of all possible beliefs, factions, and practices. Bearers of the oath are further distinguished by the way they blend divine mysticism with arcane technique, as the Oath of Balance reverences arcana as a neutral power with no regard for passion or belief.

These paladins are most often called impartialists, knight-arcanists, or paramanders. Being merely mortal, such warriors cannot do literal battle with the very forces of cosmic ethics. However, it is common for such to target monsters they see as the physical incarnations of extremity. Dragons and giants especially earn their ire for how their disproportionate strength and violent tendencies can unduly impact the surrounding world.

“What is true for you, is true for you, and what is true for me, is true for me.”

– Protagoras, Ideas of the Great Philosophers

Tenets of balance

The Oath of Balance is sworn by servants of arcane gods, pantheons of knowledge, or secret worldly fellowships, and often hold the following four ideals above all others:

Uphold the Balance. Distance yourself from all extremes and the strife inherent to such division. The world is what it is, and each player has their part.

Moderate Your Passion. Intense emotion is the birthplace of the conflicts you seek to quell. As in all things, be sober and employ your mind over your heart.

Seek After Truth. Of all things that are, truth is the greatest of all. Always seek a full understanding of the reality of the situation, and let no illusions stand before your impartial gaze.

Guide the Lost. Though you conquer imbalance, you sow only sectarianism if you forget to aid to those without your insight. Respect those who do not understand the virtues of balance. Your companionship will turn them to your cause.

Paladin Feature Change

Paladins of Balance are often opposed to both sides in the conflict of good and evil. The following features are changed when you take this oath:

Detect Intrusion

When you use your Divine Sense, you instead detects the presence of magic, which for the purposes of this feature includes extraplanar creatures, objects and portals.

Divine Blessings

You do not have access to the Protection from Evil divine blessing.

Forceful Strikes

All base paladin class features that deal radiant damage, instead deal force damage.

Strike Inbalance

When you use your Divine Smite, you inflict an extra 1d8 damage against celestials in addition to fiends and undead.

Bonus Skills

When you take this oath, you gain 1 skill point each on the Arcana and Cosmology skills.

Sacred Touch

You can use Banish with Divine Smite by spending only 1 Devotion. Used this way it only has effect if the target has 50 hit points or fewer and is a native to a different plane of existence. If not, the Devotion is lost.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Censure

The powers of the servants of otherworldly entities wither before your impartial gaze. Spell attacks targeting allied creatures within 10 ft of you are made with disadvantage.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Without Opinion

Your mind becomes further removed from the world and its quarrels, and your ambivalence is inscrutable. You are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, as well as any divination spell that you refuse. Checks to ascertain your intentions or sincerity are made at disadvantage.

You also gain proficiency with Intelligence saving throws, and your alignment can’t be changed by magic.

Impose Compromise

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to enforce your will for dispassionate balance upon the rest of the world. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of the Bastion

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Perceptive,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Beacon of Hope
15th Everlasting Sentinel
17th Strengthening the Divine
20th Bulwark of Faith

Swearing to defend their charge at any cost, paladins who take the Oath of the Bastion make it their duty to protect a sacred location, a holy relic, or a group of people. Some paladins spend the entirety of their lifetime defending a single charge until they grow too old to maintain their watch and must pass their position off to a squire or apprentice. Others change protectorates, and after ensuring the safety of one charge they find another. These latter paladins are sometimes known as servitor knights, continually striving to aid others in a quest and going where they are needed at that moment.

Defending others is a second nature to paladins of this oath, and they will often defend those in need, even if they are not formally their protectorate.

Tenets of the Bastion

Each paladin has their own tenets of the Oath of the Bastion, usually passed down from a master knight to their apprentice. While the exact wordings of each oath vary, all share similar principles.

Be the Shield. Guard your protectorate, for it matters more than your own life.

Be the Fortress. Never surrender or abandon your charge, even if it means your death.

Be the Rock. Never retreat unless doing so saves your charge, for it matters more than personal pride or honour.

Be the Wall. Help others and protect them from harm, especially those unable to protect themselves.


When you take this oath at 1st level, you are always alert and on the lookout for danger in your surroundings as well as sinister motives in people you meet. You gain 1 skill point to spend on Perception.

Sacred Touch

You can spend 1 Devotion as a reaction when taking damage, to reduce damage you take by 2d8.

In addition you gain access to the following divine blessing, which you can only use on yourself:

Channel Divinity

If you know Compelled Duel, then whenever you use it, you can simultaneously use a blessing on yourself as if you had spent 1 Devotion.

In addition you learn the following Channel Divinity options.

Beacon of Hope

Creatures within your Aura of Protection have advantage on death saving throws and on rolls made to regain hit points.

Everlasting Sentinel

When you are reduced to 0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can choose to automatically stabilize. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.

In addition, you age at a slower rate. Your body ages only a single year for every decade of life, and you are immune to being magically aged.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Bulwark of Faith

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to suffuse your form with divine energy, making your flesh as hardy as stone and your bones are unyielding as iron. For 10 minutes, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Benevolence

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Kind Demeanor,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Benevolence
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Tireless Spirit
20th Inner Majesty

A true Oath of Benevolence is rare in the world, for it is both the humblest and noblest of sacred vows. Sworn only by those at their lowest — whether from birth or through reversal of fortune — it is a determination by the paladin to give to others that goodness which has been refused to them. These paladins may starve nigh to death, yet give their last piece of bread to the beggar; may weep from vulgar treatment, yet give polite word and kind remark; may long for all that is lost from their life, yet give everything to soothe another in pain.

Called Lightbearers and Dream Knights, bearers of the Oath of Benevolence find comfort in hope and purpose in love, acting as friends to all living things: outcast, royal, beast, and mortal alike. Many are storytellers, using fairytale and make-believe as a way to escape sorrowful reality, if but for a moment. For these, choosing to take up arms often comes after seeing the painful aftermath of wicked brutality, moving them to become champions of the underserved and forgotten. Whether they struggle to live or simply once did, all such paladins move among the downtrodden as one among equals and friends, an ally to soothe the pains they know so well.

Tenets of Benevolence

To swear the Oath of Benevolence, a paladin consciously chooses to follow its tenets in spite of — or even because of — those hardships they have experienced.

Kindness. Everyone deserves a good turn and tender regard. Keep a prayer in your heart even for the wicked.

Grace. Be stronger than the pain that surrounds you. A soft answer may not turn away wrath, but it is strength to you and inspiration to friends. You can’t be torn or broken.

Dignity. Love of others includes respect for self. Always be certain of your own worth and value as a person.

Hope. The worst never really comes. Even if it does, believe and persevere. This shall pass, and you shall live.

Kind Demeanor

You are a beacon of inspiration to those around you. You have proficiency on Charisma checks made while talking to non-evil humanoids, as long as you follow your tenets.

Sacred Touch

Whenever you use you Lay on Hands to heal another creature that is below half its maximum hit points (before the healing), it is also protected by a Sacred Ward.

Sacred Ward

Target is warded against attacks. For 1 minute, any creature who targets a warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t protect the warded creature from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball.

If the warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this effect ends.

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Benevolence

You and your companions are able to find hope in solidarity to overcome even the darkest trials. While you or at least one friendly creature within 10 ft of you is conscious, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft of you automatically succeed on their death saving throws.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Tireless Spirit

You can persevere beyond mortal limits. You’re immune to the effects of exhaustion, except death. Magic can’t force you to sleep or reduce your movement speed.

Inner Majesty

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to manifest visibly the regal spirit you’ve always borne within, adopting a mantle of benevolence and brilliant radiance. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Alternatively, you can cast the heroes’ feast spell once without requiring a spell slot or any material components.

Oath of Conquest

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Overlord, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Conquest
9th Strengthening the Divine, Terror
15th Domination
20th Invincible Conqueror

The Oath of Conquest calls to paladins who seek glory in battle and the subjugation of their enemies. It isn’t enough for these paladins to establish order. They must crush the forces of chaos. Sometimes called knight tyrants or iron mongers, those who swear this oath gather into grim orders that serve gods or philosophies of war and well-ordered might.

Some of these paladins go so far as to consort with the powers of the Nine Hells, valuing the rule of law over the balm of mercy. The archdevil Bel, warlord of Avernus, counts many of these paladins—called hell knights—as his most ardent supporters. Hell knights cover their armor with trophies taken from fallen enemies, a grim warning to any who dare oppose them and the decrees of their lords. These knights are often most fiercely resisted by other paladins of this oath, who believe that the hell knights have wandered too far into darkness.

Tenets of Conquest

A paladin who takes this oath has the tenets of conquest seared on the upper arm. A hell knight’s oath appears in Infernal runes, a brutal reminder of vows to the Lords of Hell.

Douse the Flame of Hope. It is not enough to merely defeat an enemy in battle. Your victory must be so overwhelming that your enemies’ will to fight is shattered forever. A blade can end a life. Fear can end an empire.

Rule with an Iron Fist. Once you have conquered, tolerate no dissent. Your word is law. Those who obey it shall be favored. Those who defy it shall be punished as an example to all who might follow.

Strength Above All. You shall rule until a stronger one arises. Then you must grow mightier and meet the challenge, or fall to your own ruin.


When you take this oath at 1st level, your commanding presence brings others to heel. You gain you gain the Physique - Intimidate skill. If you have that skill already, you may spend a skill point on any other class skill.

Sacred Touch

When you spend Devotion to use Divine Smite, you can forgo rolling 1 or more of your dice to instead use Vengeful Smite.

Vengeful Smite

The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw to end the effect.

If the target succeeds on a save against this blessing, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each Devotion you spent.

In addition, you gain access to the following blessing:

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Conquest

You constantly emanate a menacing aura while you’re not incapacitated. The aura extends 10 ft from you in every direction, but not through total cover. If a creature is frightened of you, it takes psychic damage equal to half your paladin level if it starts its turn there.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.


Whenever a creature is frightened by one of your Paladin features, you can choose it to additionally experience terror.


While frightened, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move.

If the effect causing the creature to be frightened allows a new save at the end of its turns, it only gets to roll the save if it ends its turn in a location where it does not see you.


You can spend 5 Devotion to cast the spell dominate person at its lowest level.

Invincible Conqueror

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to harness your extraordinary martial prowess, becoming an avatar of conquest. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Courage

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Leader, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity, Prayer
7th Aura of Courage
13th Channel Divinity: Magic Circle
15th Protecting Touch
20th Fearless Champion

The Oath of Courage is an oath seldom taken, for it elevates a devoted woman or man above just the station of being a paladin. They become an ideal; a clarion call in the darkness capable of bolstering those who are frightened. To swear this oath is to make yourself an enemy of all who would use terror to manipulate and harm the frightened. Just as you can sense evil and undeath, undeath and evil can sense you.

The armor and appearance of these paladins is often simple and utilitarian; whatever gets the job done. What’s different about them is their voice: strong, compassionate, and inspiring. It is the voice of a leader in the darkest of times.

Tenets of Courage

The Oath of Courage has few tenets, but they serve as constant reminders about a paladin’s purpose. Often, paladins will repeat these tenets to themselves in a crisis to strengthen their resolve.

Fight the Fear. Fear exists for only one purpose: to be conquered. You must fight the fear in your own heart before you can fight the fear in others.

Bolster the Timid. Agents of fear—undead and otherworldly horrors—will try to break your compatriots will with terror. Do not let them. Your courageous example will make your allies courageous as well.

Inspire the Meek. You have taken this oath, but the common person hasn’t. They will be afraid when monsters come to their door. It is your duty to give them the hope, the confidence, and the tools to fight alongside you.


When you take this oath at 1st level, you are a beacon of inspiration to those around you. You gain 1 skill point to spend on the Leadership skill.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Lay on Hands feature, you remove any fear effect on the target, as well as granting it temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier.

In addition, you gain access to the following blessing:

Channel Divinity

You learn the following Channel Divinity option.

Aura of Courage

You emanate an Aura of Courage earlier than other paladins. At 10th level its range is improved to 30 ft, and further improves to 60 ft at 18th level.

Channel Divinity: Magic Circle

You learn Magic Circle in addition to your other Channel Divinity options. You can use it once per day without spending a daily use of Channel Divinity.

Protecting Touch

Your Lay on Hands feature is improved in order to not only heal, but also protect your allies on the battlefield. When you use Lay on Hands on a creature, that creature gains a +2 bonus to AC for 1 hour, provided they continue to fight courageously.

Any attempt to move away from, flee from, or hide from an enemy in combat negates bonus. A creature cannot receive this bonus to AC more than once within the hour.

Fearless Champion

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to assume the form of a holy avatar of courage. You have the ability to wrest the fear from those around you and inspire them towards greatness. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of the Crown

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Bond of Service, Guardsman
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Allegiance
13th Guardians of the Crown
15th Unyielding Spirit
20th Exalted Champion

The Oath of the Crown is sworn to the ideals of civilization, be it the spirit of a nation, fealty to a sovereign, or service to a deity of law and rulership. The paladins who swear this oath dedicate themselves to serving society and, in particular, the just laws that hold society together. These paladins are the watchful guardians on the walls, standing against the chaotic tides of barbarism that threaten to tear down all that civilization has built, and are commonly known as guardians, exemplars, or sentinels. Often, paladins who swear this oath are members of an order of knighthood in service to a nation or a sovereign, and undergo their oath as part of their admission to the order’s ranks.

Tenets of the Crown

The tenets of the Oath of the Crown are often set by the sovereign to which their oath is sworn, but generally emphasize the following tenets. Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilization together, and it must be respected.

Loyalty. Your word is your bond. Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless.

Courage. You must be willing to do what needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If you don’t act, then who will?

Resposibility. You must deal with the consequences of your actions, and you are responsible for fulfilling your duties and obligations.

Bond of Service

When you use a divine blessing on yourself, you can also affect one other adjacent creature without spending additional Devotion, if it has also sworn allegiance to your liege.

While affected by one of your blessings this way, and within 60 ft of you, it has resistance to all damage. However, each time it takes damage, you take the same amount of damage.

In addition to the normal ways a blessing can end, cast this way it also ends if you and the target become separated by more than 60 ft, or if you use Bond of Service on another target. You can also dismiss the spell as an action.


When you take this oath, you learn to root out disorder and threats against your liege. You gain 1 skill point to spend on the Investigation skill.

Channel Divinity

If you know Compelled Duel you can use it once per day without spending a daily use of Channel Divinity.

In addition you learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Allegiance

You can shield others from harm at the cost of your own health. When a creature within 10 ft takes damage, you can use your reaction to halve the damage against that target. You then take the same amount of damage, which can’t be reduced or prevented in any way.

Starting at 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Guardians of the Crown

You can spend 4 Devotion to summon spirits of warriors who have fallen in the defense of your liege. Their spectral forms flit around you to a distance of 15 ft. The first time each round a creature in the area makes an attack against you or your allies, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage is radiant or necrotic; make the choice when you gain this feature. When 10 minutes have past, or the guardian spirits have dealt 60 or more damage, they disappear.

Unyielding Spirit

You have advantage on saving throws to avoid becoming paralyzed or stunned.

Exalted Champion

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to make your presence on the field of battle an inspiration to those dedicated to your cause. You gain the following benefits for 1 hour:

Oath of Devotion

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Disciple,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Beacon of Hope
15th Purity of Spirit
17th Prayer: Commune
20th Holy Nimbus

The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. Sometimes called cavaliers, white knights, or holy warriors, these paladins meet the ideal of the knight in shining armor, acting with honor in pursuit of justice and the greater good. They hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards. Many who swear this oath are devoted to gods of law and good and use their gods’ tenets as the measure of their devotion. They hold angels - the perfect servants of good - as their ideals, and incorporate images of angelic wings into their helmets or coats of arms.

Tenets of Devotion

Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of Devotion vary, paladins of this oath share these tenets. Honesty. Don’t lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.

Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.

Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.

Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.


When you take this oath, you have advanced well in your spiritual training. You gain 1 skill point to spend on the Religion skill.

Sacred Touch

Whenever you use a divine blessing on only yourself, you can choose to make your weapon emit bright light in a 20 ft radius and dim light 20 ft beyond that. You can end this effect as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding this weapon, lose concentration or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.

In addition you gain access to the following divine blessing, which you can only use on yourself:

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Beacon of Hope

Creatures within your Aura of Protection have advantage on death saving throws and on rolls made to regain hit points.

Purity of Spirit

You are always under the effects of your protection from evil divine blessing.

Prayer: Commune

You know this prayer in addition to your other prayers.

You contact your deity or a divine proxy and ask up to three questions that can be answered with a yes or no. You must ask your questions before the prayer ends. You receive a correct answer for each question.

Divine beings aren’t omniscient, so you might receive “unclear” as an answer if a question pertains to information that lies beyond the deity’s knowledge. In a case where a one-word answer could be misleading or contrary to the deity’s interests, the DM might offer a short phrase as an answer instead.

If you use this prayer two or more times before finishing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each use after the first that you get no answer.

Holy Nimbus

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to emanate an aura of sunlight. For 1 minute, bright light shines from you in a 30 ft radius, and dim light shines 30 ft beyond that. While the aura lasts, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of the Elder Sign

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Arcanist, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Mental Fortitude
9th Strengthen the Divine
15th Word of Revelation
20th Sunder Reality
Rest Additions
The following additions are made to the general rest rules.
Long rest
Add the following class specific benefits to choose from:
* Regain use of Word of Revelation.

Keepers encounter the Elder Sign in a multitude of ways. Some find it in the derelict pages of an antediluvian tome, yet others see its shape in their very dreams. All who gaze upon it know its authority, as instinctively as animals know to fear fire; it is an icon of power originating from beyond the veil of reality, one that no men were meant to know.

You have sworn to hold the sign as its Keeper, and vowed to protect the mortal realm from the forces beyond, or vowed to tear reality asunder, and let the Elder Evils henceforth seep through.

Tenets of the Elder Sign

The principles held by the Keepers of the Elder sign are as esoteric as their ancient order. Dedicated to the secrets of the universe and the keeping them mercifully hidden from the world, the Keepers are a clandestine and influential organization.

Keep the Sign. The Elder Sign is a tool of immense power, and must be kept safe. You can scarcely understand the source of power contained in this mere piece of geometry, but you know it can never be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

Seek Knowledge. Whenever possible, you should seek out and acquire hidden, esoteric knowledge. You are drawn to such secrets, like the Elder Sign, and perhaps can turn them against your foes.

Go Unseen. It is imperative the struggles you face are kept secret. The forces are work here are barely comprehensible, and their reveal can drive men to the brink of madness.

Defend the Gates. It is your job to stand vanguard at the gates that form where our world intersects the Far Realm. You may be protecting it from those who would seek to close it, or you may wish to stem the tide of creatures coming through.

Paladin Feature Change

Paladins of the Elder Sign are more focuse on fighting Elder Evils. The following features are changed when you take this oath:

Detect Intrusion

When you use your Divine Sense, you instead detects the presence of magic, which for the purposes of this feature includes extraplanar creatures, objects and portals.

Forceful Strikes

All base paladin class features that deal radiant damage, instead deal force damage.


When you take this oath, add Arcana to your class skills and gain 1 skill point to spend on this skill.

Sacred Touch

You can use Banish with Divine Smite by spending only 1 Devotion. Used this way it only has effect if the target has 50 hit points or fewer and is a native to a different plane of existence. If not, the Devotion is lost.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Mental Fortitude

You and allies within 10 ft of you have resistance to psychic damage.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Word of Revelation

BYour research in musty, forbidden tomes has proven fruitful. As an action, you can utter a word used in the creation of the universe. All magic effects within 15 ft of you are targeted by dispel magic. After using this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Sunder Reality

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to call upon the Elder Sign to tear the very fabric of reality, creating a one-way rift to or from the Far Realm for 1 minute. You create 5-ft radius sphere in an unoccupied space that you can see and decide whether this portal should lead to, or come from the Far Realm. Creatures that end their turn within 30 ft of the sphere are inexplicably moved 5 ft toward it, as if pulled by an unseen force.

If the portal leads to the Far Realm, creatures that enter it are flung to the far reaches of space, taking 8d10 psychic damage from the horrors they witness and are ejected from the far side of the portal 1 round later.

If the portal leads from the Far Realm, creatures adjacent to it are restrained by tentacles, claws, or other monstrous appendages that reach through it. Creatures so restrained can break free as an action by making a Strength saving throw.

Oath of Freshness

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Charming Demeanor,
Sacred Touch,
Shield of Stardom
3rd Channel Divinity
5th High Note
7th Aura of Freshness
15th Sick Beats
17th Prayer: Beseech Muse
20th Calamari Inkantation

Being in style isn’t just a fashion statement—it’s a way of life! By taking on the Oath of Freshness, you have vowed to not only look your best, but to moreover always be your best. By so doing, you become a paragon of fun and laughter, the star of every show. With color and music as your primary tools and a good weapon to keep your rhythm, you’re sure to light up the world around you and make it look as good as you feel inside. Smile for the crowd, superstar! The spotlight’s on you!

Tenets of Freshness

These paladins have sworn their oaths to deities of music and beauty, emphasizing that people should be happy and not take life too seriously.

Stay Fresh. A good look is a good feeling, so always stay on top of what’s new, what’s cool, and make sure you are too.

Be Fresh. But a good look is nothing without a good heart, so live to the fullest! Be happy and make others happy too.

No Worries. There’s more to life than troubles and cares. Remember to take time to relax and focus on what’s fun.

No Regrets. Sometimes people mess up. Sometimes that’s you! But mistakes are of the past, and you live for the future. Leave flaws and fights behind to make the most of now.

Fresh Looks

Being fresh inside and out takes a lot of effort! As a paladin bearing the Oath of Freshness, you’ve likely put in considerable time to cultivate a maximally fresh look that will keep you in style all season long. The following table includes some suggestions for what clothing or tylings that look might entail, and you can also use it as inspiration to create your own fresh look.

Roll Fresh Look
1 White hats with big black bows are so in this year.
2 Yellow is a warm, inviting color, so you’ve adorned all your armor and clothing with ribbons and flowers.
3 Big, black, funky boots. You’ll wear them through the Nine Hells and through high water.
4 If makeup didn’t exist in this world before, you’ve invented it.
5 A polished, white crown is perfect for projecting your sense of royal confidence.
6 You’ve dyed your hair a vibrant black and keep it nice and long—all the better to style and restyle daily!

Charming Demeanor

You are born to be in the center. When you take this oath, gain 1 skill point each to spend on Art and Speechcraft.

Sacred Touch

Utilizing the power of music, you can sing a short song, allowing you to use your Lay in Hands feature to a distance of 30 ft.

In addition, when you spend Devotion to use Divine Smite, you can forgo rolling 1 or more of your dice to instead use Splat!.


Your strike creates an explosion of color. Each creature within 5 ft of the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn.

Shield of Stardom

Paladins that swear the Oath of Freshness often decide to eschew traditional armor, instead relying on pure charm and agile performance for protection. While wearing no armor, your AC equals 12 + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity option.

High Note

You can use 2 or more Devotion when singinging to reach a high shattering note. Each creature within 10-30 ft from you (your choice) must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 1d8 thunder damage plus an additional d8 per Devotion spent, or half that on a successful save.

A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw. A nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried also takes the damage if it’s in the area.

Aura of Freshness

Your ability to move can’t be beat. Opportunity attacks against you and friendly creatures within 10 ft of you are made at disadvantage while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Sick Beats

By this level, you’re practically made of music. You are immune to the deafened condition and have resistance against thunder damage. You also have advantage on ability checks to notice, listen to, and identify all music.

Prayer: Beseech Muse

You learn this Prayer in addition to your other prayers.

You seek after the inspiration of a great figure of art and creation, such as a celestial patron of music or an ancient craftsman of legend. Contacting this being requires all the creative energy you possess and carries the risk of damaging your will. When you perform this prayer, make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. If you fail, you lose the ability to spend Devotion, and you have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until you finish a long rest.

On a successful save, you can ask the being up to three questions. You must ask your questions before the end of the Prayer. The DM answers each question with one word, such as “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” “never,” “unimportant,” or “unknown” (if the entity doesn’t know the answer to the question).

Calamari Inkantation

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to begin singing a truly heavenly song, reaching the hearts of all who hear. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

Oath of the Grave

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Lore of the Dead,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Preservation
9th Strengthen the Divine
15th Soul of Demise
17th Prayer: Hallow
20th Reaper of Winter

Sometimes called black knights, or grave knights, these paladins serve as protectors of the sacred passings into the afterlife. They constantly struggle against the forces of undeath, as they see them as the most unholy abominations that blight this land. They adorn themselves with images of death and winter - skulls, ravens, or similar symbols of their patron gods.

Tenets of the Grave

The tenets of the Oath of the grave have been passed down for generations. This oath emphasizes the passing between the warmth of life to the everlasting cold of death, and punishes those that defile this passing with the unholy raising of undead.

Annihilate the Unholy. The undead and those who foster them are unholy and wicked. Destroy them before they defile more than they have already have.

Preserve the Righteous. Death should not come early to those who have led a blessed life . Preserve the righteous, so they may live on without fear.

Let Souls Pass On. Every soul deserves its place in the afterlife. Prayers and burial rites must be performed for the deceased and places of burial must be treated with respect and honour.

Accept Death. Death comes to all eventually. Accept it, and you will find a place in the afterlife.

Lore of the Dead

When you take this oath, gain the Arcana - Necromancy skill and its prerequisite.

Sacred Touch

If your target has reduced maximum hit points when you use the Lay on Hands feature, you also return lost maximum hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.

In addition you gain access to the following divine blessing, which you can only use on yourself:

Channel Divinity

You learn the following Channel Divinity option.

Aura of Preservation

You and friendly creatures within 10 ft of you have resistance to necrotic damage, and cannot be charmed, frightened, or possessed by undead creatures.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Soul of Demise

Your vow of death has become far more persistent. When a creature is killed by you, it cannot be raised from the dead for the next 30 days, outside of using a wish spell.

Prayer: Hallow

Your Prayer infuses an enclosed area with holy power for a number of days equal to your proficiency bonus. The area can be a room or a building with a radius up to 60 ft. Fiends and undead can’t enter the area, nor can such creatures charm, frighten, or possess creatures within it. Any creature charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature is no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed upon entering the area.

In addition dead bodies interred in the area can’t be turned into undead.

Reaper of Winter

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to surround yourself with a deathly chill. For 1 minute, swirls of chilling wind surround you in a 30 ft radius. Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn in the area, the creature takes 10 cold damage and their movement speed is reduced by 10 ft until the start of their next turn. In addition, whenever a creature dies within the area, you regain 20 hit points.

Oath of the Guardian

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Sacred Shield, Vanquisher of Evil
3rd Channel Divinity,
Prayer: A Moment’s Rest
7th Aura of Protection
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Soul of the Defender
20th Angelic Protector

The Oath of the Guardian binds a paladin to the defense of those who cannot defend themselves. Sometimes called knight protectors, pious templar’s, or divine crusaders, these paladins know that there will always be a place for them at the front lines of the battle with evil. Whether it is a small village, a singular maiden or an entire city that is threatened with destruction, they hold themselves to the expectation of protecting all who do not have the means to protect themselves.

Many who swear this oath are devoted to gods of life and war, and use their gods’ tenets as their guide through the trials they face. They do not stay in any one place too long, as those in their charge are protected and the danger passes, another’s are in need of defense.

Tenets of the Guardian

The tenets of the Oath of the Guardian vary by paladin, but all the tenets revolve around the protection of the weak or misjudged. Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to protect the innocent from evil or injustice, using their own sensibilities to differentiate between someone who needs their assistance, and someone who might manipulate others for their own ends.

Valor. Always be prepared to stand before evil or injustice to save a life, even in the face of impossible odds.

Discernment. Your ability to defend the weak is wasted on those who feign helplessness. Always know the truth of your charges need.

Resolve. Always continue on in the face of adversity, persevere when others fall short, and be prepared to end a threat permanently to ensure lasting protection of those in your charge.

Character. Your words and your deeds should engender trust, dependability and hope to all those you encounter. You do not know who will be the next to need your protection and your name should be beyond reproach, so as to be the first called upon when destruction is foreshadowed.

Sacred Shield

As a reaction when a creature within 30 ft (including you) is hit by an attack, you can spend 1 Devotion to add +5 to its AC against that attack. You can do this after the roll, but before you know the result. If the attack still hits, the target gains temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier after the attack is resolved.

Vanquisher of Evil

When you take this oath at 1st level, as long as you uphold your tenets you have advantage on Charisma ability checks against non-evil intelligent creatures, with the exception of Intimidation checks.

Additionally you have advantage on Intimidation checks against evil creatures.

Channel Divinity

If you know Compelled Duel, then whenever you use it, you can simultaneously use a blessing on yourself as if you had spent 1 Devotion.

In addition you learn the following Channel Divinity option.

Prayer: A Moment’s Rest

You know this prayer in addition to your other prayers.

During a short rest you provide comfort and respite to those around you through kind prayer and uplifting words. Each conscious creature of your choice can spend one additional hit die, and a creature that does so gains temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier.

Aura of Protection

Your divine power protects you and friendly creatures from harm. As a reaction you can reduce any damage taken to yourself or an creatures within 10 ft by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. If multiple target are damaged at the same time, this effect can target all instances of damage simultaneously.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following Divine Blessings, which you can use only on yourself. The cost for them is 2 Devotion.

Soul of the Defender

When you are reduced to below half your hit points, you can choose to begin healing yourself of damage. Using a bonus action, you begin healing hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your Constitution modifier every round for 1 minute. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Angelic Protector

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to become impenetrable bulwark of divine energy. For one minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Leadership

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Leader, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Prayer: A Moment’s Rest
7th Aura of Valor
13th Defiance
15th Lead the Charge
20th Paragon of Perfection

The Oath of Leadership calls to paladins who seek to be the first one to raise their weapon in the face of danger and destruction. These paladins fearlessly lead the charge into battle, even if death seems unavoidable. Those sworn to this oath aim to be a guiding beacon to those without light, and apply a strong hand to those more reluctant to follow their path.

Some of them drape themselves in imposing robes and shining armor, not out of vain, but to be a symbol of hope to look up to. Others may prefer more modest clothing, as they want their actions to speak loudest of all.

Tenets of Conquest

The tenets of the Oath of Leadership are meant to guide a paladin in their role as a leader.

Show No Fear. While others cower and run, you must remain fearless in the face of death.

Lead by Example. Strife for perfection, as you are the ideal your followers look up to.

Guide the Misguided. Those who stray from the path of righteousness must be brought back on its tracks.

Stand Against the Darkness. Be the first to raise your weapon in times no one else will.


When you take this oath, you become a beacon of inspiration to those around you. You gain 1 skill point to spend on the Leadership skill.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite feature, you can spend one additional die from your pool to inspire your allies, granting each ally that can see and hear you advantage on the first attack they make before the start of your next turn. You can spend a single die for no extra damage.

Channel Divinity

If you know Compelled Duel, then whenever you use it, you can simultaneously use a blessing on yourself as if you had spent 1 Devotion.

In addition you learn the following Channel Divinity options.

Prayer: A Moment’s Rest

You know this prayer in addition to your other prayers.

During a short rest you provide comfort and respite to those around you through kind prayer and uplifting words. Each conscious creature of your choice can spend one additional hit die, and a creature that does so gains temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier.

Aura of Valor

You and friendly creatures within 10 ft of you can’t be frightened while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.


When an ally is threatened, a prayer and a gesture grant the target the defiant heart to endure. You can spend 3 or more Devotion as a reaction whenever an ally takes damage from a creature. The ally reduces damage taken by 20, and can reroll any saving throw against effects that may have been caused by the attack.

The damage prevented increases by 5 for each Devotion you spend above 3.

Lead the Charge

You are proficient with initiative. On your first turn each combat, your walking speed is doubled and you don’t provoke opportunity attacks. On that turn you can use your bonus action to beckon your allies to follow you into the fray. Choose a number of friendly creatures you can see, up to a number equal your Charisma modifier. Each of them can immediately use it’s reaction to move up to double its speed towards you, without provoking opportunity attacks.

Paragon of Perfection

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to turn into a divine symbol of leadership. For 10 minutes, you gain the follow benefits:

Oath of the Lyan

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Lawful, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Prayer: Blessed Settlement
7th Aura of Clarity
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Lawman’s Vigor
20th Pillar of Society

Deriving its name from the ascending floors of the infinite planar tower known as Arbiter’s Edifice, the Lyan is a holy paladin pledged to serve the gods of law and order. Lyans are sworn to uphold lawfulness in all senses and believe in the value of deference, honor, and trustworthiness, with little interest in matters of good and evil. Such paladins are champions of both civil and religious laws in their jurisdictions and will defend legitimate rule and governance. However, Lyans also preserve law in the abstract, being proponents of social traditions and defending such praxis as symbols of law.

For the Lyan, order is the correct state of all things. The Lyan argues that without rules, society crumbles and all life becomes nasty, brutish, and short; without the city or town, existence is uncomfortable and stagnates. Thus, chaos is more than distasteful - it is an existential threat.

Lyan paladins are loyal and duteous, with an unyielding focus on their obligations to their organizations and to smiting chaos. As such, they tend to be severe, even taciturn, in their disposition, but they are no less unfailing in their dedication to hunting and striking down the forces of chaos wherever they stand. Being unconcerned with good and evil, a Lyan is often brutal in their conduct, working within what is lawful to destroy what is not.

“Rules and responsibilities: These are the ties that bind us. We do what we do, because of who we are. If we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves. I will do what I have to do. And I will do what I must.”

– Neil Gaiman, The Sandman: Book of Dreams

Tenets of the Lyan

The creed of a Lyan varies between each organization, but all must be harmonious with the principles of the gods in upholding law and order. In practice, a Lyan can be roughly said to live according to the following tenets.

Order. Be true to Law, and yield to legitimate authority, save it be a threat to order in itself. Strike down chaos where it stands. Act with consistency, and be disciplined in your conduct.

Decorum. Remember the structure and laws of polity. Be courteous, but serious and professional in your manner. Defer to authority and respect subordinates as appropriate to your respective stations. Do not be over-friendly or fond.

Civilization. Respect and honor the town, the barony, the kingdom, the empire. These institutions form the foundation of and are the hope for all meaningful life.

Responsibility. Do not be disorderly in your own conduct. Fulfill your obligations and live up to your word. Perform your duties to the highest letter of the law, and abide by the code of your organization.

Allegiance. Your first pledge is to Law. Your second is to the gods, your third to your organizatin. You should have no other allegiances. Consider the whole before the self.

Paladin Feature Change

The Lyan’s struggle is in behalf of law against chaos, and thus may often be unconcerned, even flippant, with the conflicts of good and evil. The following features are changed when you take this oath:

Detect Chaos

When you use your Divine Sense, you detect the presence of aberrations, demons and fey instead of celestials, fiends, and undead.

Divine Blessings

You do not have access to the Protection from Evil divine blessing. You can instead use:

Protection from Chaos. Aberrations, demons, fey and other chaoticly aligned extraplanar creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. In addition you can’t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them.

Smite the Chaotic

The bite of your blows is focused not on the unholy, but on the lawless. When you use your Divine Smite, you inflict an extra 1d8 radiant damage against instead of fiends, and undead.


When you take this oath, add Lae to your class skills and gain 1 skill point to spend on this skill. This includes not only the mundane laws of the area you start in, but also the divine Law of Order. Additionally you have proficiency on Intelligence checks regarding the enemies of Law, namely aberrations, demons and fey.

Sacred Touch

You can use the Banish option by spending only 1 Devotion. Used this way it only has effect if the target has 50 hit points or fewer and is a native to a different plane of existence. If not, the Devotion is lost.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following Channel Divinity options.

Prayer: Blessed Settlement

You know this prayer in addition to your other prayers.

Your prayer sanctifies a 15 ft radius area against the chaos and encroachment of wilderness. The edge of the area is visibly marked by a faintly glowing silver-colored line. You are magically made aware if any hostile creature enters the area, but do not know where they are or how many there are. If you are sleeping at the time, you are magically awoken. This effect lasts for 8 hours or until you leave the blessed radius.

Aura of Clarity

Your presence dispels confusion and disarray. While you are conscious, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft cannot be charmed or affected by confusion.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Lawman’s Vigor

The divine essence of your magics can shore up your own frame. Whenever you use Devotion, you gain temporary hit points equal to your paladin level.

Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma checks made to interact with people involved in government and law, such as judges, constabulary, royalty, or bureaucrats.

Pillar of Society

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to become an inspiring avatar of cosmic law, whose steps claim the earth for civilization. For 1 minute, your body looks as if it burns with a holy fire, and you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Martyrdom

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Spare the Dying, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Martyrdom
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Bear thy Brothers Burden
20th Ultimate Sacrifice
Rest Additions
The following additions are made to the general rest rules.
Long rest
Add the following class specific benefits to choose from:
* Regain use of Soul of the Defender.

The Oath of Martyrdom is perhaps the most selfless of all oaths: to protect and serve, to the death if necessary. They are almost universally known as martyrs, though some also call them sacred defenders, hospitalers or comforters. A paladin swearing an Oath of Martyrdom is not a death-seeker; quite the contrary, it holds life at the highest value, to the extent of being willing to sacrifice something so priceless for something of even greater worth. Their adornments reflect their choice in life: red and purple colors representing blood and penitence (respectively), and sometimes the relic of another holy martyr to remind the paladin of its Oath.

Tenets of Martyrdom

The tenets of this Oath involve, at their core, understanding and being a witness to said understanding; the importance of understanding the true value of sacrifice, why endure pain and suffering for the sake of others, and the importance of life. Paladins upholding these tenets must be willing to give even their lives for the good-will of others, so all of them are universally good: few, if any, are neutral. The essential principles of the Oath are as such:

Life is Sacred and Invaluable. I will not take the life of another if I can help it; if I must do so, I will respect it to the very end.

End the Suffering of Others. Pain and suffering are enemies of the sanctity of life. I must do all that I can to end pain and suffering, to the extent that I can.

Ease the Suffering of Others. If I cannot end the suffering no matter what I try, I will partake willingly of their suffering to bear witness of a better tomorrow.

Death is the Ultimate Sacrifice. If I must give my sacred, priceless life, it shall be for something greater. I will not give my life for any less.

Spare the Dying

When you take this oath, you can prevent others from dying with a simple touch. As an action you can touch a living creature that has 0 hit points to stabilize it.

Sacred Touch

Your touch bolsters your allies. When you use the Lay on Hands feature, you also grant the target temporary hit points equal to your level.

In addition you can use Lay on Hands on yourself as a bonus action.

Channel Divinity

If you know Compelled Duel, then whenever you use it, you can simultaneously use a blessing on yourself as if you had spent 1 Devotion.

In addition you learn the following Channel Divinity option.

Aura of Martyrdom

You can ease the pain of others around you by partaking of their wounds. Allies within 10 ft ignore an amount of hit point damage equal your Charisma modifier, but all damage ignored is taken by you.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Bear thy Brothers Burden

As a reaction you can choose to take a spell or effect used by an enemy against an ally within 30 ft. The spell or effect must impose some kind of affliction: a spell like poison or the gaze of a Medusa are valid choices, but a fireball spell or a dragon’s breath won’t. If the spell or effect targets multiple creatures, only those within 30 ft of you are not affected, whether you’d be affected or not.

If the effect allows a saving throw, you make it using your own saving throw bonuses. You are affected by the spell or effect even if you would be otherwise immune to it.

Ultimate Sacrifice

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to enter a state where pain and wounds are pointless, as you accept death willingly. While on this state, light emerges from your eyes, as well as any wound you take. For 1 minute or until the end of the battle, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of the Purge

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Razing Flames
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Divine Flames
20th Burning Path

The Oath of the Purge dictates that impurity be cleansed by fire. This impurity may take many forms, such as a cult to an Evil god, a plague of undeath, the invasion of a monstrous war band, or perhaps less overt threats, like a duke who refuses to bow to your glorious cause.

Paladins of the Purge adorn their clothes and armor with imagery of dragons and flames, to serve as both warning and promise. Their reputations as purgers, red knights, and flame-lords proceed them wherever they travel.

Tenets of the Purge

Though the nature of any particular Purge varies by incident, the tenets serve as self-perpetuating, self-enforcing guidelines to annihilate the foe. Paladins who uphold these tenets are often paranoid and reactionary.

Scorch the Earth. If I see any opportunity to remove evil, it is my duty to do so. I never allow a vanquished enemy to threaten me again.

Seek Out Contamination. To protect the pure, all possible agents of impurity must be annihilated. I know that not all threats are apparent, and that nobody should fear me unless they too are a threat.

Foster Purity. I am as the doctor who cauterizes the wound. When I am not on the front lines, it is my duty to serve the pure, the brave, and the healing.

Sacred Touch

Each class feature or effect that deals radiant damage instead deals fire damage, including your Divine Smite and Divine Strikes features.

In addition, you can spend one additional die from your pool to make it a Searing Smite. You can spend a single die for no extra damage.

Searing Smite

Your weapon flares with white-hot intensity and deals fire damage. If the attack deals damage, the target must succeed with a Constitution saving throw or ignite in flames. At the start of each of its turns for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute, it takes 1d6 fire damage.

A creature, including the target, can use an action to put out the flames. The target also gains a new save at the end of each of its turns.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options:

Razing Flames

Your spells and features that deal fire damage also burn objects caught in the conflagration. Unattended, non-magical objects caught in such areas of effect are destroyed if the object’s break DC is less than your Strength of devotion save DC.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Divine Flames

As a bonus action you can spend 1 Devotion to make your fires burn with divine fury. While you keep your concentration, half of the fire damage you deal becomes radiant damage.

Burning Path

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to wreath yourself in flames. For 1 minute you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Radiance

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Revealing the Hidden,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Light
13th Strengthening the Divine
15th All-Seeing
20th Divine Champion

The Oath of Radiance is as old as the sun that it follows. Often called sun warriors or shining knights, paladins that swear to this oath seek to bring light and knowledge to even the darkest areas of the world. They adorn their armor with images of the sun and the stars, holy lights that bring life and knowledge to this world, revealing all that is hidden by shadow and darkness.

Tenets of Radiance

Most paladins of the Oath of Radiance share these tenets:

Truth. Reveal truth from the darkness.

Leadership. Guide people along the right path. Be the light that everyone else follows.

Preservation. Where there already is light and truth, be the first one to stand in its defense.

Hope. Nothing is inevitable. When light is being consumed by darkness, continue fighting until your final breath. There is always a better outcome be had.

Revealing the Hidden

When you take this oath, you excel at finding what is hidden. Add Investigation to your class skills and gain 1 skill point to spend on this skill.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite feature, your weapon gleams with astral radiance and the target becomes visible if it’s invisible. It sheds dim light in a 5 ft radius and can’t become invisible for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute.

In addition you gain access to the following divine blessing:

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Light

You may choose to be surrounded by an aura of light. While this aura is active, you shed bright light in a 10 ft radius, and dim light for 50 ft beyond that. Friendly creatures within the bright light have advantage on death saves.

At 18th level, the range of the bright light increases to 30 ft, and the dim light to 60 ft beyond that.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.


You are able to see invisible creatures and objects, out to a range of 30 ft.

Divine Champion

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to assume the form of a dazzlingly radiant warrior. For 1 minute you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Redemption

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Negotiator,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Absolution
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Protective Spirit
20th Emissary of Redemption

Paladins who dedicate themselves to this oath believe that any person can be redeemed and that the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk.

These paladins face evil creatures in the hope of turning their foes to the light, and they slay their enemies only when such a deed will clearly save other lives. Paladins who follow this path are known as redeemers.

While redeemers are idealists, they are no fools. Redeemers know that undead, demons, devils, and other supernatural threats can be inherently evil. Against such foes, paladins who swear this oath bring the full wrath of their weapons and spells to bear. Yet the redeemers still pray that, one day, even creatures of wickedness will invite their own redemption.

Paladins following this oath are not uncommonly ex-criminals or individuals who feels they have squandered their life away on fruitless endeavors and seek to instead do some good with what time they have left, and start on a path of selflessness and valor.

Tenets of Redemption

The tenets of the Oath of Redemption hold a paladin to a high standard of peace and justice.

Forgiveness. We are all flawed and I am no exception; I must always remember not to judge others based on my own viewpoint and preconceptions, but rather by trying to see the other side of things.

Peace. Violence is a weapon of last resort. Diplomacy and understanding are the paths to longlasting peace.

Patience. Change takes time. Those who have walked the path of the wicked must be given reminders to keep them honest and true. Once you have planted the seed of righteousness in a creature, you must work day after day to allow that seed to survive and flourish.

Wisdom. Your heart and mind must stay clear, for eventually you will be forced to admit defeat. While every creature can be redeemed, some are so far along the path of evil that you have no choice but to end their lives for the greater good. Any such action must be carefully weighed and the consequences fully understood, but once you have made the decision, follow through with it knowing your path is just.


Divine power guides your efforts for peace and settlement. When you take this oath, gain the Speechcraft - Tact skill and its prerequisite.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite and Divine Strikes features, you also force the target to face its guilt. The extra damage dealt is psychic damage.

If you deal only 1 extra psychic damage, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, and can’t take reactions until the end of its next turn.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Absolution

You and any friendly creatures within 10 ft have advantage on saves against mental effects while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this effect increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following Divine Blessings, each costing at least 3 Devotion.

Protective Spirit

A holy presence mends your wounds after battle. You regain hit points equal to half your paladin level if you begin a short rest with fewer than half of your hit points remaining and you aren’t incapacitated.

Emissary of Redemption

You become an avatar of peace.

If you attack a creature, target it with a spell or effect, or deal damage to it by any means but this feature, neither benefit works against that creature until you finish a long rest.

Oath of Redemption

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Voice of Certainty,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Certitude
13th Strengthening the Divine
15th Soul of Disdain
20th Aspect of Perfection

Taking the Oath of Supremacy is a declaration that your cause is the one, the true, and the only; to use the word “best” would imply a sense of competition. Paladins may proclaim the moral supremacy of any single cause, such as their faith, ideal, leader, movement, order, race, or sect. Such paladins indicate their elite status by donning the telltale emblems of their cause, be it their national colors, their order’s sigil, or their leader’s dress code. Outsiders refer to them as supremacists or gold knights, but these paladins would prefer to be greeted as brothers and sisters of the faith.

Tenets of Supremacy

The tenets of the Oath of Supremacy vary by paladin and cause, but all guide the paladin to be an elite entity in an inferior world.

Power. Assert your superiority through unwavering confidence and domination.

Self-Assurance. Your actions are just, and you need not answer for them. However you treat others, that is what they deserve.

All for the Cause. For the community of your cause, you must serve, sacrifice, and obey.

Voice of Certainty

When you take this oath, you act with unwavering confidence. You gain 1 skill point to spend on the Speechcraft skill.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite feature, you can spend one additional die from your pool to make it a Wrathful Smite. You can spend a single die for no extra damage.

Wrathful Smite

The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute. As an action, the creature can make a Wisdom check against your spell save DC to steel its resolve and end this spell.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Certitude

You and all friendly creatures within 10 ft gain a bonus to Charisma checks and Charisma saving throws equal to your Strength modifier.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following Divine Blessings.

To use one of these blessings, you must spend at least 3 Devotion. They can only be used on yourself.

Soul of Disdain

You need not waste your time to deal with the foe denounced by your Vow of Disdain. When a creature affected by your Vow of Disdain makes an attack, they instantly take radiant damage equal to 1d10 + your Charisma modifier.

Aspect of Perfection

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to ascend to a more perfect form. As you approach perfection, you emanate a holy glow, and gusts of ethereal wind follow your movements. Your body itself may also change by adding muscle mass, healing from old scars, aging to become more proud and intimidating, or returning to the beauty and power of youth.

For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Tomorrow

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Mechanist, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Strengthening the Divine
7th Aura of Progress
9th Strengthening the Divine
13th Prayer: Fabricate
15th Electric Feedback
20th Avant Guardian

To some, the age of a world is marked by its changes, the advancements and progress made in thought, machinery, and life. The club gives way to the spear, then the sword; crude sorceries and pacts give way to wizardly arcana; and the wandering tribe becomes a village, then a city, then an empire. Society itself grows, shaking off yesterday’s technology and tinkering with new mechanics, new magics, new lives.

Those who swear the oath of tomorrow believe in the virtue of this progress and strive to push the world forward, opposing reactionaries who would stand against such. They are guardians of universities, inquisitive natural philosophers, and advocates for the power of machinery and other forms of artificial locomotion.

In many circles of thinkers, these paladins are called philosopher-knights and morrowbringers, and they may follow gods of technology, such as Gond or Brigh, or swear fealty to deities of logic and progress, like Draxis. Others yet may worship none, instead espousing pure reason as greater than faith. Be they pure machinists or fiery advocates for social rearrangement, these paladins wield powers from their personal vision of the future as they quest to put an end to the most recent chapter of history.

“The present is theirs. The future, for which I really worked, is mine.”

– Nikola Tesla

Tenets of Tomorrow

The tenets of tomorrow are a newly crafted vow, often mutating to better fit the rapidly progressing world philosopher-knights and morrowbringers seek after.

Change. Stagnation is death. Always drive experimentation, new ways of thinking, and cultural progress.

Pure Reason. Mortals should be rational beings. The power of your reason will unlock secrets to greater futures.

Mortals are Limitless. Defy the irrational chains placed upon what mortal civilization can and cannot accomplish. There is a future grandeur just waiting to be achieved.

Kill the Past. The society of the past did not know what you do now. It is a scar reminding mortals of what they thought they couldn’t do. Let history die in its cobwebs.


You have envisioned a mechanical future and labor to bring it to pass. When you take this oath, add Engineering to your class skills and gain 1 skill point to spend on this skill.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite feature, you can spend one additional die from your pool to make it a Deconstructing Smite. You can spend a single die for no extra damage.

Deconstructing Smite

If the target is a construct, and is reduced to 50 hit points or fewer with this attack, it stops functioning, i.e. becomes stunned. If it has more than 50 hp, it avoids the effect on a successful Constitution save.

It remains like this for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute, or until it receives damage, at which point it starts functioning again.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following Channel Divinity options.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Aura of Progress

You radiate divine advancement, shielding creatures against stupor and stagnation. You and friendly creatures within 10 ft of you are immune to being paralyzed or stunned while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

Add this to your Channel Divinity options.

Channel Divinity: Heat Metal

This option can only target manufactured metal objects, such as a metal weapon or a suit of metal armor. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with a targeted object takes 2d8 fire damage per object.

If the creature is holding the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.

Prayer: Fabricate

You know this prayer in addition to your other prayers.

You pray over raw materials to convert into products of the same material. For example, you can fabricate a rope from a patch of hemp, and clothes from flax or wool. You can fabricate a Small or smaller object (contained within a 3 ft cube, like a chest of lute), given a sufficient quantity of raw material.

If you are working with metal, stone, or another mineral substance, however, the fabricated object can be no larger than Tiny (small enough to hold in your hand). The quality of objects made by the spell is commensurate with the quality of the raw materials.

You also can’t use it to create items that ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency to craft such objects.

Electric Feedback

Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, it takes lightning damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Avant Guardian

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to manifest your advocacy for progress in your own visage, fusing flesh, magic, and steel. Using your action, you undergo the transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of Tradition

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Divine Sense, Historian,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Prayer: Funeral Rite
7th Aura of Reverence
9th Prayers
13th Guardian Spirits
15th Prayer: Commune with Spirits
20th Bridge to the Past

The world survives on the foundation of what has gone before: Today’s peace was hewn won by forebears’ blood, and today’s world was hewn by yesterday’s kings. Every mortal springs forth from this foundation of history, born to parents, growing through society, and learning from the mistakes and successes of yore. Despite this, the past is an ephemeral thing, surviving on the merits of fragile archives and errant memory. And when a mortal dies, they are removed from this plane, doomed to be forgotten if care is not taken.

Those who swear the Oath of Tradition recognize the value of history, of lore, of the past. Called knight-chroniclers or yore-guards by some, these paladins are protectors of traditional institutions as well as keepers of those stories that would otherwise be forgotten, be it the grand epic of a dead empire, recorded on but one surviving manuscript, or the joyful memories of an elder recollecting the first harvest festival of a village no longer so young.

These paladins can be found in service to gods of home and civilization, such as Estanna or Erathis, under the authority of grand archives and keepers of history, or in temples and shrines dedicated to the remembrance and veneration of deceased ancestry. Many can be found questing through the world in search for stories that would otherwise be forgotten. Others travel in order to stand in opposition to forces that threaten to destroy what came before.

“History is a people’s memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals.”

– Malcolm X

Tenets of Tradition

Different cultures vary slightly in how each articulates the oath of tradition. Nevertheless, it is universally handed down from effectively antiquity, no matter the place or time of its bearer.

Heritage. Carry on the old traditions, yesterday’s way of life, connecting the past to the present and enlivening both.

Remembrance. Write the stories of people and cultures and places upon both crude matter and upon your mind. By remembering these tales, that which is gone yet lives.

Joy. Celebrate successful preservation, revel in surviving legends, and savor traditions still observed. When heritage is respected, all become part of something more.

Sorrow. When history is lost, when stories are forgotten, when cultures die, and when traditions are trampled, weep. Mourn ancient beauty and horror alike, for it mattered.

Divine Sense

Your Divine Sense feature also detects the presence of magic.


When you take this oath, you are keenly familiar with the world of the past and its stories. Add History to your class skills and gain 1 skill point to spend on this skill.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Divine Smite feature, you can spend one additional die from your pool to make it a Deconstructing Smite. You can spend a single die for no extra damage.

Deconstructing Smite

If the target is a construct, and is reduced to 50 hit points or fewer with this attack, it stops functioning, i.e. becomes stunned. If it has more than 50 hp, it avoids the effect on a successful Constitution save.

It remains like this for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute, or until it receives damage, at which point it starts functioning again.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Funeral Rite

You know this Prayer in addition to your other prayers.

You perform a funeral rite for a dead ally or acquaintance. In addition to the effects of the Gentle Repose Prayer, anyone attending the funeral who knew the deceased is inspired by its memory, gaining a bonus Inspiration that can be used once. Each time you use Inspiration, you can choose to use your bonus Inspiration or a ‘regular’ Inspiration.

Aura of Reverence

Your presence wards against desecration and decay. While you are conscious, dead creatures within 10 ft cannot be reanimated as undead. Additionally, whenever you or a friendly creature within 10 ft takes necrotic damage, you can use your reaction to grant that creature resistance to that instance of necrotic damage.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.


You learn one additional Prayer or your choice, and also gain access to the following oath specific prayers.

Guardian Spirits

You can spend 4 Devotion to summon spirits of your ancestors. Their spectral forms flit around you to a distance of 15 ft. The first time each round a creature in the area makes an attack against you or your allies, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 necrotic damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.

When 10 minutes have past, or the guardian spirits have dealt 60 or more damage, they disappear.

Prayer: Commune with Spirits

You know this prayer in addition to your other prayers.

You commune with the spirits of the past to gain answers to your questions, either specific questions or more general queries.

General. Name or describe a person, place, or object. The spirits will give you a brief summary of the significant lore about the thing you named. The lore might consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known. If the thing you named isn’t of legendary importance, you gain no information. The more information you already have about the thing, the more precise and detailed the information you receive is.

The information you learn is accurate but might be couched in figurative language. For example, if you have a mysterious magic axe on hand, the spirits might yield this information: “Woe to the evildoer whose hand touches the axe, for even the haft slices the hand of the evil ones. Only a true Child of Stone, lover and beloved of Moradin, may awaken the true powers of the axe, and only with the sacred word Rudnogg on the lips.”

Specific. You ask up to three questions that can be answered with a yes or no. Spirits aren’t omniscient, so you might receive “unclear” as an answer if a question pertains to information that lies beyond their knowledge. In a case where a one-word answer could be misleading or contrary, they might offer a short phrase as an answer instead.

If you use this prayer two or more times before finishing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each use after the first that you get no answer.

Bridge to the Past

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to channel the legacy of history. For 1 minute, you are surrounded by spirit beings who confer the following benefits:

Oath of Vengeance

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Hunter, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Relentless Avenger
15th Soul of Vengeance
17th Strengthening the Divine
20th Avenging Angel

The Oath of Vengeance is a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grievous sin. When evil forces slaughter helpless villagers, when an entire people turns against the will of the gods, when a thieves’ guild grows too violent and powerful, when a dragon rampages through the countryside - at times like these, paladins arise and swear an Oath of Vengeance to set right that which has gone wrong. To these paladins, sometimes called avengers or dark knights - their own purity is not as important as delivering justice.

Born to the sword, the avenger has experienced first-hand the devastation that violence can cause. He accepts any cost to have his vengeance, even to the forfeit of his very soul. What does not kill him makes him stronger. His anger is personal and unfettered; a hatred that is as like to consume his own soul as it is the foes they have sworn to destroy.

“I don’t care what it does to me, I only care what I can do to them.”

– Shovan the Marked, avenger of justice

Tenets of Vengeance

The tenets of the Oath of Vengeance vary by paladin, but all the tenets revolve around punishing wrongdoers by any means necessary. Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to mete out justice upon those who do evil, so the paladins are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment. The core principles of the tenets are brutally simple.

Fight the Greater Evil. Faced with a choice to ally with a lesser evil to fight my sworn foes, I choose the lesser evil. The enemy of my enemy is my friend… for now. Know how to leverage valuable assets in your quest for retaliation.

No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.

Restitution. If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.

Vengeance at all Costs. The marring of your own soul, even a fall to evil, is an acceptable compromise in order to do what must be done. There is no price too high or feat too great when revenge is at hand. My qualms can’t get in the way of exterminating my foes.


You are keen to identify danger, injustice, and your quarry’s trail. When you take this oath, gain the Survival - Tracking skill and its prerequisite.

Sacred Touch

When you spend Devotion to use Divine Smite, you can forgo rolling 1 or more of your dice to instead use Vengeful Smite.

Vengeful Smite

The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw to end the effect.

If the target succeeds on a save against this blessing, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each Devotion you spent.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Relentless Avenger

Your supernatural focus helps you close off a foe’s retreat. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, you can move up to half your speed immediately after the attack and as part of the same reaction. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

Soul of Vengeance

Starting at 15th level, the authority with which you speak your Vow of Enmity gives you greater power over your foe. When a creature under the effect of your Vow of Enmity makes an attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature if it is within range.

Strengthening the Divine

You know the following two options in addition to your other known Channel Divinity options and Prayers.

Avenging Angel

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to assume the form of an angelic avenger. For 1 hour, you gain the following benefits:

Oath of the Waves

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Oceanic, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Speak with Animals
7th Echolocation, Water Breathing
13th Control Water
15th Stunning Strike
20th Form of the Leviathan

The fight against corruption and evil doesn’t stop at the shoreline. Paladins who follow gods of the ocean, such as Poseidon, or who are born among marine races, often follow the Oath of the Waves.

As with other marine classes, aquatic paladins focus on training with piercing weapons such as spears, tridents, and short swords, as well as crossbows. Their armor is rarely made of metals, unless they are enchanted. Instead, their armors are composed of unique species of leathery seaweed, scales, chitinous plates, and shields made of turtle shells.

Tenets of Devotion

Paladins following the Oath of the Waves usually adhere to the following tenets:

Bounty. Food and water are the cornerstones of life and the ocean is generous. I will not overlook starvation or thirst without compassion for those who suffer.

Freedom. Of all evils, slavery of mind and body shall be fought above all others.

One World. Waters are the foundation of life. Through travel and experience, I will learn all I can about the cultures of the world. Only through knowledge and understanding can good root out evil.

The Unnatural Shall Not Fester. Aberrations and undead must be destroyed beyond all resurrection lest their evil infect the world.


The sea is like a home to you. When you take this oath, gain the Survival - Coast survival and Survival - Ocean survival skills and their prerequisite.

Sacred Touch

You gain access to the following divine blessing, which does not require you to keep concentration.

Channel Divinity

You learn the following two Channel Divinity options.

Speak with Animals

You can spend 1 Devotion to gain the ability to communicate with aquatic beasts for 10 minutes. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. You might be able to persuade a beast to perform a small favor for you, at the DM’s discretion.


You can use a bonus action to grant yourself blindsight to a range of 15 ft until the beginning of your next turn. If you are underwater, this range increases to 60 ft. As this ability is based on hearing, you may not use it if you are deafened.

Water Breathing

Whenever you use a Divine blessing, the target additionally can breathe underwater while the blessing is active.

Control Water

You can spend 4 Devotion to control water inside is a cube up to 100 ft on a side. For 10 minutes you can create the following effects by spending an action.

When a creature enters the vortex for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is caught in the vortex until the spell ends. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage, and isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature caught in the vortex can use its action to try to swim away from the vortex as described above, but has disadvantage on the check to do so.

Stunning Strike

When you use your Shockwave Channel Divinity option, the damage increases to 4d8. In addition, creatures that fail their save are stunned for 1 round.

You can instead focus your shockwave towards a single creature within 30 ft. If you do, the creature gains disadvantage on the saving throw.

Form of the Leviathan

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to assume the form of an ancient force from the deep, taking on an appearance you choose. For example, your skin might turn blue-green or become scaled, you may grow multiple tentacles or your legs may become fused like a whale or shark.

For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Restricted to Dhampir characters

Oath of Blood

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Draining Bite, Sacred Touch,
Vampiric Nature
3rd Channel Divinity, Protean Form
7th Blood Thirst, Dark Aura
15th Undead Regeneration
17th Domination
20th Vampiric Form

Unlike a regular Dhampir, you are a real vampire; a monster, fated and infected by a vile curse that transformed you into a creature of nightmare. By some means — whether by the lifedraining attack of an elder vampire, an ancient doom laid upon your family, the foul magic of a hateful enemy, or even by seeking immortal power yourself through ancient rites and alchemical formulas — the curse of vampirism fell upon you.

Rather than falling to it completely, however, you called upon the oaths of a paladin’s fealty, and swore to use your dark nature in the service of a cause. The divine nature of your oath holds your curse at bay, but you are still infused with the power of darkness. Having already experienced death, you are a lethal creature of the night. Normal emotions have become alien to you. Only cold, gnawing hunger remains. As your power increases, your supernatural nature comes to the fore — but will your humanity pay the price?

Tenets of the Loyal Retainer

You struggle unrelentingly to control the monstrous urges of your vampiric nature.

Moderation. If you deny your monstrous bloodthirst entirely, it will eventually erupt and consume you. You seek the wisdom to indulge that hunger occasionally, in small ways, but only enough to keep it from overwhelming your reason.

Zealotry. The only thing that allows you to master the hunger of a vampire is your devotion to your cause, and so you put that cause first, above all things, including your own survival.

Forbearance. The urge to consume mortal lifeblood is strong, but perhaps never so strong as when inflamed by passion—you shun all personal intimacy and romantic interaction, knowing the danger you pose to anyone you let yourself become close to.

Loyalty. Those who accept you for what you are take a grave chance, and transcend their natural instincts of fear and revulsion to maintain your company. They are a treasure greater than gold, and must be protected accordingly.

Draining Bite

If you are below half you maximum hit points and do not have all your Hit Die, you can drain the blood of others. You can bite this way by making an unarmed strike against a willing creature, a creature that is incapacitated or restrained, or a creature that is grappled by you. Constructs, undead and other creatures that do no have blood are immune to this attack.

If the attack hits, you inflict 1d4 piercing damage and extra necrotic damage equal to half your paladin level (rounded up). The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. You regain hit points equal to that amount and 1 Hit Die.

When you inflict damage on a creature this way, your inhuman nature manifests itself. For 1 minute, you count as undead instead of humanoid, and are affected normally by effects that target undead.

Sacred Touch

You gain access to the following.

Vampiric Nature

When you take this oath, you gain the following benefits:

However, you also gain the following weaknesses:

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity option.

Blood Thirst

If a creature within 30 ft is reduced to 0 hit points but is not killed, you must roll a Wisdom saving throw if you have not inflicted damage on a creature with your Draining Bite in the past 24 hours. The base DC is 15, but it is increased by 1 for every 24 hours that have passed since the last time you inflicted damage on a creature with Draining Bite. If you succeed, you are immune to this effect until the next time you finish a short rest.

If you fail, on your next action you must move as fast as you can towards the fallen creature and make an attack action against them, using your Draining Bite if possible. Otherwise use the most damaging attack you have.

Dark Aura

You no longer age, and you cannot be aged magically. In addition, creatures of your choice within 10 ft have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

At 18th level, the range of this effect increases to 30 ft.

Undead Regeneration

At the beginning of your turn, if you have used your Draining Bite since you the end of your last long rest, and have less than half of your maximum hit points remaining, you heal 5 hit points.


When you use the Hypnotizing Gaze feature, the target is under stronger control, and you have a telepathic link with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands to the creature, which it does its best to obey.

You can use your action to take total and precise control of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes only the actions you choose, and doesn’t do anything that you don’t allow it to do. During this time you can also cause the creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your own reaction as well.

Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the effect.

Vampiric Form

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Restricted to Eladrin or Halfling culture

Oath of Festivity

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Good Host, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity,
Prayer: Rejuvenation
7th Aura of Revelry
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Dramatic Entrance
20th Life of the Party

The Oath of Festivity appeals to paladins with an unquenchable zest for life and the need to spread it to others. When times are darkest and gloom casts a shadow over the people, these paladins are there to bring joy back into the lives of their comrades and allies. Also called Motley knights, these paladins fight in armor adorned with vibrant cloth, bright paints, and glittering stones, and act as shining beacons of genuine excitement that stand against evils that douse the world in darkness, gore, and misery.

However, they do not take disturbing or saccharine pleasure in the destruction of their foes. Nor are they tactlessly excitable in grim circumstances. Somber encouragement or a stiff drink offered without a word can restore the spirit as much as a feast, though occasions for feasts and revels are to be taken at every opportunity.

Tenets of Festivity

The tenets of this oath call its adherents to care for the well-being of others as well as themselves.

Fun. Life is a gift and every day a celebration to be relished. Create opportunities to enjoy it and alleviate boredom and misery wherever it exists.

Joy. Act as a persistent comfort to the hurting, and a source of happiness for those without it. Create experiences that will never be forgotten.

Plenty. No celebration is complete without abundant food and drink, and no life can be happy if it wants for basic necessities. Ensure there is comfortable excess in all things.

Hospitality. There is always room for another chair at the bar, another seat at the table, and another friend in your heart. Bring others into the fold and share with them.

Good Host

Add Cooking to your class skills and gain 1 skill point each to spend on Cooking and Speechcraft.

Sacred Touch

When you use the Lay on Hands feature, you always remove any poison effects on the target, as well granting it temporary hit points equal to half your level, rounded up.

Channel Divinity

You know the following two Channel Divinity options.


In quiet moments before startin a long rest, you can prepare a source of relief for others, such as comfort food, a stiff drink, or kind words. Any creature that can see or hear you regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier and reduces fatigue one step.

Aura of Revelry

Your incorrigible excitement suppresses fatigue. While you are conscious, you and friendly creatures within 10 ft do not suffer the effects of the blinded, deafened, exhausted, poisoned, and unconscious conditions, unless at 0 hit points. Affected creatures are not cured of any conditions they suffer, and the effects return when a creature leaves your aura.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Dramatic Entrance

You gain an impeccable sense of dramatic timing that allows you to enter the fray with a thrilling buildup and explosive introduction. From the beginning of any combat until the start of your first turn, you have advantage on checks and saving throws, and during your first turn you can take an additional action, which cannot be used for as an attack action.

In addition, you cannot be surprised.

Life of the Party

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to transform into a brilliant source of reinvigorating joy for 10 minutes. In this state you gain the following benefits:

Restricted to Awakened characters

Oath of the Revenant

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Insatiable
9th Phantom Steed
15th Ghastly Constitution
20th Dead One’s Own

The Oath of the Revenant is a oath that a paladin does not necessarily take, but is fulfilled by one whose soul aligns with the goals of the creature creating the specific oath. Paladins who swear this oath come from the dead of centuries long past, brought back to the land of the living to fulfill the ideals they share with their resurrector. Paladins sworn to this oath live only to complete a definite goal given to them, and once it is complete their soul returns to the afterlife.

Tenets of the Revenant

The tenets of the Oath of the Revenant vary from revenant to revenant, based primarily on fulfilling the goals of the one who is responsible for bringing them back to life. There are, though, four core principles that each revenant strives to uphold beyond anything else.

Risen to Serve. You have been given life and flesh once more to fulfill the goals of your master. There is no question as to if you can serve your purpose, you will.

Cherish the Living. To have life breathed into you once again is a precious thing, and it is your duty to safeguard the lives of those you serve.

No Rest. Duty comes before all worldly things. Hedonism serves only to tarnish your ability to achieve your goals.

Complete the Mission. Personal goals no longer have meaning, as they died with your true body long ago. The sole purpose of your revived existence is to see to completion the goals you were given, nothing else.

Sacred Touch

When you spend Devotion to use Divine Smite, you can forgo rolling 1 or more of your dice to instead use Frightful Smite.

Frightful Smite

The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw to end the effect. If the target succeeds on a save against this blessing, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each Devotion you spent.

In addition, you gain access to the following blessing:

Undead Nature. This blessing can only be used on yourself. Whenever an intimidated or frightened creature hits you with a melee attack, it takes 5 necrotic damage.

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity options.


Your ability to strike down foes while they suffer from their wounds grows greater. When a hostile creature is reduced below half of their maximum hit points, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature if it is within range.

Phantom Steed

You can spend 3 Devition to summon a Large quasi-real, horselike creature that allows you to ride it. You decide the creature’s appearance, but it is equipped with a saddle, bit and bridle. Any of the equipment vanishes in a puff of smoke if it is carried more than 10 feet away from the steed.

The creature uses the statistics for a riding horse, except it has a speed of 100 ft and can travel 10 miles in an hour, or 13 miles at a fast pace. After 1 hour, the steed gradually fades, giving you 1 minute to dismount. It disappears immediately if you use an action to dismiss it or if the steed takes any damage.

Ghastly Constitution

You are immune to being charmed, exhausted, and poisoned. Further, whenever you take a long rest, you can instead stand vigilant as still and cold as death itself. In this state you appear standing dead, but you remain conscious and you can see and hear as normal.

Dead One’s Own

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to channel the aspect of the undead nature and carry a mantle of dark power. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Restricted to Dwarven characters

Oath of the Stonelord

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Defender of Dwarves,
Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Hammer Throw
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Stoneblood
20th Champion of Stone

Dwarves know more secrets about stone than anyone. They live and die among the stones, and the earth whispers to them - or at least to select individuals. These special dwarves are known as stonelords. They use their connection with the earth to draw from the infinite reserves of power within it to help them perform amazing feats.

A stonelord is a devoted sentinel of dwarven enclaves, drawing the power of the earth and ancient stone to protect her people.

Tenets of the Stonelord

A stonelord’s duty is first to protect her people, but defending the works and traditions of her culture follow at a close second. These paladins are dedicated to protecting not just the lives but the lifestyles of those under their charge and hold the ways of their chosen people as holy, especially when they are the centuries-old ways of an entire race. Their tenets include:

My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death. Traps lie in idle banter or thoughtless talk, and so I watch my tongue.

Defender of my people. I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them, including misleading others. Every dwarf is my kin, and they must be protected.

Pride in my work. I respect the forge, and never sully it with halfhearted work. My creations reflect the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.

Defeat my enemies, but with honor. Against my people’s enemies I will show no mercy. I will defeat them, and I will scatter their families. Yet even in the struggle against our enemies, I will act in a way that brings honor to Moradin.

Defender of Dwarves

As long as you uphold your tenets you have advantage on Charisma ability checks against dwarves.

Sacred Touch

You can spend 1 Devotion as a reaction when taking damage, to reduce damage you take by 2d8.

In addition you gain access to the following divine blessing, which you can only use on yourself:

Armor of Moradin. You focus divine power into your shield or your armor. For 1 minute you add half your Charisma modifier (round up) to your AC and are immune to critical hits. Your armor or shield also emits bright light in a 20 ft radius and dim light for 20 ft beyond that. You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you fall unconscious, or are no longer wearing this armor or holding the shield this effect ends.

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity options.

Hammer Throw

All hammers you wield, including light hammers, mauls, and warhammers, are considered magical and have the Thrown property with a range of 30/60 ft. Hammers you throw return to your hand at the end of your turn.

At 18th level, you can throw a hammer in a 60 ft line as an action. Make a single attack roll and compare it against the AC of each creature in this line, dealing damage normally on a hit.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.


You gain immunity to critical hits.

Champion of Stone

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to turn into living stone. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Restricted to Kenku characters

Oath of the Wing Seeker

Oath Features

Paladin Level Feature
1st Gliding, Sacred Touch
3rd Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Aviation
9th Strengthening the Divine
15th Noisy Feathers
20th True To Your Heart

While some kenku seek magical knowledge in order to achieve their dream of flight, paladins of the oath of the Wing Seeker wander from their flock, determined to seek the means to end their kin’s unjust fate for all. In their quest to end the plight that has plagued their race for some long-forgotten reason for so long, these paladins will follow any and all gods if it gets them closer to unravel the mysteries of their own past and to break the curse that looms over them.

Tenets of the Wing Seeeker

The tenets for this oath does not vary, neither in words nor pitch, though the meaning derived from them might differ from paladin to paladin.

Slight Courage. Never fear to act, though [alarm bell] caution is [old man humming] wise.

Pick Your Fights Carefully. Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil. I choose the [squeak] evil.

No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my [flap flap flap] enemies do not.

Be the Flight. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the [swoosh] of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.


You’ve cracked the secret of flight. Almost.

Even though you cannot fly, you can use your wings to some degree. They help with your jumping, allowing you to jump triple the normal distance.

In addition your wings can slow your descent when falling. Your speed of falling is 60 ft per round and you can move up to 30 ft horizontally as well. When you land, you take no falling damage and you can land on your feet.

Using any of these effects requires you to be able to flap your wings.

Sacred Touch

When you spend Devotion to use Divine Smite, you can forgo rolling 1 or more of your dice to instead use Earthbind Smite. This application of Divine Smite can be used with ranged weapons.

Earthbind Smite

You share your curse with your target. If it fails a Strength saving throw, its flying speed is reduced to 0 ft for 1 minute. If the creature is airborne, it descends at 60 ft per round until it reaches the ground or the effect ends.

If the target succeeds on a save against this blessing, it takes 1d4 force damage for each Devotion you spent.

Channel Divinity

You know the following Channel Divinity options.

Aura of Aviation

Creatures of your choice within 10 ft have the benefits of your Gliding feature.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft.

Strengthening the Divine

You gain access to the following.

Noisy Feathers

Beginning at 15th level, you are always under the effect of a feather fall spell.

Additionally, you can make sounds even if you are silenced.

True To Your Heart

You can use an action and spend 5 Devotion to assume the form of what your heart is telling you that your race once was. For 10 minutes, you gain the following benefits: