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The original orcs were created by the one-eyed god Gruumsh at the dawn of this world. They are one of the first intelligent beings that lived here, together with the dragons, dwarves and lizardfolk, even though intelligent might be stretching it.

Gruumsh created the orcs in his image, a brutish, aggressive and savage folk, that only knew conquering and breeding. Their only purpose was to destroy and to make the world theirs. The god was a controlling god, never letting his creations any amount of freedom, instantly smiting those who disobeyed or were different from his vision.

Nature finds a Way

No matter how powerful a god is, they are not omnipotent. The orcs spread to all corners of the world. Sometimes a change in an orc was too subtle to be recognized at first, or happened while Gruumsh was otherwise engaged. At other times lesser gods like Maglubiyet or Hruggek, who did not have the power to create their own folk, influenced and hid orcs that were changed, in order to have their own servitor folk.

Being one of the creatures most prone to evolutionary change, this has slowly given rise to many kinds of creatures, like hobgoblins, bugbears and different breeds of goblins. They might seem completely different to orcs, but still share the same origin, even though they would never recognize that fact.

Most of orcish descendants still carry with them the evil taint of Gruumsh, with one noteable exception, the folk called half-orcs. They have escaped the gaze of their creator and are free to choose their own fate. Some people believe that they are called half-orcs because only one of their parents is orc, but that is not true, as orcs cannot produce progeny with other folk.

The name is simply because other civilized folk still see them as orcs, while orcs see them as enemies, and they are caught in between. Never fully accepted on either side, they see themselves as being half in one world and half in the other.

The Mark of Gruumsh

The one-eyed god Gruumsh created the orcs, and even those orcs who turn away from his worship can’t fully escape his influence. The same is true of half-orcs. Some half-orcs hear the whispers of Gruumsh in their dreams, calling them to unleash the rage that simmers within them. Others feel Gruumsh’s exultation when they join in melee combat - and either exult along with him or shiver with fear and loathing.

Half-orcs are not evil by nature, but evil does lurk within them, whether they embrace it or rebel against it. Beyond the rage of Gruumsh, half-orcs feel emotion powerfully. Rage doesn’t just quicken their pulse, it makes their bodies burn. An insult stings like acid, and sadness saps their strength. But they laugh loudly and heartily, and simple bodily pleasures- feasting, drinking, wrestling, drumming, and wild dancing- fill their hearts with joy. They tend to be short-tempered and sometimes sullen, more inclined to action than contemplation and to fighting than arguing. The most accomplished half-orcs are those with enough self control to get by in a civilized land.

Tribes and Slums

Half-orcs most often live in small tribes, isolated from other civilization. Of the other folk, humans are most likely to accept half-orcs, and half-orcs almost always live in human lands when not living among their own tribes. Whether proving themselves among rough barbarian tribes or scrabbling to survive in the slums of larger cities, half-orcs get by on their physical might, their endurance and sheer determination.

Scarred and Strong

Half-orcs’ grayish pigmentation, sloping foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, and towering builds make their orcish heritage plain for all to see. Half-orcs stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and usually weigh between 180 and 250 pounds.

Half-Orc Names

Half-orcs usually have names appropriate to the culture in which they were raised, orcish in their own tribes or a human name if living among humans. They do not use surnames or clan names, but might add a descriptive last name, such as Skullsplitter, Bearhunter or the Tough.

A half-orc who wants to fit in among humans might trade an orc name for a human name. Some half-orcs with human names decide to adopt a guttural orc name because they think it makes them more intimidating.

Your half-orc character has certain traits deriving from your orc ancestry.

In addition you can choose (or roll with 20% chance each) any of the following traits:

A half-orc approaches some classes is a bit different than other races. When you select one of these classes, it is modified as follows: