
A skill represents a specific knowledge and an individual’s level of proficiency in a skill demonstrates a focus on that aspect.

When do I get skills?

You will get skill points to select skills during character creation, as well as when you level up.

Spending skill points

Unless otherwise noted, each skill costs 1 skill point. To buy a skill you must know the skill right above it in the “skill tree”. You can save skill points, and are allowed to spend them at a later time, after finishing a long rest. Additionally you can spend skill points the following ways.


Skill list

Acrobatics (Untrained) This skill mixes various physical performances with feats of extraordinary balance, agility and coordination. It incorporates numerous amusements and stunts which can be performed for an audience, as well as tricks that can serve the character well in other ventures, such as staying on your feet when trying to run across a sheet of ice, balance on a tightrope, or stay upright on a rocking ships’ deck. It is commonly mastered by jugglers, tumblers, aerialists and other circus performers — persons fascinating to watch but not of particularly high social standing.
Aerial Acrobatics

Acrobatics performed in the air on a suspended apparatus such as a trapeze, a vertically hanging rope (corde lisse), a long length of fabric or similar. When making a performance you have Expertise (Dex, Cha). During adventuring you could use this skill with Expertise to jump from a balcony to catch a rope, move between chandeliers, climb ropes (using Strength) or other similar aerial feats.

Contortion (trait)

The skill of extreme physical flexibility. This skill allows you to squeeze through very tight spaces as long as your head fits. You have Expertise to escape grapples.

Body Packing (trait) You can squeeze your body into a small, knee-high box or other contained space which appears as being too small to contain you.
Dislocation (trait) You can easily dislocate your shoulders and with a bit more effort even your hip joints. This allows you to escape most bonds given time.
Fast Reflexes (trait) The large amount of training you have put yourself through has made you able to react without a conscious thought. You can use reactions before you have had the chance to act in a combat. This applies even if you are surprised.
Give Exhibition

Enabling you to put on an acrobatic performance, incorporating elements of juggling, tumbling and so on. The character is assumed to perform tricks regularly and work at his or her craft to invent something new. When making a performance you have Expertise (Dex, Cha).


The skill by which characters aim to move from one point to another in a complex, jumbled environment, without equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. You have Expertise on checks made to avoid the effects of non-magical difficult terrain. As a bonus action, you can make a DC 12 Dexterity (Parkour) check. If you succeed, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement until the end of the current turn.

Parkour through magic (→ Arcana)

You also have Expertise on checks made to avoid the effects of magical difficult terrain.

Wall Runner (trait) When you take the Dash action and move at least 10 ft, you may climb up to 10 ft of shear wall without using any additional movement. You cannot end your movement there without falling. When climbing you may also do a high or long jump.
Pole Vault (trait)

You are skilled at using a pole to overcome obstacles. If you have a pole or staff, you can use an item action to extend your jumping distance by the length of the pole.

Roll with the blow

When struck by an effect that moves you and you can see, you may choose to “roll with the blow”. If you do, move an additional 5 ft, and gain Expertise on any checks to avoid falling prone. If it does not allow a check, you can still make an Dexterity (Roll with the blow) check against a DC equal to damage dealt, or if no damage, a DC of 15. This includes forced movement from critical hits and fumbles. Also, note that you can only do this if there is enough space behind you.

Roll with the blow II

You may roll with the blow against any attack that deals bludgeoning damage, as long as you have a 5 ft behind you and spend a reaction. On a successful Dexterity (Roll with the blow) check against a DC equal to the damage dealt, you gain resistance to the attack and move 5 ft back (without provoking an attack of opportunity). If you roll a 1, you fall prone, and are not allowed a check to avoid it.

Slip Trap

Your fast reflexes and acrobatic training allows you to forgo damage from traps by nimbly twisting your body to escape harm. When a trap allows for a Dexterity save, you can use this skill with Expertise instead.


You have exceptional balance. This skill grants Expertise on all checks to keep your balance, such as balancing on a ledge, to stay upright on a ship or even to keep you footing within a grease spell.

Beam walking (trait) You are comfortable on narrow beams or ledges, as long as they are at least 4 in. wide. You are able to disregard any distance, even a thousand feet, that may threaten beneath your footing. Furthermore, you are able to sit comfortably, rest and eat on such a ledge.
Log Riding (trait) Enables sure-footedness when clambering across loose logs moving upon a rivercourse; requires a peavey, a short hooked pike.
Tightrope walking (trait) You are skilled at walking along a thin wire or rope, allowing you to walk at full speed.

The acrobatic skill of doing rolls, twists, somersaults and other rotational activities using the whole body. This skill grants Expertise on such checks, as well as the following benefits:

  • When prone, standing up uses only 5 ft of your movement.
  • If you spend 1 minute stretching and limbering up, you gain advantage on one Strength check.
  • You may safely fall a number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier x5.
Animal Handling (Group, Untrained)

Animal handling is a Group of similar skills that describe the practical handling of animals. The first time you select this skill group, choose a category of animals that you are familiar with. You also gain the Handle animal skill. After the first time, you select either an animal category or a skill. In most cases a skill applies to all categories you have selected.


Animal categories are divided into general and specific types. The general types also include the specific as appropriate, but selecting a specific type of animal grants additional benefits.


Amphibians Some tribes in swampy areas use giant frogs/toads for transport, as well as regular sized amphibians that are used for different purposes.

Birds. Birds are seldom domesticated. When they are, it is usually for companionship (parrots, falcons, etc).

Bugs & Spiders. Neither are common, but can be found in some underground societies, most notable the riding spiders of Drow. Hardy giant beetles can be used as pack animals in desert environments.

Domesticated Animals. This includes the animals used in human farms, such as dogs, horses, cows and sheep, but also fowl of different types.

Mammals (land). Includes other mammals that are sometimes domesticated, such as elephants and camels.

Reptiles. Lizards are used as riding and pack animals in many underground societies.

Sea Life. Folk living underwater use a wide variety of sea living creatures as mounts. For surface dwellers this could apply to seals or dolphins.


Camels. Camels are used as transportation and for the purpose of combat. If you enter into the campaign with this skill, it is presumed that a trained and familiar camel is already in your possession, and that you have developed a companionship of at least one year. In addition you are eligible to take the following skill.

Desert Navigation

Provides heightened knowledge through learning to trust the camel’s survival instincts in order to better survive. Gain Expertise on Desert survival checks.

Dogs. If you enter into the campaign with this skill, it is presumed that a trained and familiar dog is already in your possession, and that you have developed a companionship of at least one year. This can be a riding dog if you are small enough.

Falconry. The gallant union between the character and bird, pursued for sport, for war — and for the companionship that results. In essence, the falcon (hawk, eagle or owl) exists in a state of semi-captivity, a wildness that is tempered by training. They are, naturally, commanded; but as the bird retains its capacity to act alone, and with ferociousness in attacking its prey, it is not correct to think of the animal as “tame.”

Additionally, the falcon serves as a status symbol, for the mastery of these birds is viewed as a sign of quality lineage and personal worth, which is reflected in the skills below. If you enter into the campaign with this skill, it is presumed that a trained and familiar bird is already in your possession, and that you have developed a companionship of at least one year. In addition you are eligible to take the following skills.

Rouse Admiration

Capture the attention and impress persons with great power and status. You have Expertise on such checks.

Send Home (→ Animal Training, trait) You have trained your bird so you send it with a message to a location and person it has been trained to recognize.

Horses. The use of the horse (and donkeys, mules, etc) for transportation, combat and work. If you enter into the campaign with this skill, it is presumed that a trained and familiar horse is already in your possession, and that you have developed a companionship of at least one year.

Riding Lizards. The use of a riding lizard as transportation and for the purpose of combat. If you enter into the campaign with this skill, it is presumed that a trained and familiar riding lizard is already in your possession, and that you have developed a companionship of at least one year. In addition you are eligible to take the following skill.

Underdark Navigation

Provides heightened knowledge through learning to trust the lizards’s survival instincts in order to better survive. Gain Expertise on Underdark survival checks.


Unless otherwise noted, the skills below apply to all categories of animals you are familiar with and only to “normal” domesticable animals.

Handle Animal You have familiarity with some categories of animals. This skill is used when there is any question whether you can calm down a domesticated animal, keep a mount from getting spooked or intuit an animal’s intentions. Characters without this training are still able to ride an appropriate animal, but would be unable to manage the animals by themselves.
Animal Husbandry The skill to keep, raise, and properly use domestic animals for work and food. You know the minimum environment an animal must be kept in, the proper food to feed it and how to keep the animal from running off. This skill would normally not be rolled for.
Breed Animal

Proficiency with selective breeding of animals. This is a long term activity normally not possible to do during adventuring with the exception of long downtimes. However, you have Expertise on checks made to identify the general condition of animals and might for example allow you to select the best animal from a seller.


Provides skill at the employment of common domestic farm animals as beasts of burden, plow teams or as animals to pull carts, wagons and carriages. You have Expertise on travel checks when handling animals this way, as well as on checks to control wagons or chariots.

Animal Training The skill to train animals tricks, such as "Speak” or “Fetch" as well as teaching animals to do a specific job, such as pulling a wagon, or guarding an item on command. Unless an already domesticated animal, this process takes months. However, if you start the game with this skill or any other skill in this category, it is presumed that a trained and familiar animal is already in your possession, and that you have developed a companionship of at least one year.

You can use a bonus action to command your trained animal, deciding now what action the beast will take and where it will move during its next turn. You can also issue a general command such as to guard a particular area. Depending on the animal this command might last for 10 minutes to an hour.

Combat Training

You have proficiency with techniques needed to train an appropriate animal to attack and fight. If a creature who you’ve trained or considers you its master can see and hear you, and makes an attack, skill check or saving throw, you may use your reaction to give that creature advantage on its roll. In addition you can add the War-trained template to an animal after 5 months of training.

War-trained template
  • Add proficiency with all barding and with the Athletics skill.
  • The animal uses the highest of its own or its current master’s proficiency bonus, and its minimum number of hit dice is twice that proficiency bonus.
  • The training also conveys advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saves if the creature can see and hear its trainer/master when it makes the save.
Unconventional Combat Training You have learnt techniques needed to train an inappropriate animal to attack and fight. You could for example, if you really wanted, combat train a chicken.
War Training (trait)

You have mastered techniques making it possible to train animals for combat during a short period of time. You may train an animal in 1/4 the usual time (adding the war-trained template*** to the animal in five weeks, rather than five months, for example).

Companionship Training The way you train beasts is more focused on companionship. This is a simpler task that can usually be done in a week. When you take this skill it is assumed that you have practiced this for a while, allowing you to have a group of companion animals that follow you. Choose a number of beasts from your familiar animal categories with challenge rating 0 (such as rats, ravens, spiders, or tiny dogs) equal to your proficiency bonus. They do not all need to be the same type of beast. These are your companion animals. When your proficiency bonus increases you gain another companion animal.

Your companion animals are well trained. They follow your orders and can understand commands and tasks as complex as a trained rat might, but are not suitable for combat. In combat your companions only take the dash, disengage, and dodge actions and have the frightened condition against all enemies.

Hunt Training You can train an animal to hunt independent of you, i.e. making Foraging checks by itself. An animal must be appropriate for the task. To hunt game, the animal must be one that typically does this in the wild. However, some animals may be able to train to search for alternative food sources, like a pig searching for mushrooms.
Mount Training You can train an animal to accept a rider of appropriate size.
Animal Whisperer (trait)

Allows you to communicate simple ideas through sounds and gestures. You have Expertise on checks to calm an animal down or intuit its intentions.

Animal Whisperer II (trait) Allows you to use the Animal Whisperer skill with non-domesticated animals.
Battle Animal (trait) You recognize the attack patterns of the animals you are familiar with. Knowing how it attacks, when it is about to pounce and recognizing its intentions provides +2 AC against animals of the categories you are familiar with, including non-domesticated ones.
Find & Catch Animals You have knowledge on how to locate the birthplaces of wild animals and how to catch them for training and breeding.
Nurse Animal

The skill of maintaining and restoring health in animals, along with treating diseases and parasites. Gain Expertise on checks to treat animals and on saving throws animals in your care make against disease. This includes non-domesticated animals. In addition you gain the following benefits.

  • If you spend an hour or more caring for a friendly beast, you can have it gain an amount of temporary HP equal to 5 times your Wisdom modifier. Once you use this feature on a creature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Wild animals normally don’t grow aggressive if you approach them with the intent to help (free, heal etc).
Pack Animal

Enables you to properly load a pack animal so that its health is not threatened by travel conditions. Gain Expertise on travel checks and on saves made by your pack animals to avoid exhaustion.

Improve Encumbrance (trait) Increases the capacity and endurance of your pack animals.
Ride Animal

The skill to direct and ride an animal of the appropriate size and physique. Gain Expertise on such checks.

Flying Mounts You possess enough skill and knowledge to handle hippogriffs, pegasi and other flying mounts for transportation and combat.
Mounted Combat (trait)

You possess enough skill to fight from the back of a mount. While mounted you gain the following benefits.

  • You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature smaller than your mount.
  • You can force an attack targeted at your mount to target you instead.
  • If your mount is subject to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Provides the skill for pushing a riding animal past its ordinary endurance in order to win races. Your mount has Expertise on checks and saves to maintain their speed and pass obstacles.

Savage Animal Handling Enables you to handle "savage" animals, i.e. animals that are not normally domesticated. If you have other animal handling skills, you can also apply those to savage animals from your familiar categories.
Train Monstrous Animal Gain an understanding of unnatural animals in the categories you have familiarity with. This can include beasts such as the giant eagle (bird), griffon (bird or mammal), hippogriff (bird or mammal) and so on. Allows you to use other animal handling skills with such creatures.
Gaming (Group, Untrained)
A Group of skills that include all types of games. Proficiency with one skill would not give you knowledge of other skills in the group. Each time you choose the Gaming skill, you must select a subskill. Each of these skills can be used untrained, as long as someone has explained the basic rules.
Dexterity-based Games The skill of increasing your chance of winning on mostly Dexterity based games.
Games of Tactics You can think tactically and understand how you win games that do not include Luck, such as Chess.
Game Master (group)

You master one type of game in this category, and have Expertise on such checks.

Read the Odds (trait) If you roll an attack and miss, you may choose to spend an inspiration to “take back” the attack as if it never happened, not expending ammunition/spell slots, revealing your location or your hostility to an enemy.
Luck-based Games

The skill of increasing your chance of winning on mostly Luck based games. If you have the Mathematics skill, you additionally gain Expertise.

Luckiest Player Alive (trait) If you roll a 7 on any dice, you can spend an inspiration to roll that dice again and add the results together. If you continue to roll 7s, continue to roll and add the results.
Professional Gamling With a lifetime of pushing your luck, you know when the odds are in your favor. Barring intentional obfuscation, you’re generally able to puzzle out and exploit any common advantage in your favor in a game of chance. You’re also familiar with all of the normal traps the house or other gamblers may use to trick or swindle you.

Additionally, you know how to secure an invite even to the most hush-hush of private games. You can leverage your contacts and savvy to get yourself invited to back-room and even upper-crust gambling events. Depending on how secret or exclusive the game, it might take you some time to find the right “in.”

Investigation (Untrained)
The skill to look around for clues and make deductions based on those clues. You might deduce the location of a hidden object, discern from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it, determine the weakest point in a tunnel that could cause it to collapse or to pore through ancient scrolls in search of a hidden fragment of knowledge. These are all Intelligence (Investigation) checks.

You have skill with appraising and comparing values of objects, and always have Expertise on such checks. Normally you would not roll for this skill, unless it needs to be done quickly.


You are good at finding and solving ciphers. This grants Expertise on checks to realize that a text or map might contain a cipher or riddle.

Dungeon Delver

You are alert to the hidden traps and secret doors found in many dungeons and can search for them while traveling at a normal pace, instead of only at a slow pace. If you instead choose to move at a slow pace, you have Expertise in finding and detecting their presence.

Find Clues

You have an eye for detail and can pick out the smallest clues. When searching a room for clues that seem out of place you have Expertise. This does not help for finding traps or secret doors. In addition, it only applies when looking in a place within a familiar culture; otherwise you would not be able to tell if something is out of place.


You are at home in libraries and other places of study and have Expertise when performing the systematic work required to find information in such a setting.

Leadership (Untrained)
This includes the practical skills to act as a leader, organizing and overseeing other persons, teams and whole organizations. With this comes an understanding of power, ambitions towards a personal vision and the defense of social values.
Center of Attention (trait) As a leader you have learned how to make others pay attention to you. Gain +1 Charisma.
Heroism (trait) More of a philosophy than a skill, that quests for reverence and glory through great risk, deeds and selflessness. A person with this skill perceives reality differently from others. For example, the object of taking an action — say, killing a monster — is less important than how it is done, or how the deed is perceived. How brave was the combatant? How remarkable was the deed itself? Glory comes not only from unequaled victory, but victory achieved with risk that is taken on behalf of others. Thus sacrifice, suffering and regard for others — which must take place in front of witnesses, that stories might be told — are also part of heroism's tradition. You gain the following ability.
Forfeit Self

Rush at an enemy haphazardly, drawing attacks as a bonus action. Until the start of your next round you sacrifice 4 points of AC. During this time you can spend a reaction allowing an ally to attack with advantage.

Presence (trait) You are often recognized as an unusual presence in a room, providing respect or fear.
Gain Patron (trait) You are approached by a member of court or something corresponding in the area where your deeds are known. This patron can offer to provide knowledge of errant beasts, capital and introductions to the powerful.
Gain Rank (trait) You are invited to accept the responsibilities of rank, including parcels of land and a steady income.

Enables you to make good sense in choosing those who serve under you, particularly when assigning duties and giving trust to both hirelings and followers. This would usually be a Wisdom (Judgement) check. Knowing how to recruit the right people will in general improve morale and allow you to find people with better skills. You have Expertise when making checks using this skill.

Logistics Your leadership is more focused around the management of supply and people handling it, enabling the endurance of a long-term military campaign, caravan or expedition. Having this skill includes knowledge on how to handle the discipline of planning and carrying out the movement, supply and maintenance of people while engaged in practical work in a natural environment while traveling or making camp. Also, presuming no ordinary means exist for providing the necessities of food, clothing, equipment and shelter, logistics provides skills that allow for the self-sufficiency of persons who are separated from these things.

You have Expertise when making checks using this skill, including checks made to buy proviant, finding the right people with the right competence for planned tasks and organizing defenses when making camp.

Motivation (trait) The skill to inspire and improve the morale of hirelings, followers and allies, rallying them to engage in combat and giving their loyalty to actions the leader undertakes. Also provides great potential to inspire not only direct associates, but to any group of willing persons, on the scale of a settlement, a province or a whole kingdom.
Improve Morale (trait)

Increases morale for hireling and associate non-player characters. This morale boost will stay in effect for as long as they are in your employ, and you do not mistreat them. You gain the following abilities.

  • As long as your followers are within 30 ft, they have advantage on saving throws against fear effects.
  • When you reduce a creature to 0 hp, allies and followers that see you do it gain 1d4 temporary hit points.
Inspire Loyalty (trait) Ensures that a cadre of subordinates, up to 10 persons, will never quit your employ, and would die before betraying you.
Inspire Sacrifice (trait) Within certain parameters and from time to time, you are able to encourage up to 2-5 non-player characters to give their lives to achieve a goal.
Rousing Speech (trait) Prior to a significant conflict, you can hold an inspiring speech. When you do so, your subordinates gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier.
Raise Company (trait) Empowers you to choose good leaders and effectively raise and lead a body of 100 soldiers who are capable of acting as a unit towards achieving goals. This will of course cost a great deal of money.
Command (trait) Supported by company commanders, you are able to effectively lead a thousand or more persons into battle, inspiring them to embrace tactics which you order.
Marshal (trait) You are able to lead a national army, even a combined army of several nationalities, determining a grand strategy for military actions.
Medicine (Untrained)
Medicine is the study of maintaining and restoring the health of humanoids, as well as treating their illness and preventing the effects of poison. This skill gives enough knowledge to perform basic tasks like stabilize an ally or diagnose an illness. For anything more advanced you would have to seek help with someone more knowledgeable; this skill allows you to know where to turn and what might be possible.

This skill is only applicable for humanoids with a similar physiology as your own (or another type of folk). You always have disadvantage when attempting to treat a member of a different folk; for instance if you are a human who tries treating a dwarf, elf or dhampir.

In terms of the game, medicine should be treated as much more of an art than a science.

Battlefield Medicine

No stranger to the frontlines, you have experience with treating wounds immediately when they occur, allowing you to mend wounds quickly and get your allies back in the fight. You have Expertise on checks to stabilize, checks made to remove injury effects and checks made with a healer’s kit during a short rest. Additionally, during a short rest you can use a healer’s kit to heal a stabilized creature; that creature regains 1 hit point.

Detoxification Grants Expertise to identify a poison affecting a patient's health, as well as treating it. During a short rest, which in this case would take at least 10 minutes, you can take care of people poisoned by an injury poison. By spending one use of leeches you restore hp equal to your proficiency bonus plus the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice, but no higher than was inflicted by poison. In addition, you can manufacture Antitoxin, as if you had the Alchemy skill.

A jar of leeches

Can be bought (use price, weight and usage die as healer’s kit). By spending a foraging travel action in wetlands, you can automatically increase the usage die one step (max d12).


You are specialized in diseases, with Expertise on checks to identify and treat them. The skill includes knowledge of magical diseases, and you would be able to deduce if it is of a magical origin (Int check). You could trace a disease to its origin by interviewing patients (Cha check). In addition you know how to properly protect yourself while in areas with sick people.

Folk (group) You can take this skill multiple times. Select a different folk each time. You are trained in treating members of that folk as well.
Forensics Some would describe the fascination with dead bodies as "morbid" or "creepy", but you don't understand all the fuss. Everyone dies someday and it's important to know what happened to them. You know how to figure out how the deceased came to be that way. By carefully studying the surrounding environment and reconstructing events, you have Expertise on answering questions such as, "What killed them?" "How long have they been dead?" "Were they killed here or elsewhere and then dumped here?" etc.
Humoral Theory

You are fully aware of how most conditions are caused by imbalance on the humors, i.e. body fluids. Each of the humors are governed by an element, and that is the reason why some conditions, injuries and illnesses need to be cleaned (adding water), others need to be cleaned and kept dry. You are skilled at diagnosing the imbalance and treating it, and have Expertise on checks regarding long term care. In addition, if you take care of wounded people during a long rest you can spend one use of leeches and restore hp equal to your proficiency bonus plus the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice.


A jar of leeches

Can be bought (use price, weight and usage die as healer’s kit). By spending a foraging travel action in wetlands, you can automatically increase the usage die one step (max d12).

Phrenology The character has studied the science of the mind, and can tell much by reading the topography of a being’s skull. You can ascertain levels of intelligence, aggression, compassion, magical predilection and much more just by examining the shape and texture of another person’s head.

The skill to cut open the body and provide treatment with a meaningful probability the patient will survive. To learn this skill you have probably gone through a lot of dissection or even vivisections. You have Expertise on all checks regarding surgery and anatomy.

Trepanning One of the ways to exorcise a possessed or mad person is to drill a hole in its skull and let the evil spirits out. A target treated by you may reroll a saving throw against a possession, domination or similar affliction.
Perception (Untrained)
This skill lets you spot, hear or otherwise detect the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. For example, you might try to hear a conversation through a closed door, eavesdrop under an open window, or hear monsters moving stealthily in the forest.

You possess keen insight into how other people think and feel, and have Expertise when trying to determine the true intentions of a creature. Doing so involves gleaning clues from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms.

Detect Mania Allows recognition of situations where groups of people are acting without control, either due to mass hysteria, magical suggestion or control, madness or like condition. While an ordinary observer may see a crowd acting with high emotion and believe that the assemblage is an ordinary mob or rabble, persons with this knowledge will recognize there is much more going on than meets the eye. The mania might be driven by a natural hysterical contagion, the influence of a powerful magical individual or force, a physical or mental disease, brought about by a plague or even by parasitic infestation, or it might have an otherworldly connection.

To identify a cause, you will need to obtain full access to an individual suffering from the mania. A close examination of less than a minute is all that is needed to identify someone affected and someone that is not — as many within a crowd will move along due to confusion or curiosity. The affected person can be removed somewhere else and put under observation. Ten minutes of observation — which consists of asking questions, manipulating the victim or otherwise poking and prodding, much of which will require the victim to be restrained — allows you to make an Wisdom (Insight) check to reveal the cause — but not the source — of the mania.

Predict Behavior You can observe a humanoid to try to get uncanny insight about it and how it will respond. Make a Wisdom (Predict Behavior) check contested by the target’s Deception check. If your check succeeds, you have advantage on ability checks against the target until the end of your next turn.
Keen Awareness (trait)

You are always on your guard and can react to danger at a moment’s notice. Gain Expertise on Initiative checks. In addition you can use your reaction before your first round.

Always Ready (trait) You cannot be surprised unless you are incapacitated. In addition, when you roll initiative you can use a reaction to take either the Help, Ready, or Search action.
Quick Witted (trait) Great ideas come to you naturally; this often saves your life. When you would make a saving throw, you may instead make an Intelligence saving throw. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and regain all expended uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.
On Guard

You are trained to act as a sentinel, both the actual act of guarding as well as taking precautions against unknown intruders. During any stationary situation where you actively state as being on guard and not engaging your attention upon something other than watching for trouble, you have Expertise on checks to detect intruders.

Alert (→ Sense-Hearing, trait) While on guard you can’t be surprised, nor do creatures gain advantage on attacks against you as a result of being hidden.
Recognise Disturbance You can sense objects or creatures within 5 ft of you, even if they are invisible or make no sound. You can additionally make Wisdom (Recognise Disturbance) check to sense that someone has entered and lingered in a room over the last hour.
Blind Fighting (→ Sense-Hearing, trait) You do not have disadvantage when attacking a target within 5 ft that you cannot see.
Sense - Hearing

You have exceptional hearing and have Expertise on checks to hear sounds.

Sense - Sight

You have exceptional sight and have Expertise when trying to spot things.

Keen Sight (trait)

You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 ft away from you. You also gain the following benefits.

  • Attacking at long range doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.- If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips.
Focused Vision (trait) You are good at focusing your vision on what is important and are able to shout out clutter. Being in a lightly obscured area doesn’t impose disadvantage on your Perception checks that rely on sight, and your ranged weapon attacks ignore half and three-quarters cover.
Nightvision (trait) You are accustomed to the dark and can see in dim light as if it were bright light.
Sense - Smell

You have exceptional smell and have Expertise on checks to recognise the origin and source of that which is smelled. This would include detecting poison in food & drink and detecting any sort of odorous creature, such as a skunk, troglodyte or rotting undead.

Sense - Taste

You have an exceptional sense of taste and have Expertise on checks to recognise flavors. This would include detecting poison in food & drink and identifying potions

Sense - Touch You have an exceptional sense of touch granting Synergy with Investigation when forced to investigate by touch. This could be the case if it is dark or if you are trying to detect secret doors or traps by touch.
Physique (Untrained)
The skill of utilizing your strength and body weight in an efficient way. Having proficiency with this skill would indicate that a character has a good level of physical fitness. The physique skill would normally be used for difficult situations when climbing, jumping and other similar activities. Physique checks that use Strength and go on for more than a minute, should roll again using Constitution.
Balance Load (trait) You are trained in balancing and carrying large loads, counting as if you were one size larger for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity.
Lift Weights You can attempt to temporarily Push, Drag, or Lift a weight exceeding your calculated maximum. For each 5 above a DC 5 Strength (Physique) check, count your Strength as if it was 2 points higher when calculating carrying capacity.

You know how to hold your drink and withstand the effects of alcohol, while keeping a friendly demeanor. You have Expertise (Con, Cha) on checks to influence people in a setting where lots of alcohol is used.

Climb Trees

You have Expertise when climbing foliage.

Fast Climber (trait) You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.
Climb Wall

When climbing walls with equipment, you have Expertise. This proficiency also allows you to climb vertical surfaces without equipment, provided that surface retains cracks or mortared separations and you are not encumbered. The distance that may be climbed safely, without requiring a die roll of any kind, equals your Dexterity, +3 ft/character level. If at any point within this distance, you are able to rest upon a surface that is at least 4 in. wide (a window ledge or a tree branch), and do so for a period of not less than three rounds, you may reset the distance you can climb safely from that point.

Fast Climber (trait) You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.
Instructor (trait) You can spend 5 minutes instructing, pointing out handholds, and guiding other creatures before making a climb. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) who pay attention to you. Each creature can add a 1d6 to one check or saving throw they make for that climb.

Armies, merchants, refugees or convicts; many people push themselves farther than they could naturally go, and some who are regulars at this have adapted to this way of life. When you make a saving throw against exhaustion from extensive travel, you can use this skill with Expertise instead. You gain the following benefits.

  • You can comfortably travel 10 hours in a day, without making saving throws against exhaustion.
  • After you finish a long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
Fast Recovery You recover faster than most. When you roll regain hit points, be it from using a Hit Die or from healing, you regain 2 additional hit points per roll. Note that Hit Dice are always rolled one at a time.
Armor Familiarity

You are used to sleeping in armor and have Expertise on checks to avoid fatigue after doing so.

Hidden reserves (trait) You can spend an inspiration and choose an expended spell slot for any level of spell you can cast, then roll 1d6 for each level of that slot. Regain that spell slot, but also gain 1 level of exhaustion for each roll of 1, 2 or 3.

The skill of getting what you want by threatening people with your size. You have Expertise (Str, Cha) when trying to intimidate someone.

Menacing You appear fearsome to others. During your turn, you can replace one attack with an attempt to demoralize one humanoid within 30 ft of you that can see and hear you. Make an Intimidation check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you succeed, the target is frightened until the end of your next turn. If your check fails, the target can’t be frightened by you in this way for 1 hour.

You are good at jumping both long and high, and have Expertise on such checks. You gain the following benefits.

  • You can attempt to jump even longer or higher. For each 5 above a DC 5 Strength (Physique) check, count your Strength as if it was 2 points higher when calculating jumping distance.
  • You can make a running long jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 ft on foot, rather than 10 ft.
Manual Labor

You are used to manual labor and perform it well, and have Expertise if you need to make a check for such an activity. Having this proficiency allows you to use it as if it were a profession for the purposes of Downtime. In addition, you can use this skill with Charisma on checks to communicate with manual laborers.

Sprinter (trait) You can run fast for short distances. During combat you can take a bonus action to Dash. When Dashing outside combat, you can add 4 times your speed. You can keep this up for 2 rounds. Instead you can add 3 times your speed for 10 rounds. If you want to continue, you can make a Constitution save against DC 10. On a success you can continue one more round, on a fail you get one level of Exhaustion. You can continue doing this with a cumulative +5 on the DC each round.
Stand Ground

This skill might come from several sources, such as certain types of wrestling or from military training where holding the line is of essence. You are good at standing your ground and avoid being moved against your will. If such an effect allows for a save, you can use this skill with Expertise instead.


You can use this skill with Expertise when attempting to move another creature. If you have the Stand Ground II trait, you also count as one size higher when doing so.

Stand Ground II (trait) For purposes of moving you, your size counts as one higher.
Strong Arm (trait)

Through training, you have significantly increased your forearm strength, granting a stronger grip. Wrist, hand and forearm have been coordinated so that you are able to hurl weapons a greater distance and precision than normal. You gain the following benefits.

  • You can treat any one-handed item as a thrown weapon with a range of 10/30 ft.
  • Your thrown weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
  • Attacking at (normal) long range doesn’t impose disadvantage on your thrown weapon attack rolls, but you can additionally throw an additional 100% range with disadvantage.

You have trained, maybe unvoluntarily, to endure torture, harsh environment or other conditions that most people are lucky to avoid. When making a check to resist such conditions, you have Expertise. If it requires a Constitution save, you can use this skill instead.

Tough (trait) You are tougher than most. Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level when you gain this trait. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.
Unarmed Combat

You are skilled at a discipline of unarmed combat, like boxing (wrestling and similar is its own subskill).

  • You are proficient with unarmed strikes and use a 1d4 for damage.
  • You can use Dexterity or Strength for attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes, your choice.
  • When you attack a creature with an unarmed strike, you can use a bonus action to make an additional unarmed strike.

You are familiar with competitive wrestling and have Expertise with such activities, which would include grappling or escaping a grapple. This applies only to humanoid targets. You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you. To do so, make another Strength (Wrestling) check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends.

Beast Wrestler (trait) You can wrestle any creatures, not just humanoids. In addition, creatures that are one size larger than you don’t automatically succeed on checks to escape your grapple.
Wrestling II (trait) For purposes of grappling, your size counts as one higher.
Religion (Untrained)
The Religion skill covers your ability to recall lore about deities, rites and prayers, religious hierarchies, divine agents and holy symbols regarding the main pantheon within your culture, as well as the cultures for which you have the appropriate Culture skill.
Acolyte (group)

You have formal in-depth training on one particular deity and the patheon it belongs to. Select a deity. You are always assumed to have rolled a 20 on any checks regarding the chosen deity, unless it is regarding the finer points of theology, obscure myths or secret knowledge. If a check is required you have Expertise, both for questions regarding the deity, as well as its pantheon.

Divine Magic You have knowledge on the holy magic that is provided by the gods to their devoted followers. A Wisdom (Divine magic) check measures your ability to recall lore about divine spells and magical traditions. It does not infer any knowledge on Arcane or Primal magic, with the exception of possibly knowing which category a phenomena might belong to.
Identifying A Spell

Sometimes a character wants to identify a spell that someone else is casting or that was already cast. To do so, a character can use their reaction to identify a spell as it’s being cast, or they can use an action on their turn to identify a spell by its effect after it is cast.

If the character perceives the casting, the spell’s effect, or both, the character can make an Wisdom (Divine magic) check with the reaction or action. The DC equals 15 + the spell’s level.

Divine Defense

You have seen enough divine magic to understand the limitations and flaws that deities impose on most spells they grant. You have Expertise when using a reaction to identify a divine spell being cast. If you recognize it, you gain advantage on any saves against that spell.

Divine Symbolism You recognize many of the protective symbols, objects and even gestures intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye. As most of these symbols have their origin in religion, you would recognize such practices and would be able to make an educated guess whether they actually ward against something, or just made out of vague superstition or out of tradition.

This also includes symbols used in the creation of magical barriers and protections used to contain summoned entities, allowing you to deduce what or who a ward is designed to keep out or in, as well as its integrity and how it can be maintained.

You have Expertise on checks to deduce the purpose of such symbols, regardless of faith of the creators of the symbols.


The returning of souls from beyond death. Such magic is viewed as heretical when not performed by clerics that channel the powers of their god, which is seen as having the blessing of both the keeper of the soul, and the soul itself. Doing so without divine guidance, i.e. using arcane magic, inevitably darkens the soul and gives rise to undead creatures that are trapped in an unlife of torment. You possess theoretical knowledge on the workings of resurrection, souls and the nature of sentient undead, and have Expertise on checks to recall lore regarding those matters.


The contacting of souls from beyond death, often involving consulting the spirits of the dead about information they knew in life. This skill grants Expertise on checks to communicate to spirits.

Undead This skill lets you identify undead and may grant insight on how to combat creatures and how to put them to rest.
Battle Undead (trait) Provides +2 AC against undead.
Exorcism You have some knowledge in how to banish an undead manifestation with the use of proper exorcism tools. This is most commonly multiple holy symbols, but some undead may have other specific items that can drive them away. You can attempt to turn an incorporeal undead with an opposed skill check against the target’s Wisdom save. You cannot attempt to banish the same creature again until 24 hours have passed.
Outer Planes

Many creatures of religious significance (like celestials and fiends) reside in the Outer planes, and as such, are of interest to a scholar of religion. This skill grants knowledge on the features of the Outer planes and the beings that reside within. You also know how to properly address such supernatural entities in a proper way, gaining Expertise on checks made when conversing with them.


Deities have the power to send prophetic visions to their worshipers, granting insight on secrets long forgotten, to predict the future and to find things hidden. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about divinations and prophecies, as well as on checks to interpret them.

Residual Divinity (trait) If you are a divine spellcaster, you have gained the favor of your deity, who has granted you the strength to continue caring for your flock. When you cast a spell that restores hit points to an ally, you gain temporary hit points equal to the highest die value that you roll. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 hour.
Ritual Magic Casting spells through careful rituals to appease the gods is common among their followers. Many ritualized sermons have an origin in magic rituals. You understand how these types of rituals are written down and how to perform them, even to the extent that you have learnt a few. When you choose this skill, it is assumed that you have spent enough time researching to have acquired a ritual book holding two divine 1st-level ritual spells of your choice. Casting a spell from your ritual book requires you to have it at hand.

If you come across a divine ritual spell in written form you might be able to add it to your ritual book. The spell’s level can be no higher than half your level (rounded up). The process of copying the spell into your ritual book takes 1 hour per level of the spell, and costs 10 gp per level. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it.


The skill to leverage your religion to deliver a sermon and influencing an audience to adopt moral truth, right conduct and worthy leadership. You have Expertise on such checks.

Religious Bureaucracy

The hierarchies and bureaucracy of the religious organizations can sometimes be very complicated to get around. Many old customs and people strictly adhering to outdated rules can make it next to impossible to find the help you need. However, you are well acquainted with the way church bureaucracy works, and can greatly reduce the time needed to navigate such institutions. Gain Expertise on such checks.

Speechcraft (Untrained)
This is the skill to interact effectively with others. It includes such factors as confidence and eloquence, and can also represent a charming or commanding personality. It would be used when you try to influence others, when you try to make an impression or tell a convincing lie, or when you are navigating a tricky social situation. Unless otherwise noted, the skills in this category require targets to understand you.

You are skilled at acting and dramatics and have Expertise on such checks, including checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.


You are good at convincingly hiding the truth, either verbally or through your actions. You have Expertise when attempting to mislead one or very few persons with ambiguity or even telling outright lies in a short-term situation. Typical situations include trying to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant, earn money through gambling, dull someone’s suspicions with false assurances or maintain a straight face while telling a blatant lie. This check would normally be resolved as an opposed check against the victim’s Wisdom (Insight).


The skill to “fit in” among persons of different cultures and social class, and thus be “accepted” as one of them. While Deception might be used to talk a guard into letting you enter a masquerade ball, this skill would be used to convincingly keep up the charade during a whole evening, making sure that everyone at the event has the same image of you and there are no inconsistencies in your story. The same skill set is used no matter if the character needs to fit in during a high socialite gala or a rowdy night of drinking in a seedy bar. You have Expertise when using this skill.

Deception II

You have the confidence to convincingly lie or hide the truth to a large group of people. Paradoxically this is often easier than lying to one person. You have Expertise when using this skill.


The skill to motivate a large group of people towards a panicked action upon a pre-existing fear or prejudice by direct suggestion. You have Expertise when attempting this action.


The art of swindling by first gaining the confidence of others, then using it to part them from their wealth. This can also include co-opting the positions of the target. Fraud is a long-term version of deception, taking weeks of work to set into motion. You have Expertise when using this skill.


The skill to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual’s own memory, perception or judgement, leading the victim towards an intended action. This process takes days or weeks. You have Expertise when using this skill.


The skill to deceive others about your intent, integrity, appearance and reason for being for a long period of time. It enables a character to adopt a disguise or level of confidence, enabling them to spy where they do not belong and even rise within the hierarchy of organizations to which they do not legitimately belong. You have Expertise when using this skill.

Insert Memory

You know how to plant a plausible, minor memory in a person’s thoughts regarding an event that took place at least a year ago, such as having met once before at some event. This is something that can be done during the first minutes of a conversation, and unless the target has no reason to question the event, this effect is permanent. You have Expertise when using this skill, which would normally be resolved as an opposed check against the target’s Wisdom (Insight).


You are skilled at making a person believe that you will follow through on your actions when trying to influence through overt threats, hostile actions and physical violence, granting you Expertise (Str, Cha). Examples include trying to pry information out of a prisoner, convincing a street thug to back down from a confrontation, or using the edge of a broken bottle to convince a sneering vizier to reconsider a decision.

Intimidation II

You also have Expertise (Str, Cha) when attempting to intimidate a group of people.


This includes the skill and ability to raise capital, organize and manage loans, control wages, maximize profit on resources, encourage manufacturing, avoid tariffs, fees and other taxes and in general create a successful and complex business through a combination of innovation and guile. A common way to use the skill would be when negotiating prices with a buyer or seller of goods, in order to obtain a better deal on a transaction. You have Expertise when using this skill.


Mastery of storytelling for the purpose of captivating an audience, granting Expertise on suck checks.


You are skilled at seduction and get Expertise on all such checks.


This skill is used when you attempt to influence someone with tact, social graces, or good nature. Typically it is used when acting in good faith, to foster friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette. You have Expertise when using this skill.


Similar to Tact, but you also have Expertise when attempting to influence a group of people. Examples include negotiating peace between warring tribes or inspiring a crowd of townsfolk.

Stealth (Untrained)
The art of not being seen, through actions and the application of camouflage and disguise. A Stealth check is made when you attempt to stalk a target, wait within a short distance of an enemy without drawing attention, slink past guards, slip away without being noticed, or sneak up on someone without being seen or heard. A stealth check is usually resolved as an opposed check against one or several targets’ Perception or Insight.
Terrain (group)

You are skilled at camouflage and concealment within a specific terrain. Select one of the terrains below. You have Expertise when attempting to hide yourself or sneak alone within that terrain. Stealth in an urban environment is its own skill (Urban Stealth).

  • Arctic
  • Coastal
  • Desert
  • Forest
  • Grassland
  • Jungle
  • Mountains - includes Alpine mountains
  • Ocean, mainly underwater
  • Planar - specify plane. Examples include Abyss, Acheron, Astral plane, Hell
  • Ruins, including worked underground areas
  • Rural
  • Subterranean (a.k.a. Underdark)
  • Wetland - includes Swamp
Camouflage Your familiarity with the terrain allows you to attempt to hide even when just lightly obscured from the creature from which you are hiding. This applies to all selected terrains.
Covert professional

Your skill extends to camouflaging buildings, vehicles and larger groups of people. You have Expertise within all selected terrains, on checks when attempting to hide or sneak with groups of people or objects.

Passing Through (trait) You are patient and know how to wait for the right moment. If you are hidden, you can move up to 10 ft in the open without revealing yourself if you end the move in a position where you’re not clearly visible. This applies to all selected terrains.
Urban Stealth

You know your way around a city and have Expertise when attempting to hide yourself or sneak alone in an urban environment.


You can apparently disappear into a crowd, even while under direct observation. You have Expertise on such checks.


You are skilled at escaping attention and seem unassuming. Even people you might have spoken to during an event or similar have a hard time remembering you. You have Expertise on checks to evade notice.

Passing Through (trait) Enables you to "slip past" others without being seen. This is possible even in broad daylight, even if there are guards present — the trick requires waiting for the right moment. To determine when the moment occurs, a d100 is rolled, giving a time of 1 to 100 minutes. This indicates how long a character must wait; this number is withheld from the player. One attempt can be made to pass a given site per day. Up to four guards may be circumvented; more offer too many chances for a passing character to be seen. Access must be unblocked. The passing character cannot be visibly armored or seen to be carrying weapons.

Example of Movement: Natasha wishes to enter a citadel inside a town, where there are two guards posted. She can see the large double door is slightly ajar, giving her enough room to slip insider. Because it may take a lot of time before her chance occurs (1 to 100 minutes), Natasha dresses in a way that doesn’t attract attention. She posits a reasonable cover. selling flowers, busking or having two companions along that engage her in conversation.

For each 30-minute period that Natasha waits, one random person present — someone in authority — will make a wisdom check. If successful, the guard, or other person responsible, will approach Natasha and make inquiries. If so, she must either make haste to leave or explain her presence. A bad explanation could produce bullying or threats against Natasha, who must decide what to do. In any case, the opportunity to pass has been lost.

You have studied the basics of the arcane arts and the processes of Arcane magic. Your Intelligence (Arcana) check measures your ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes. It does not infer any knowledge on Divine or Primal magic, with the exception of possibly knowing which category a phenomena might belong to.
Identifying A Spell

Sometimes a character wants to identify a spell that someone else is casting or that was already cast. To do so, a character can use their reaction to identify a spell as it’s being cast, or they can use an action on their turn to identify a spell by its effect after it is cast.

If the character perceives the casting, the spell’s effect, or both, the character can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check with the reaction or action. The DC equals 15 + the spell’s level. If the spell belongs to a school in which you have skill, the check is made with advantage.

Arcane Defense

You have studied enough magic to understand the limitations and flaws of most spells. You have Expertise when using a reaction to identify an arcane spell being cast. If you recognize it, you gain advantage on any saves against that spell.

Mage Slayer

You have practiced techniques useful to combat spellcasters and gain the following benefits.

  • When an adjacent arcane spellcaster casts a spell, you can use a reaction to make a melee attack against that creature. In addition, if you are the target, you have Expertise on saves against the effect.
  • When you damage a creature concentrating on a spell, it has disadvantage on saves to maintain concentration.
Arcane Symbols

You recognize many of the symbols used during the practise of arcane magic and have Expertise on checks to deduce the purpose of such symbols.


The understanding of how magic is infused and bound in objects. This skill allows you to better analyze and understand the secrets of magic items and artifacts, granting Expertise on checks concerning magical items, including researching its history, identifying its existence or deducing its use. If you examine an item or area for 10 minutes, treat it as if you had cast detect magic.

Master Attuner Your superior understanding of magic items allows you to master their use, allowing you to attune to one additional magic item.
Read Scrolls You're able to decode arcane spell scrolls, allowing you to understand them and cast its spells regardless of class requirements. Use this skill instead of an ability check to cast a scroll’s spell if its level is no higher than your proficiency bonus. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for any spell you cast from a spell scroll.
Ritual Magic Your knowledge in the arcane arts specializes in the ritual casting of spells. This grants you the knowledge to understand how rituals are written and how to perform them, even to the extent that you have learnt a few. When you choose this skill, it is assumed that you have spent enough time researching to have acquired a ritual book holding two arcane 1st-level ritual spells of your choice. Casting a spell from your ritual book requires you to have it at hand.

If you come across an arcane ritual spell in written form, such as a magical scroll or a wizard’s spellbook, you might be able to add it to your ritual book. The spell’s level can be no higher than half your level (rounded up). The process of copying the spell into your ritual book takes 1 hour per level of the spell, and costs 10 gp per level. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it.

Arcane magic is divided into eight different categories, or schools, according to the types of magical energy they utilize. Each school has its own special methods and practices. Although they are called schools, schools of magic are not organized places where a person goes to study. The word “school” identifies an approach to magic and a magical discipline of spellcasting.


Abjuration is a school of magic which specializes in protective magic. In general this type of magic is used to keep things out, preventing things from appearing and getting rid of those that already have. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Abjuration magic.

Apotropaic Magic

The creation of protective symbols, objects and even gestures intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye. As an expert in this field, you would recognize such practices and would be able to make an educated guess whether they actually ward against something, or just made out of vague superstition or out of tradition. In addition you can make a limited number of such symbols. Not yet available.

Barrier Wards A field of abjuration that deals with the creation of magical barriers and protections used to contain summoned entities. Barrier wards need to be anchored to some kind of physical demarcation - like a magic circle or a series of glyphs. This skill allows you to deduce what or who a ward is designed to keep out or in, as well as its integrity and how it can be maintained.
Practical Application - Mage Armor

You’ve learned how to empower the mage armor spell. The first time each day you cast the spell, it does not expend a spell slot. In addition, the target’s base AC can be either 13 + Dexterity modifier or 16 (your choice).

Protective Wards The skill of applying protective designs painted onto a person’s body. Such designs need to be exposed for them to work and are used as protective "war paint" in many traditions. They are prone to being short lived - especially if the user insists on washing (or even just sweating) and may come off on clothing, terrain and such.
Tattoo Ward (→ Tattooing, trait)

You can use tattooing tools to make protective wards more permanent. This may have other side effects and/or need to be recharged regularly. Not yet available.

Ward Mage (trait)

You have learned how to bolster your shields, barriers, and walls of magic beyond their normal capabilities in order to better control a battlefield and protect yourself and your allies. You gain the following benefits.

  • When a spell or class feature grants a protective ward with hit points, you grant that ward extra hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • When you create a wall or barrier with no creature as a target (ex. wall of stone), you increase the hit points of that object by an amount equal to twice your proficiency bonus and its AC by 2.
  • When a spell you cast grants a creature temporary hp, you increase the hp by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Any creature that has its AC increased from a spell you cast or that has a protective ward with hit points granted by a spell you cast also has an additional + 1 bonus to AC. This bonus is not cumulative.

Magic that gathers tendrils of arcane power and forces a form upon it, creating matter, creatures and even bridges to other realms. Conjurations bring manifestations of objects or creatures to you (the summoning subschool), actually transport creatures from another plane of existence to your plane (calling), transport creatures or objects over great distances (apportation), or create objects or effects on the spot (creation). You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Conjuration magic.


The branch of magic that deals with the transport of things and creatures, calling them from somewhere else or teleporting them away or from one place to another. This movement is instantaneous travel through the Astral Plane, meaning that anything that blocks astral travel also blocks teleportation. Apportation is also involved in the opening of dimensional gateways. This skill grants Expertise on checks like identifying where a portal might lead, or to deduce the origin of a transported object.

Calling (→ Dweomercraft) Refers to the practice of calling a supernatural entity into your workspace, usually under controlled conditions, for the purposes of bargaining with it for power, information or practical aid. Anyone who knows the right ritual (or something approximately right…) can get the target entity (or something similar) to pay them a visit. Doing so safely on the other hand usually requires extensive preparation and knowledge. This skill provides the knowledge to assess such rituals and make sure that they are complete, as well as knowing the right protective measures that would need to be in place before attempting a calling.
Bargain Deals

You know how to leverage in making a deal with a creature from another plane and gain Expertise on all such checks.

Planar Travel (trait) Knowledge of how to safely transition yourself and others from one existence to another, granting a higher degree of assurance to end up in the right place when crossing into the ethereal or across the astral planes.
Astral Travel

You know a lot about traversing the Astral Plane and have Expertise on all movement checks made there, as well as on check on knowledge on how to protect yourself in this place.

Creation (trait) The magic of creating objects from thin air. Temporary objects can be created from ectoplasm and given enough form to be useful, or an item can be pulled together from its component atoms and made literally from nothing. An item created this way is normally indistinguishable from an object created using mundane means. This skill allows you to deduce an item's origins.
Magic Crafter (→ Any craft, trait) Select a craft. You are both a skilled crafter as well as a skilled arcanist. Objects created by you are impossible to distinguish from a “normal” object to an investigator without the Creation skill, and even with it, they have disadvantage to detect any magic influences.
Familiarus (trait)

Magic used to bind the life force of two creatures together as a master and familiar. You know the Call Familiar ritual, and if you start the game with this trait, you have one bound to you already.

Summoning Summoning magic instantly brings a manifestation of a creature to a place you designate. It is temporarily removed from where it is summoned and appears under your control. When the spell ends, is dispelled or even if the summoned creature dies, it is instantly sent back to where it came from. This skill would allow you to recognize that a creature is summoned, and may even allow you to deduce how long time it will take until it is sent back where it came from.

Magic which specializes in information gathering. Common applications include learning secrets long forgotten, to predict the future, to find hidden things and to foil deceptive magic. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Divination magic, as well as lore on how to protect against it.

Method of Divination

There are many divinatory techniques to specialize in (almost anything with “-mancy” on the end) based on everything from watching the sky for omens, staring into a fire, casting stones or seeing which pieces of grain a chicken eats. Some are described below. Unless otherwise noted for a form of divination, you can select one of the following types of readings that you can make for this method. You can select this skill again, choosing a different method to learn a new kind of reading.

  • You read the patterns for yourself or another person, preparing for an upcoming event. At any point from there on, the target can choose to gain advantage on any one roll. You can read the patterns for multiple targets, but as soon as one has changed the events (i.e. used the advantage), the patterns have changed and all other readings are now invalid.
  • You read the patterns for a specific course of action that you plan to take within the next week. The DM chooses from the following possible omens.
    • Weal, for good results
    • Woe, for bad results
    • Weal and woe, for both good and bad results
    • Nothing, for results that aren’t especially good or bad The omen doesn’t take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of spells or the loss or gain of a companion.

Arithmancy (→ Mathematics, trait). Utilizing mathematics and complex formulas, an arithmancer can see patterns in the future, using these portents to prepare for upcoming events and even ensure they happen.

Astrology. See the Astrology skill.

Other. See https.// for more examples.

Scrying (trait) Scrying magic uses an invisible magical sensor to send you information. Having this skill allows you to steer a scrying sensor with more skill. In addition to the basic movements and sensory acuity of the sensor, you can use your Stealth and Investigation skills through it.

A term for those types of magic which control and manipulate the target’s mind and/or take over control of their body. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Enchantment magic.

Charm Your expertise is in charms and enthrallment, allowing you to recognize whether a person is acting under its own control or being influenced by someone. You would only be able to detect this for folk of your culture, as other folk and/or cultures may behave very differently from what you are used to, unless you have an appropriate skill in evaluating their behavior. To be able to assess a non-humanoid creature, you need an appropriate Nature or Animal handling skill.
Compulsion This type of magic compels a target to to act in some manner or to follow some course of action, or inaction. By interviewing such a person you would be able to determine the limitations of a compulsion and, if possible, find a way around it.

Tapping into rawer elements of magic, evocation magic creates spontaneous and spectacular effects often without tangible form such as light or fire. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Evocation magic.


Focusing on deceiving and bending perceptions, illusion magics allow the user to present their version of reality to the viewer. They cause people to see things that are not there, not see things that are there, hear phantom noises or even manipulate light and shadow. The fae are famously fond of this sort of magic and are well known both for wrapping their true selves in it and for creating whole illusory environments (up to and including virtual food and drink). You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Illusion magic.

Figments (trait)

Figment magic is the simplest interpretation of illusion magic, projected images lacking in any real substance that either move according to pre-programmed instructions or in accordance with the will of their controller. Anyone can see them, they look the same to everyone and they look as real as the creator can make them. If you have an appropriate knowledge on details of a creation, figments you create will look more real, giving disadvantage to disbelief; ex. Proficiency with Nature (beasts) to make a snarling tiger, Architecture to make a believable marble wall or Demonology for a horde of demonic creatures. In addition, having this skill and the connected skill grant Expertise on saves to see through a figment.

Figments cannot make something seem to be something else. Nor can a figment that includes audible effects duplicate intelligible speech.

Glamer (trait) This type of illusion magic changes a target's sensory qualities, making it look, feel, taste, smell, or sound like something else, or even seem to disappear. With this skill you have the same benefits as described in the Figment section.
Pattern (trait)

Like a figment, pattern magic creates an image that others can see, but its main purpose is to overwhelm the senses. With this skill you have Expertise on saves against pattern magic.

Phantasm (trait)

These types of illusions exist only in the mind of the viewer, effectively tell the viewer’s senses “there’s a dragon here” and let them provide the balance of the information themselves. As it is all in a target’s head, a skilled illusionist can make the victim more susceptible to a phantasm by convincing them that something is happening. If you have proficiency with Deception, you can spend an action the round before casting the spell to force the target to roll its save with disadvantage.

Deadly Illusionist (trait) Your illusions invade the deepest crevice of your enemies’ minds and leave them scarred. If you are a spellcaster you learn one illusion spell from your class spell list. This spell does not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Creatures who fail their initial saving throw against one of your illusion spells of 1st level or higher take psychic damage equal to the spell’s level + your spellcasting ability modifier.

Shadow magic creates something that is partially real from extradimensional energy. Such illusions can have real effects. You have Expertise on all checks to recall lore on the Plane of Shadows and the magic emanating from it.


The magic of life and death, the forces that stem from the innate magic of souls as well as the mending and manipulation of flesh, necromancy is seen as dark and dirty magic by most common folk. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with necromantic magic.

Osteomancy Known as "bone magic", this focuses on the manipulation of the skeleton and the calcified remains of the living as well as the dead. Some uses of this skill would be to provide insight from skeletal remains, such as the type of creature, its condition in life or even what killed it. It can, if you are so inclined, allow you to select the strongest and most durable bones when creating skeletal creatures, granting them a +1 AC bonus.
Fight Skeletons (trait) You know where to strike a skeletal creature to hurt its integrity the most, granting you advantage on your damage rolls against them. In addition you can tell when such a creature has reached half its hp.
Incarneum The returning of souls from beyond death. Such magic is viewed as heretical when not performed by clerics that channel the powers of their god, which is seen as having the blessing of both the keeper of the soul, and the soul itself. Doing so without divine guidance, i.e. using arcane magic, inevitably darkens the soul and gives rise to undead creatures that are trapped in an unlife of torment. This gives you theoretical knowledge on the workings of resurrection, souls and the nature of sentient undead.
Undead This skill lets you identify undead and may grant insight on how to combat creatures and how to put them to rest.
Battle Undead (trait) Provides +2 AC against undead.
Exorcism You have some knowledge in how to banish an undead manifestation with the use of proper exorcism tools. This is most commonly multiple holy symbols, but some undead may have other specific items that can drive them away. You can attempt to turn an incorporeal undead with an opposed skill check against the target’s Wisdom save. You cannot attempt to exorcize the same creature again until 24 hours have passed.
Vampire Knowledge

You are skilled in vampire lore. This grants Expertise on checks when speaking to them, as well a +2 bonus on saves against their innate abilities.


Some necromantic magic focuses on the manipulation of life in the form of diseases. You have Expertise on checks to identify diseases and on checks concerning how to spread or cure disease.


The contacting of souls from beyond death, often involving consulting the spirits of the dead about information they knew in life. This is sometimes seen as heretical, but in most cultures acceptable. In some cultures that practices ancestor worship or shamanism this could even be seen as something holy. This skill grants Expertise on checks to communicate to spirits.


Transmutation magic changes the properties of creatures, objects or conditions. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Transmutation magic.

Detect Transmutation

The fact that an object or creature has been transmuted is normally impossible to detect with mundane means. In some cases even magic detection is not possible. This skill allows you to deduce that an item or creature does not have its original form. If you have an appropriate proficiency, such as Craft (blacksmith) when investigating a sword or Nature (beasts) when observing a squirrel, you have Expertise.

Constructs This skill lets you identify constructs and may grant insight on how they were created, what their orders might be and how to combat them.
Battle Golem (trait) Provides +2 to AC against golems and on saves against their innate abilities.
Wild Magic

This type of magic is a field left alone by most serious arcanists, unless needing to handle problems caused by irresponsible casters. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about phenomena associated with Wild magic. In addition, when rolling a wild surge on the wild surge table, you can use your reaction to reroll. You can do so before the results of the roll are revealed. (However, you can use subtle hints from the DM.) When you reroll this way, temporarily reduce your Luck ability score by 1.

Twist Luck You have the ability to twist fate, avoiding the havoc you cause. Gain +2 Luck. In addition you can choose to have complete immunity to the effects of a wild surge after you know the effects by describing the improbable chain of effects leading to this. You can use this feature freely once between each long rest. Each additional time you use it, you permanently lose 2 Luck.
The planning, designing and constructing of buildings and other structures, for the purpose of housing, defense, durability, beauty and other benefits. The field covers every aspect of architecture, including parts and pieces of domestic living, the building of castles and temples, decoration, the use of materials and town planning. However, this knowledge provides no practical skills related to building. Work that is proposed must therefore be hired out to others.
Examples of use

Recognition of Style. Enables the identification of purpose, nature, period and probable culture of origin for an existing structure. You can also assess the relative comfort and social importance of a construction through sensory, emotional and intellectual means, recognizing the site’s social, cultural and beneficial merits.

Construction Integrates knowledge of surveying, excavation, masonry, carpentry, financial considerations, contracting and the ongoing management and productivity of labor. Some practical skills are included, but the focus is upon planning and overseeing work gangs who will perform the actual work.
Tradecraft Grants knowledge of one craft to the architect, gained from time spent on building sites. Choose from carpentry, excavation, brickwork, masonry, tile work or thatching.
Fortification The art of designing defensive military fortifications such as walls, towers, harbors, mottes and baileys, gates, drawbridges and siege engines. The knowledge extends to making plans — for the most part, actual construction may take years and even decades, and can be performed by simple laborers under the guidance of skilled workers. This also includes a knowledge of how nature can be used to provide the most effective natural defenses.
Investigate Structure

You are well familiar with the way architects add secret areas in a structure. This grants you Expertise when attempting to find secret doors and areas in a built structure, such as a building or dungeon.

Astronomy, which also includes astrology, is the observation of celestial objects both scientifically and as a means of insight into individuals and the natural world. The combined framework is possible in a world of magic, where astrology has legitimacy and is therefore respectable.

With this skill you recognize the constellation in the night sky, you would know about the existence of the solar system with its planets and you would always know which way is north as long as you can see the stars.

Astrology The monitoring of the movements of celestial bodies, both those bound to Golarion by anchors that appear as lights in the heavens that revolve around the night sky, and those further away that appear as distant stars. Such movements are the result of grand cosmological changes, showing the movements of the gods or their influences spreading to other planes. By rooting an object, and basing the movements of the heavens around it you can attempt to divine its future, mainly by ascertaining the relevant information from the astral calendar and doing some simple calculations around the person, event, or perceived outcome.

By spending a full night with clear sky, you can read the patterns for yourself or another person, preparing for an upcoming event. At any point from there on, the target can choose to gain advantage on any one roll. You can read the patterns for multiple targets, but as soon as one has changed the events (i.e. used the advantage), the patterns have changed and all other readings are now invalid.

Navigation Permits the proper use of a sextant in order to measure the angle between any two visible objects or to determine the character's location when the sky is clear, either by using the sun at noon or sighting the pole star at night. Position on the earth's surface cannot be obtained if a sextant cannot be employed. Useful navigation at sea can be managed very well if the character is also a sailor; otherwise, the character must relay the information to others capable of steering (the ability to navigate with a sextant does not add any skill towards piloting).
The study of planes of existence beyond the Prime Material. It provides details, including each plane's natural laws, moral code, reason for being and general extent. Knowledge of the outer planes focuses far more upon each plane's structure than it does upon its residents. This includes the planes' physical arrangement, the manner in which it is ruled and socially organized and the nature of its connection and relationship to the prime material. Such information would allow you the means to navigate such planes, interact with its residents accordingly and adopt a set of behaviors that would minimize conflict.

This is the field of detection, understanding and manipulation of unnatural manifestations on the Prime Material plane originating from other planes of existence, such as demons, devils, elementals, celestials and the ancient creatures associated with the Cthulhu mythos. With this skill you have Expertise to recognize when a manifestation occurs and what’s being witnessed.

Advanced Dweomercraft You have considerable knowledge in this field. After identifying an unnatural manifestation you can attempt an Intelligence (Advanced Dweomercraft) check to gain some insight in how such a manifestation could be closed or sent back.
Call Manifestation With this skill you know the proper protocols in how to address and speak to minor supernatural manifestations. It would for instance allow you to lure forth a manifestation known to reside in a location, permitting the suspension of hostilities while allowing communication.
Contact Other Plane The knowledge of how to properly address the more powerful supernatural entities on their plane of existence, enables you to seek advice without being seen as a nuisance. It does not confer the ability to contact them.
Knowledge - Plane (group)

Each outer plane is its own skill granting more in-depth knowledge on this specific plane. You can take it multiple times, each time applied to a different outer plane. With this skill you have Expertise on Cosmology regarding the selected plane.

The knowledge on how to properly behave in a court, from the minor court of a noble estate to an emperor’s court. You would know who you are “allowed” to address and how to do it in a way appropriate to their station, the correct way to gain an audience with someone and the different functions and titles used. This skill is mainly of use in human courts from your or a similar culture, unless you also have an appropriate Culture skill.
Courtier II

You excel in the world of the courts and have Expertise on checks regarding lines of nobility or etiquette. In addition you have Synergy (Speechcraft) when interacting with nobility, common folk, or knights, provided that you have not shown yourself to be a danger to them.

Courteous (trait) Behaving in an appropriate way is the key in each situation. Gain +1 Charisma.
Fey Courts The courts of the archfey that rule the feywild have very specific rules. A slight mistake in how one presents a request or answers a question could have serious consequences.
Heraldry Relates to the implementation, creation, acquisition and origin of emblazoned signs and sigils upon tabards, shields, flags and so on. Signs are images that are blazoned onto armor and elsewhere according to complex rules in the formal language of heraldry. Identifying sigils includes seals, runes, glyphs or other emblems that can be recognized in relation to their state of origin, thaumaturgical school or magic form.

Each major culture is its own skill. This initially allows you to recognize and identify heraldic signs from your local area, as well as the motifs relating to monarchs, emperors or regional authorities of very high level (kingdoms within empires) within your chosen culture. This same ability extends to great religious leaders, patriarchs and archbishops and those who have established themselves as heroes through their deeds.

You have Expertise on checks to recall information about heraldry, lines of nobility or etiquette. You would be able to locate any such person’s entourage or location moving with a host of soldiers or camped on the field from flags and other signifiers on display, or from the colors chosen for the individual’s tent. The mark of any such individual on a document could be distinguished, as well as a seal or the stamp on a coin would be known.

Recognition of Signs Expands your knowledge to include the nobility of every kingdom or empire within the chosen culture, as well as signs relating to cities larger than 10,000 persons. You are also able to recognize the extensive collection of guild marks and signs created and displayed for public use. Finally, you are able to decipher all markers and signs that are intended to inform the public regarding access to the best routes (particularly those across frontiers), the best gates by which a city can be entered, as well as means to find superior eating houses, drinking houses, even brothels.
Recognition of Signs II Permits recognition of heraldry, signs & sigils relating to secret societies, including thieves and assassins. These marks are used to indicate the location of secret places, warnings and even code words, which you can use to better navigate safely around large cities — where most signs of this type are located. Often, the signs themselves are concealed in places that only intended persons are supposed to know — under stones, on top of doors, within the pages of books and so on. On entering an area possessing a sign like this, there is a 4 in 6 chance the character will notice something "odd" about the place at once; and upon a few minutes reflection, will go right to the place where the mark is written and understand what it says.

Continental politics are just so thrilling, with the upheaval and the betrayals and the drama of it all. Much better than any play you’ve seen or book you’ve read. You love keeping up with the political current events in a kingdom and always know what is going on with the ruler or officials of any country in the present day. Ancient history is a snoozefest and you don’t care about a bunch of dead people, but for anything that is happening right now, you obsessively look for news and updates. You have Expertise on any check regarding information on current events, including how to gain the information you seek.

Culture (Group)
Culture is a group of skills that involves the knowledge of other cultures (also known as anthropology), each skill being a different culture. You are always assumed to be proficient with your own culture. Skill with one Culture would not give you knowledge of any other culture. Each time you choose this skill, you must select a specific culture.

You know the basics about the customs, philosophies, laws, rituals, religious beliefs, languages, and art of a culture, allowing you to know what behaviors are acceptable. This can help you to get beyond any ethnic or racial divide, and to be treated warmly by other types of folk, provided you treat them in a similar manner. Proficiency with this skill allows you to treat other skills, like Courtier, History, Law and Religion, as if you belonged to that culture. The main known cultures in Golarion are.

Human cultures
  • Avistan - Inner Sea. Includes the cultures around the Inner Sea, like Cheliax and Taldor, including their current colonies and cultures that have grown out of settlers from the inner sea, such as Varisia.
  • Avistan - Irrisen. The land of eternal winter located at the northernmost limits of Avistan.
  • Avistan - Kellid. A primitive tribal culture living in nomadic clans in the harshest areas of Avistan. Generally referred to as barbarians.
  • Avistan - Shoanti. A spiritual nomadic people living in the plateaus of northern Avistan.
  • Avistan - Ulfen. Generally referred to as vikings.
  • Casmaron - Keleshite. The Keleshite are most prominent around the deserts of Casmaron.
  • Casmaron - Vudrani.
  • Crown of the World. The northernmost landmass on the planet.
  • Garund - Garundi. A human ethnicity most commonly found in northern Garund.
  • Garund - Mwangi. The humans inhabiting most of Garund.
  • Tian Xia - Tian. Even though the Tian are composed of many different ethnicities and countries, they have much in common, including knowledge of their neighbors culture.
Non-human cultures

Most non-human cultures are similar all over the globe, and different enough from other folk to merit their own skill, with some exceptions.

  • Orc. Includes both the original orcs as well their variant, like half-orcs, goblins, bugbears and other goblinoids.
  • Gnomes. The three subtypes of gnomes are very different, each being its own skill.

Additionally there are cultures now seen as dead cultures. Those are covered under the History skill.

Engineering is the practical knowledge of invention, innovation, design, building, maintenance and improvement of machines and tools. This also enables a character to oversee the construction of various machines, including ships and other vehicles, siege engines, cranes, winches, pumps, water-driven equipment, foundries, flight, submersion and so on, given a sufficient amount of time and available labor. Engineering includes a wide variety of other knowledge, including surveying, the strengthening of fortifications, the shoring of tunnels, the creation of dykes and many other things, which in some cases overlaps with architecture.
Assess Construction (trait)

“Its vision is based on movement. At least, that’s how I would have built it …”
When encountering a Construct, you may roll an Engineering check against a DC equal to 5 + CR. For every 5 points by which you exceed this, you may identify either its damage vulnerabilities or resistances, or its special attacks, or its senses, or other traits at DM’s discretion.
Additionally, attack rolls of 18 or 19 also count as a Critical Hits against Constructs.


You know how to destroy constructions. This is mainly by identifying bearing walls and pillars, or by sapping. Sapping is the digging and shoring of underground tunnels designed to collapse enemy fortifications. You have Expertise on such checks.

Model Making

You are proficient with making realistic minia­tures of things. This grants Expertise on checks regarding models, as an example being able to draw conclusions regarding hidden areas when observing a miniature building.

Siege Weapon-making

Allows the creation of devices intended to break or circumvent castle doors or walls, such as battering rams, trebuchets, catapults, ballista and mangonels. You have Expertise on checks to create such machines.


You are familiar with a lot of different types of machines and tools, and have Expertise on checks to identify, use and repair them.

Gnomish Tinkering Allows you to create and operate gnomish machinery. This is very unsafe, even with the skill. Even the safest gnomish constructions often include steam-powered engines that can explode at any time.
The science of the solid earth, the rocks of which it's composed and the processes by which they change. You have knowledge in geological formations like mountain ranges, caves, cliffs, canyons, and much more. You can tell a lot from the rocks you pick up, such as their age, composition and location of origin, and also gives insight into certain aspects of water resources, natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanism, avalanches, landslides and sinkholes) and mineral exploration.
Elemental Earth Knowledge on materials and creatures that originate from the elemental plane of earth.
Gemology (→ Gemcutting)

You can easily identify different types of gems and estimate their worth and use, gaining Expertise on such checks.


You have studied natural geological hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches and sinkholes. This knowledge is mostly theoretical, but grants Expertise on checks to identify areas that might be prone to such hazards, to know how to prepare for such an event to increase survival and other such checks concerning these types of hazards.

Practical Hazard knowledge

Intense (and close) studies of geological hazards have given you the experience to survive close encounters with them. You have Expertise on all saves and check to avoid or lessen the effects from these types of hazards.


Your main knowledge is with geological formations and different types of rocks. You have Expertise on checks regarding this subject, as well as Synergy (Survival-Mountains). Example checks for this skill would be to locate precious mineral deposits or identifying the type of natural rock in a cave.

Underground Mining

The knowledge of mining techniques and skills associated with the excavation of hard and soft materials below the surface. You have Expertise on such checks, including assessing the safety of natural underground areas.

The understanding of past events, conflicts and consequences arising from actions and chance occurrences. An Intelligence (History) check measures your ability to recall lore about historical events, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, past disputes, recent wars and lost civilizations. Because history is an enormous subject, it is necessary for characters to specialize in geographic spheres or in the history of a non-human folk. When you select this skill it includes the history as related to your culture as well as the cultures for which you have the appropriate Culture skill.
Ancient Culture (group) The knowledge of specific ancient cultures. When selecting this skill, choose a specific culture that you have studied, like Azlant, Thassilonia or Ghol-Gan.
Deeper Knowledge

You have learnt most of the things available in your specific culture, making you an authority on the subject, and have Expertise on all checks regarding the culture.

Archeology The practical study of forgotten civilizations, uncharted lands and ancient places. The ruins of ancient civilizations teach the follies of the past so that they may be avoided in the future. The character can ascertain much about ancient cultures by exploring the places in which they lived. Among other things you know how to unearth objects and ruins without disturbing them, how to properly catalog archaeological findings and communicate comfortably with others in the field such as museum curators or members of the Pathfinder society. Also, if you spend a minute examining an object you are holding, you can ascertain its value, its civilization of origin, its approximate age and whether it has any magical properties.
Manage Dig Site Integrates knowledge of surveying, excavation, financial considerations, contracting and the ongoing management and productivity of labor. Some practical skills are included, but the focus is upon planning and overseeing work gangs who perform the actual work of digging and unearthing an archaeological dig site.
Artifacts Provides knowledge of magical items that possess a unique existence, with accumulated knowledge offering the various details of each item. Knowledge of one item does not necessarily extend to any other item — but through research and inquiry the character may begin to amass the sufficient tools necessary to employ an artifact safely.

Possessing this skill would give you enough knowledge to be able to determine if a given object is or is not a magical artifact.

Interpret Artifact Artifacts often have a will of their own. This skill enables a safe investigation of an artifact to learn its powers and malevolent effects.
Rectify Artifact The study of how to remove an artifact's malevolent effects.
Trace Artifact The skill of research and reliable decision-making in tracing and determining the accurate location of a given artifact.
Locate Hoard Powerful artifacts affect the area and creatures in their vicinity. This skill is used to reveal the probable location of a hidden cache, based upon evidence gained from walking the nearby area.
Expert of Antiquities (trait)

“Believe it or not, I’ve seen one of these before.”
Having examined hundreds upon hundreds of antiquities, many of which with historical pedigrees reaching into the distant pasts, you can more easily identify magic items. With a DC 15 History check, you can identify the qualities of an item as if you had used the Identify spell.

Historical Accuracy

You are trained in authentication of historical documents and objects. When investigating a historical document or other matter of historical interest such as a map or work of art, for example examining a document to determine if it is a forgery, you have Expertise. You also have Expertise when authenticating an object from an Ancient culture with which you have proficiency, with Weapons & armor if you have that proficiency, and finally with other objects from your known cultures if you have Archaeology.

Military Study

Provides a clear grasp of the events surrounding the pursuit of war, including battles and general strategies employed by commanders and armies in the past. You are well-steeped in historical diplomacy and wars, having studied the gains and losses by the victors and the defeated. This grants Expertise on all checks regarding lore of wars and conflict. Additionally, you are able to communicate comfortably with military persons and soldiers.

The Law skill covers the system of laws enforced by the political entities within your culture. When you select this skill it includes enough knowledge to understand how laws work in your culture as well as the cultures for which you have the appropriate Culture skill. Even though you may not know specific laws in all included areas, you can make educated guesses or easily find out.

You know how to cut through the red tape of bureaucracy and reduce the time needed to navigate such institutions. Gain Expertise on such checks.

Business Dealing

The ability to make sound business contracts that will safely benefit both parties. You have Expertise on all such checks.

Infernal Law (trait) You have enough knowledge to be able to decipher the convoluted language of an infernal contract. In order to fully comprehend such a contract, you would need to understand Infernal.

You have sufficient understanding of the legal system to be able to defend yourself or someone else during a court trial, and have Expertise on such checks.

The knowledge of different languages (see rules for languages). Gain language study as if you had trained for 50 days. Note that reading and writing counts as a language.
Your Intelligence (Linguistics) check measures your ability and understanding of languages, both its spoken and written forms. This includes deciphering writing in an unfamiliar language which is similar to one you know or a message written in an incomplete or archaic form. You can also do the following.
Identify language

When examining written text, you can determine the language in which it is written. When you hear a humanoid speak, you can tell what language it is speaking. If you know the language, you can tell what dialect it uses and ascertain roughly where the creature is from.


You can invent ciphers, and are able to teach a cipher to others. Anyone who knows a cipher can encode and read hidden messages made with it. Additionally, you have Expertise on checks made to detect and decode ciphers and codes.

While most adventurers struggle to count their remaining fingers and toes after a battle, a character with this skill is able to wield the power of numbers and logic as a tool to best the toughest challenges. The character can estimate distances, calculate heights and use careful plotting to improve accuracy when using catapults.

The skill to keep detailed (and verifiable) records of wealth, expenditures, losses and potential income, as well as provide analysis of the records of others’ financial transactions. You have Expertise on any such checks.

Advanced Mathematics Your knowledge reaches beyond simple addition, subtraction, multiplications and division. You can calculate volumes and trajectories, understand calculus and can make statistical analysis. Gain +1 Intelligence.

The theoretical study of the physical laws associated with the movement of bodies and objects, vibration, sound, optics and light, the movement of water, air and earth, pressure, magnetism and many similar branches and topics that give the character insight into the way that energy (including magic) ebbs and flows through the environment. Gain Expertise on such checks.

Aerodynamics (trait) You can Dash while in flight (or freefall).
Siege Weapons

You have Expertise on attacks using siege weapons.

The theoretical knowledge of terrain, plants and animals, the weather and natural cycles.
Animals (group)

Select a type of animal from Amphibians, Birds, Bugs & Spiders, Mammals (land), Reptiles or Sea life. You can take this skill multiple times, each type applied to a different type of animal. Gain Expertise on checks to recall lore on the type of animal selected.

Confound Animal

You know about the behavior of the type of animals you are familiar with, enabling you to know how to mislead or confuse them, so as to “disappear” from their attention. Gain Expertise on such checks, even allowing you to sometimes avoid a check completely.

Beasts Enables you to recognize and identify beasts — creatures that have unnatural animal forms that are often magical in nature. This identification includes the name of the beast, the threats it imposes and its general behavior and motives.
Beast Forms

Provides full knowledge of the moral and symbolic qualities that beasts possess, including stories of their origins, their place and reason for being, the manner in which they fit into the religious milieu and construction of the universe and ultimately how they “think”. This skill provides Expertise on all checks to recall lore on Beasts.

Confound Beasts

You know how to mislead or confuse Beasts, so as to “disappear” from their attention. Gain Expertise on such checks, even allowing you to sometimes avoid a check completely.

Fight Beasts (trait) You recognize the attack patterns of many Beasts. Knowing how they attack and recognizing their intentions provides +2 AC against Beasts.
Dragons You know how to recognize and identify different types of ddragons. This identification includes the ecology of the dragon, the threats it imposes and its general behavior and motives.
Fight Dragons (trait) You recognize the attack patterns of many Dragons. Knowing how they attack and recognizing their intentions provides +2 AC against Dragons, as well as advantage on saving throws against their breath weapons.
Fungi You are familiar with the fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of mushroom, including those that grow above and below ground. Mushrooms are eaten for their food value and for other qualities, some of them magical, as well as being a poison source. The study includes yeasts, lichen and mushrooms, shriekers and violet fungi, as well as sentient forms of fungus such as yellow musk creepers.
Cultivate Mushroom

You know how to grow fungi of any variety. Gain Expertise on any such checks, including recognizing that fungi may have been grown on purpose in a location (shrikers as guards for instance).

Detect Fungus

Recognises the odor given off by dangerous fungus-based creatures, forewarning the character when approaching within 120 ft. Grants at least Expertise on checks to notice or detect such creatures.

Fermentation Provides knowledge of yeast and fungus in creating safe-to-consume fermented alcoholic beverages and in food processing (the pickling of vegetables and making of yogurt).
Know Fungi

You can identify the name of genera and species of fungi on sight, and know when and where to search for edible or poisonous mushrooms in a wild environment. This grants Expertise on Foraging checks during appropriate seasons and terrains.

Oozes Includes puddings, molds, oozes and jellies. You are familiar with these kinds of creatures and can identify most of them on sight. This skill can be used instead of Perception when dealing with such creatures and hazards.
Fight Ooze (trait) Oozes are not the brightest creatures and you know how to trick their perceptions, granting a +2 AC against Oozes.
Ooze Master

You have more knowledge than most regarding Oozes, granting Expertise on checks to recall lore about them. In addition, a successful check can grant you insight in their defenses and immunities.

Protect against Ooze (trait) Most Oozes are corrosive, but they might have other nasty abilities. You know how to protect yourself against some of their natural powers, gaining +2 on saves against abilities of Oozes.
Smell Ooze When within 20 ft of one of these creatures, even if the creature cannot be seen (provided the barrier between you is not air-tight), you can with a successful Constitution (Smell Ooze) detect the distinct smell of the creature, but not the exact species, and the general sense of where the creature is located (ahead, above, below, beneath the floor, located inside a box or chest, etcetera).

You have a lot of theoretical knowledge on plants, allowing you to identify most types of plants, both wild and cultivated, and have Expertise on checks to recall lore about plants.

Florist There's something about the beautiful colors of flowers that captures your attention like nothing else. Your fascination has given you a huge base of knowledge on flowers. You can identify them by color and shape and you know which flowers are associated with which plants. You also have knowledge of the symbolic qualities of flowers, including stories of their origins, their use and reason for being.
Plant creatures You are familiar with different types of plant creatures, and the way they might want to consume you.
Primal Magic A type of magic provided by nature itself or provided by ancestor spirits and filtered through nature. This magic is mostly used by druids, rangers and creatures close to nature, such as fey. A Wisdom (Primal Magic) check measures your ability to recall lore about primal spells, symbols and magical traditions. It does not infer any knowledge on Arcane or Divine magic, with the exception of possibly knowing which category a phenomena might belong to.
Identifying A Spell

Sometimes a character wants to identify a spell that someone else is casting or that was already cast. To do so, a character can use their reaction to identify a spell as it’s being cast, or they can use an action on their turn to identify a spell by its effect after it is cast.

If the character perceives the casting, the spell’s effect, or both, the character can make an Wisdom (Primal Magic) check with the reaction or action. The DC equals 15 + the spell’s level.

Fey Magic

The magic of fey is well known to you, and you have Expertise on all checks to recall lore about such magic, including recognizing a spell being cast.

Primal Defense

You have seen enough primal magic to understand the limitations and flaws of most such spells. You have Expertise when using a reaction to identify a primal spell being cast. If you recognize it, you gain advantage on any saves against that spell.

Primal Symbols

You recognize many of the symbols used during the practise of primal magic and have Expertise on checks to deduce the purpose of such symbols.

Ritual Magic Your knowledge in the primal arts specializes in the ritual casting of spells, commonly used by circles of druids. Such rituals are very dependent on the natural cycles, such as the moon or the seasons, and locations where primal magic is stronger. The skill grants you enough knowledge to understand how these rituals are performed, even to the extent that you have learnt a few. When you choose this skill, it is assumed that you have spent enough time researching to have learnt two primal 1st-level ritual spells of your choice.

The contacting of ancestral souls from beyond death, often involving consulting the spirits of the dead about information they knew in life. This skill grants Expertise on checks to communicate to such spirits.

Terrain (group)

You have theoretical knowledge on the natural phenomena from a specific type of terrain. When you select this skill, always choose a terrain type from below. You can select it multiple times, each time choosing a different type of terrain. In addition to being familiar with the selected type of terrain, you have Synergy with weather, animal, plant and Survival checks in the same terrain.

  • Arctic
  • Coastal
  • Desert
  • Forest

The skill at selecting and cutting timber to sustain a forest while drawing its resources. This skill might also give you Expertise on checks to communicate with both sides of a foresting dispute.

  • Grassland
  • Jungle
  • Mountains - includes Alpine mountains
  • Ocean
  • Planar - specify plane. Examples include Abyss, Acheron, Astral plane, Hell
  • Ruins (in D&D worlds ruins often have a unique ecology)
  • Rural
  • Subterranean (a.k.a. Underdark)
  • Urban
  • Wetland - includes Swamp

The knowledge of weather phenomena, including magical ones, and the skill to determine future weather events with marked accuracy, allowing for instance when and where a storm will occur, as well as its severity and length. You have Expertise on checks to recall lore about weather phenomena.

Knowledge (other) (Group)

You are educated in a field of study not covered by other Knowledge skills. In addition you have Synergy (Speechcraft) when interacting with other sages in your field.

The art of cultivating plants, from growing simple plants in a flower pot, to full scale farming. A character with this skill would know how it is done, when it can be done and what is required to successfully grow crops and other plants.

Knowledge on how to grow crops, from the amount required to sustain a single household to areas feeding entire towns. You have Expertise on any checks regarding this.


Knowledge on how to grow plants on a small scale, in particular for ornamental, but also for medicinal purposes. You have Expertise on any checks regarding this.

Mushroom Farming

Societies living in the Underdark use mushroom farming to sustain their inhabitants, as they are able to grow underground with no access to light. You have Expertise on any checks regarding this.

Art (Group)
Art is a group of skills that involves creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power or conceptual ideas. Skill with one Art in this group would not give you knowledge of other skills in the group. Each time you choose the Art skill, you must select a subskill.
Acting The art in which the character tells a story through speech, emotional expressivity, improvisation and physicality. The skill requires an impressive memory, imagination, strength of voice and the ability to intuitively understand intelligent beings. Actors train at length in formal speaking, while gaining a wide knowledge in dramatic literature and humanoid culture.
Master Actor (trait)

“There was a WHAT? A robbery?!”
You have Expertise on acting checks. Additionally you may spend an Inspiration to add 1d8 to any Deception check. If you roll a 5 or less, this inspiration is not expended on use.

Inspiring Speech (trait)

“Brothers! Sisters! I say, to arms!”
You may spend an Inspiration to roll a number of d12s equal to your Charisma modifier. The result is granted as temporary hitpoints, divided among any number of companions who can see and hear you.

Playwriting The skill to write plays, enabling the character to create the preordained dialogue and performance to be employed by actors; the creation of dramatic content.
Recall A character with this skill has trained to remember names, places and phrases spoken by persons in an exact manner, without effort.
Vocal Range Your speaking voice can be heard at a 50% greater distance than a normal person.
Calligraphy The art of writing in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner. You must know how to read and write before taking this skill. Your skill in writing allows you to detect if written text is a forgery with a successful Intelligence (Calligraphy) check.

The art of creating false documentation in order to encourage others to believe in the legitimacy of a characters’ fraudulent practices. You have Expertise on checks made to create a convincing forgery.

Clowning Providing the classical features of the harlequin and the court jester, the act of inspiring laughter and merriment through foolishness, physical prowess and surprise.
Dance This includes the performance of dances enjoyed at social gatherings, such as the ballo, carol, stampita or saltarello, or dances made as pure stage performances. It offers a style of performance as well as an emotional connection between dancers, or between a dancer and a non-dancer. This skill would be used to impress an audience with a dance performance, as well as impress a dance partner during an one-on-one dance.
Drawing The means of making an image using paint, pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, pastels and a variety of applied techniques to capture visual appearance on a flat surface, such as paper, canvas or a wall.
Make-up The art of applying make-up, commonly used to enhance one’s appearance, but can also be used for theatrical make-up or even to imitate the resemblance of another person or creature.

You have training in concealing your appearance, trying to pass yourself off as a different person so that you will not be recognized. This grants Expertise on such checks.

Disguise II (trait) Your skill with disguises has reached where you can impersonate others. This will usually only work for shorter encounters with people who don’t know the person you’re impersonating so well.
Look Your Best (trait)

“Whoever trimmed your beard like that should be hung. Here. Allow me.”
After 20 minutes of work, you may grant a 1d6 bonus to a character’s next Charisma check, if appripriate, i.e looks can improve it.

Music The performance and knowledge of music within a cultural and social context. Music is an important part of many people’s way of life, regardless of their particular skill. The first time you select this skill, immediately select two of the below skills as well.
Courtly Music A type of music typically played at high court, appropriate as background music or as music to dance the highly choreographed noble dances to.
Folk Music The traditions, customs and superstitions of the uncultured classes, or music for the people as a whole, defined by ethnic and historical identity. A form that is easily accessible to those who have very little musical skill.
Martial Music A form of music intended for military settings, with bugle calls, fanfares, drum cadences and composed so that it may be taught by ear, for the inspiration of pomp and warfare.
Lift Spirits (trait) Extend the endurance of an army marching together during a forced march.
Opera A form of musical theater, in which the story is told entirely through music, with aspects supported by political, religious and moral themes.
Play Instrument (group) Enables the character to proficiently make musical sounds with a group of instruments of choice.
Master Music This knowledge is beyond playing, a comprehension of reading notes, improvisation, genre, intonation, dynamics, melodic phrasing, composing and more.
Religious Music Music performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence; describes music that is performed or composed for ritual, or to raise the religious consciousness to beautify the gods.
Origami The art of folding paper into different shapes.

The act of appealing to and receiving financial support and ongoing commissions from members of the elite, be they merchants, nobles, religious leaders or persons of questionable motives. You know how this is done, how to find the appropriate venues and persons, and how to properly address such people. If you have the Speechcraft skill, you have Expertise on such checks.

Poetry The skill to write and perform captivating poetry.
Puppeteering The practice of making a puppet appear alive, through various applications of strings, hands, the control of the space in which the puppet appears, diversion and mastery of the puppet’s movement.
Puppet-making The creation of an object, typically resembling something humanoid or alive, of various materials, that is designed to be manipulated by a variety of means.
Sculpture The carving and shaping of three-dimensional figures in stone, metals, ceramics, wood and other materials, central to the devotion of religion, beauty and the agony and passion of humanoid emotion.
Tattoo The skill to design and create tattoos.
Taxidermy The skill of meticulous preservation, display and restoration of the bodies of deceased animals.
Writing The art of writing a captivating story. This skill would also let you identify hidden meanings in other people’s work.
The art of planning, executing and resolving a burglary of a house or other property, to obtain objects of value within. A character could for instance roll Wisdom (Burglary) while staking out a house to identify where and when it would make most sense to enter a building, or a Dexterity (Burglary) to use lock picks to open a locked door.
Break & Enter

Provides a character with some skill regarding the destruction of doors and windows so that they might be passed through as quickly as possible without creating excessive noise and attention. Glass may be cut, bolts in doors removed, stones and bits of plaster excavated, frames separated from the building itself and even boards and rivets removed from the doors themselves. The difficulty is not to succeed, but the time it will take, and how much noise is made. You have Expertise on all such checks.

A window may be cleared out enough to be safe to crawl through in 5 to 8 rounds, However, most windows, especially on the ground floor, are no more than 8 inches square and normally not large enough to squeeze through. Doors take longer. The bolts of a standard door can be dragged out in about 5-20 rounds, the die determining how “stuck” they are. A strong reinforced door may take anywhere from 60 to 90 rounds (10d4+50), to remove the rivets and bands of iron so that its bolts can then be dragged out. A “normal” dungeon door with bolts that are effectively cemented in place, will take three times as long (10d12+150 rounds) to loosen enough rivets so that wooden boards making the door can be wedged and the door taken apart piece by piece. Tools required include two sizes of chisel, three wedges, a small hammer and a pair of iron tongs.
Case Building (trait) Provides a character with a unique eye regarding the design and layout not only of singular buildings, but of town and city blocks, street fronts and layout. Thus, a would-be thief may feel a particular property calls out to be entered, with conveniently placed balconies, ledges or rooftops easily accessible by rope and ladder.

Even though the probable location of kitchen, workshop, bedroom and internal stairwells often will be obvious regardless of the size of the building, a character should want to spend a week observing every detail of the building’s daily schedule. It is possible therefore to learn who lives there, who visits, who delivers, the usual time of departure and arrival, even what room persons are likely to be in at a given time of the day. Likewise, the passing of the sun will reveal the street itself, who is present, the lines of sight, hiding places, how shadows are cast at different times of day, and routes in and out of the neighborhood.

After such a thorough examination, the details can be planned; when and where to enter, if any temporary personas need to be created, escape plans etc. As long as the plan and routes are followed, each participant in the heist has advantage on Stealth checks, Charisma checks and checks required to escape.

Detect Concealed Door

Enables a character to notice the telltale signs of a concealed door, then pinpoint its precise location. Concealed doors may be screened by trees, the shape of the terrain; they may be small and difficult to see; or located down a hole that passes unnoticed. Inside a house, they may be hidden by a curtain or covered by a rug. It is harder, however, to conceal evidence of traffic in and out of a concealed door. Footprints, a set of branches bent back in a particular way, loose rocks at the edge of a well, even the manner in which the corner of a curtain or rug may appear frayed or not quite straight. Additionally, there may be very slight tracks, or places where the floor or ground has been worn smooth, that will give the presence of a concealed door away. To detect such signs, make a Wisdom (Burglary) check, with Expertise.

If there is a concealed door and the character has seen signs, or has another reason to believe there is one, it will be found given enough time. Indoors, this will require merely 2-5 rounds. Outdoors, this will take longer — a total of 5-20 rounds.


You master the art of opening locks or circumventing security precautions of various designs using a set of lockpicks. You can additionally pick locks with improvised tools, but have Expertise on checks using proper lockpicking tools.

Lookout Enables a character to distract outsiders while another character commits burglary or other criminal activity, while also giving subtle warning to the perpetrator of the crime. This includes skill to ensure that they are not themselves noticed loitering around on a street, such as dressing up as a watchman, a beggar or a woman in distress (who will then ask for help from any passers-by, ensuring they are distracted). A skilled lookout will be very convincing, like an actor in a theatrical troupe. A lookout should also be ready to do whatever it takes to protect the burglar and help him or her get away — even to knock on the door of a residence that’s being robbed, if the inhabitants should awaken while the burglar is inside.

Signals of varying kinds are usually set up as warnings. a bird call, a bright flag or flash of light, calling out a fictional person’s name, as though the lookout were trying to find someone or the releasing of a trained animal. The lookout will absolutely be able to buy 2-8 rounds of attention from up to four persons with some contrived story or distraction. After those rounds of attention expire, successive Charisma (Burglary) checks will each buy another 2-8 rounds.

The skill to prepare raw ingredients into tasty and safe meals. Normally no check is required. If you have the skill and ingredients, you can consistently prepare food that is edible and tastes fine, at least for people of your folk. Checks would only be required for example if you need to impress a gourmet or someone of a different folk with your cooking, if you want to cover up the taste of a poison or if you want to use something that might be poisonous if prepared wrong.

You are skilled at the creation of flour-based food readied in an oven, including bread, cookies, cakes, pastries and pies, and have Expertise on such checks.


Skill at slaughtering, dressing and preserving meat from livestock, game and fish. A slaughter improperly performed can spoil or even poison the meat, so having skill at removing the animal’s entrails is necessary in the production of large amounts of available meat. When preparing rations from animals, you can prepare 50% extra, and the rations will not spoil. You have Expertise on all such checks. However, normally you do not make checks for this skill, only required for instance if you need to extract a specific rare organ, such as a blowfish’s poison bladder or a dragon’s flame sac.


The mastery of supervising and working in a professional kitchen, ordering and purchasing of inventory and the preparation, practice and preservation of food. It grants Expertise on Charisma checks when communicating with other kitchen staff, as well as patrons that have been impressed with your food. Note that these kinds of kitchens are only found in the courts of nobles and very rarely, also as restaurants.


The skill to find safe naturally occurring ingredients that you can prepare in a wilderness environment. Even though you might not be able to identify the exact nature of the ingredients, you will be able to ensure that they are safe to eat, and figure out how to prepare them. You have Expertise on all foraging checks and checks made to identify whether something is safe to eat or drink.

This skill is used to search for herbs in the wild, to identify herbs, safely collect them and to create herbal infusions. This is normally a Wisdom ability check.
Foraging for Herbs

How to forage for herbs is described in its own section.

Crafting Herbal Items

To craft a herbal item you need a herbalism kit and raw materials, either harvested by yourself or bought at half the value of the created item. When attempting to make an item, spend the raw materials and a long rest, then make an Wisdom (Herbalism) check and see the first applicable result below.

If the result of your check is 0 or lower. The item is not created, the raw materials are wasted and if using a herbalism kit, it is ruined.

  • On a result below 5 or if you roll a natural 1. The item is not created and the raw materials are wasted.
  • 6-10. The raw materials were not as potent or fresh as you would have expected. You need to spend additional raw materials equal to 25% of the value of the created item, as well as 8 additional hours. If you choose not to, the original raw materials are wasted and the item is not created.
  • 11-25. The item is created as expected.
  • Over 25. Exceptional potency. You can split the result into a double amount of doses.

You can make any number of doses of the same item at the same time. You can also make multiple different items simultaneously, but with a penalty of -2 per type of item. Make only one check which applies to all items. If you do not have a herbalism kit, you can improvise with other items, but have -4 on your check.


You are good at producing herbal items and have Expertise on all such checks.

Identify Herbal Item (→ Sense-Taste)

You can identify potions and other herbal substances by taste, granting Expertise on all such checks.

Locate Herbs

You have knowledge on how to locate, identify and harvest raw materials for your herbal infusions, granting Expertise on all such checks.

Prepare Poisons (trait) You can additionally create natural poisons that must be imbibed to be effective.
Prepare Poisons II (trait) Adds the option to safely manufacture other types of herbal poisons, being contact, inhaled and injury poisons.
Profession (Group)
You are skilled at a specific job that is not covered by other skills. Like Art, Craft and Knowledge, this is a number of separate skills, and each Profession skill represents an aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of less specific knowledge. Some common Profession skills are baker, brewer, butcher, clerk, courtesan, driver, farmer, fisherman, gardener, innkeeper, librarian, merchant, midwife, miller, miner, porter, shepherd, stable master, soldier, trapper and woodcutter. In many cases there is an overlap between a Profession skill and other skills. The Profession skill is normally less specific and only includes the basic knowledge to perform the profession, as well as how to get in touch with potential employers or other similar professionals of your type, how to get hold of materials and tools or appraising the price and quality of services. In addition you have Synergy (Speechcraft) when interacting with other professionals or your type.

During downtime you can practice your profession, allowing you to live a modest lifestyle without paying the cost.

Some specific professions with additional subskills include:
Embalmer The embalmer prepares the deceased for funerary rites and burials.
Embalming (trait)

If you have access to Alchemist’s or Brewer’s Supplies or Cook’s Utensils, you may confer a benefit identical to the Gentle Repose spell.

Merchant One common profession is the merchant. This profession allows you to add your proficiency bonus to all types of transactions when trading, buying and selling.

However, if you have a specialization, such as books, weapons, animal or basically any type of items that are usually traded, you can additionally select the following skills.

Appraiser (trait) The skill to correctly identify the approximate value of items within your expertise according to their workmanship and innate value. Your experience allows you to always know an approximate value after examining an object for a few minutes.

You know how and where to sell and buy items within your expertise to earn the most. This applies on transactions from single items to wholesale bulk. You have Expertise on all such checks, including checks made to find information about sellers and buyers.

Skill in the basic management of a water vehicle, driven by wind, with rigging, rudder and keel. This allows a character to be useful as crew on a ship, or to handle a smaller boat by himself, as well as understanding the rudimentaries of boat craft and repair.
Air ship Extremely rare, some magical ships have the ability to soar through the air, or even space. You are just as home with this type of ship as you are with a boat in the water.

The skill to function as a river pilot, with skill derived from a familiarity with such environments, allowing the management of a boat through the safest and most efficient river waters. You have Expertise on all checks made for this purpose.

Navigation Permits the proper use of a sextant in order to navigate at sea.
Sea Dog

You are more at home on a boat than anywhere else. Having solid ground beneath your feet will never feel as natural to you as the rolling deck of a ship. You have Expertise on all Sailor checks as well as on Acrobatics checks made to keep your balance and on checks made to climb onboard a ship.

Sleight of Hand
Fine hand motor skill used for entertainment or deception. Used whenever you attempt an act of legerdemain or manual trickery. For example an action such as planting something on someone else, slipping something out of another person’s pocket or concealing an object on your person, would require a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, while performing card tricks or other stage magic to entertain would be a Charisma (Sleight of Hand) check.
Hide Object

The skill of making sure hidden objects on your person stay hidden. You have Expertise on all such checks, usually handled by moving the objects being searched for while the search is being performed.


You are skilled at juggling objects and have Expertise on checks to perform in such a manner, but also for checks made to not drop something during combat.

Knot Tying After years of practice, your nimble fingers can tie any type of knot imaginable and you can always think of the perfect knot to tie in any situation. Unfortunately, your skill and experience in tying knots doesn't necessarily translate to untying knots, especially if you're being restrained by them.

The art of performing magic tricks. You have Expertise on checks such as performing stage magic to impress a crowd. This skill can also be used as an opposed skill check to trick someone trying to identify a spell that you cast into thinking it is a different spell.


Skill at stealing money or other items from a creature without any notice of the theft having occurred. You have Expertise on such checks.

The Survival skill allows you to navigate, hunt, track, read the landscape, etc. It is your ability to manage living or traveling in the wild and being aware of the dangers therein. The DM might ask you to make a Wisdom (Survival) check to follow tracks through a forest, forage for wild game, guide your group through frozen wastelands, identify signs that owlbears live nearby or avoid quicksand and other natural hazards.
Terrain specific Skills
Arctic Survival

You are at home in the cold arctic and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.


You know how to fashion, maintain and employ wooden skis as a means of travel and transport, and have Expertise on all checks and saves in regards to that. The skill provides some ability to shush down hills, but it must be noted that the nature of skis that can be constructed are not capable of other than cross-country skiing.

Glacier Crossing

Improves agility and success when crossing glaciers. You know what equipment is necessary and safe methods of crossing. With preparation you can grant your entire group Expertise on checks and saves against such natural hazards.

Coastal Survival

You are an expert at reading coastal terrain, including areas around lakes and rivers, and can easily determine where the shallow sections are, as well as where the big lagoons or large ship anchorages might be. Additionally you have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Fishing You know the coastlines, but more importantly you are familiar with the fish that inhabit these areas and how to catch them. You can provide enough fish to feed yourself and five other people as long as the area has not been fished out. You can easily tell if something is disturbing the natural balance with the fish in a given area, but cannot necessarily identify the cause.
Desert Survival

You are at home in the unforgiving deserts and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Forest Survival

You are at home in most types of temperate forests and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Grassland Survival

You are at home on plains and savannahs of the world and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Jungle Survival

You are at home in the jungle and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Mountain Survival

You are at home in mountainous regions, including alpine mountains, and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Glacier Crossing

Improves agility and success when crossing glaciers. You know what equipment is necessary and safe methods of crossing. With preparation you can grant your entire group Expertise on checks and saves against such natural hazards.

Mountain Routefinding

This ability, associated with scrambling and mountain climbing, allows the character to make the best possible guesses for locating a good route through mountains. The skill can be used in finding the most likely means for crossing a mountain range, or it may be used specifically for how to climb a particular slope. With preparation and equipment you can grant your entire group Expertise on checks to climb mountains.

Ocean Survival

You know how to survive at sea, both on boats on the surface as well as underwater, and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Boatbuilding You have the skill necessary to fashion a seaworthy craft that's capable of a long journey, as long as you have access to wood and rope.
Planar Survival (Group)

When taking this skill, specify a plane, like the Abyss, Acheron, Astral plane, Hell, etc. You know how to survive on this particular plane and have Expertise on Survival checks while there.

Subterranean Survival

You are at home in the Underdark and other subterranean areas, and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

Caving Enables the discovery of cave entrances by virtue of the experience gained from systematically searching rock formations, pushing through passages that are overlooked as "too tight," digging through dirt and rock fill, or enlarging narrow fissures in the rock — even recognizing air movement, the patterns of water seeping from rock or the tone of an echo. If a hidden entrance exists, characters with this skill are certain to find it; however, this does require half an hour of diligent searching over an area up to 30 ft diameter. Once that search is completed, the character will be able to say for certain that no hidden passage exists within a natural cave.
Wetland Survival

You are at home in swamps and other types of wetlands, and have Expertise on Survival checks in that type of environment.

General Survival Skills

The following skills are applicable whatever the landscape or climate.


The skill to find naturally occurring food in a wilderness environment, which may be edible animal or vegetable matter. The exact nature of the food is not important, though it will typically consist of products such as fish, bird’s eggs, roots, fruits and berries, nuts, honey, fungus, shellfish and more. The amount that is found will be far more than an ordinary person would find and will certainly be safe to eat. In addition you have Expertise on all foraging checks.

Identify Clean Water (trait) You can always ascertain if naturally occurring water is safe to drink, largely through observation, odor, testing a bit of the water against one's tongue and the appearance of the surrounding vista (no checks required).
Pathfinding Improves distance covered when crossing untracked wilderness. A proficient character can deduce the best way to go when attempting to cross a valley, desert or river, climb towards a mountain pass or to a high point, circumnavigate a large feature or otherwise avoid treacherous ground. This reduces the necessity for backtracking in order to find the best route through an untracked wilderness, saving travel time. A character with this skill improves the amount of distance traveled by 1/3.

An additional skill associated with pathfinding is the ability to identify a place — presuming it exists — where rest can be obtained in the wilderness. This will be a place with soft, dry ground, a minimum of dangerous wildlife, reasonably fresh water and retreat from harsh winds or exposure.

Pathfinding II (trait)

Enables a character to help protect others from the environment, giving Expertise on checks against getting caught in or taking damage from natural features, such as sinkholes, slippery places, quicksand, natural pits, natural spikes and potential falls. In effect, character with this skill indicates the best possible route for others of less skill to follow, reducing the chance they will get themselves into trouble. A character with this ability is able to ‘look after’ one person per level — but note that the character himself must also be counted against the number to be protected if he wishes the benefit of the modifier. Otherwise, he will suffer from having paid too much attention to others.

Scouting A set of survival and orientation skills that focus on avoiding detection in the wild, providing a character with the skill to consciously avoid detection by others who may be actively hunting the character or in a position to witness traces left by the character. This includes actively choosing routes that won't reveal footprints, bending back grass and vegetation, selecting hard surface entry and exits onto trails, roads and river banks, to listen automatically for movement of others who may be moving in the area, a heightened awareness of wet environments, how to maintain one's equipment to leave the least scent, the presence of scent with regards to air movement and wind direction, etc. All of these things provide a negligible chance that the character, acting alone in the wilderness, will leave any track that will be noticed or remotely followed by a creature other than those gifted in tracking.

In addition, when you are moving at travel pace, you contribute your Perception to noticing threats even when you are engaged in another activity (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking).


The practice of observing, stalking and following a trail left by a creature or animal in the wild, in order to ultimately locate them or their lair. You have Expertise on such checks.

You have the basic ability to swim.
Armored Swimmer (trait) While wearing armor in water, you may treat it as a category lighter.
At Home in Water (trait)

You are at home in water, being able to both swim and dive with ease. You have Expertise on Swimming checks. In addition whenever you land in water, you may decide if you make no splash, an average splash, or a large distracting splash.

Freediving (trait) Empowers you with the ability to hold his or her breath for longer periods, enabling deep dives. You can hold your breath for four times as long as normal, granting advantage on constitution saving throws against airborne dangers such as gas clouds.
Deep Breathing (trait) Provides unnatural lung capacity that allows periods of 8 to 15 minutes underwater.
Speed Swimmer (trait) You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can Dash while swimming.
The familiarity with the criminal element and how to best handle oneself in rough quarters and among rough people, and knowledge of the unethical trade of other's property.
Appraisal (trait) The skill to correctly identify the approximate value of items according to their workmanship and innate value. This would allow you to identify the most valuable objects in a room or treasure trove automatically, or to estimate the value of an object after examining for a few minutes.
Black Market

The underground movement, illegal sale and fencing of stolen items, acting as a shadow house of sale for objects that cannot be sold to vendors or at auction due to their illegality. In the cities where you normally operate, no checks are required. You have one or more contacts that can handle these things for you. Finding contacts (safely) in new places requires a successful Charisma (Thievery) check. You have Expertise if it is within a Culture you are familiar with.


You are aware of the subtle signs used in the criminal underworld, and can understand them enough to recognize who you can talk to, who you shouldn’t approach and how to ask for information with a minimal amount of trouble. You have Expertise on such checks if within a Culture you are familiar with. In addition you know Thieves’ cant.

Generic rules for crafting

With a skill in this category you have enough knowledge to manufacture and repair objects of a certain type, provided you have the materials and tools required. However, this skill also cover other things related to your type of crafting skill, such as knowing how to get in touch with other crafters or a crafter’s guild, how to get hold of raw materials, appraising the price and quality of an objects and deducing where and how items of your type would be best sold or bought.

No matter your actual skill, in most cultures you would be considered an apprentice. During downtime in human urban and rural areas, this allows you to practice your profession in exchange for food, lodging and formal training in the craft, essentially allowing you to live a poor lifestyle without paying the cost.


One thing to keep in mind is that crafting items and selling them in an area where there is a guild, is only allowed for master crafters. As an apprentice or journeyman you can be employed by a master or maybe help fixing minor stuff for people. Doing more than that could involve legal repercussions and other kinds of problems if found out. Note that this would only apply in areas where there are guilds, which is exclusively human urban and rural areas.


In general, to craft an item you need the proper tools and raw materials worth half the listed value of the created item. When attempting to craft an item, follow these steps.

Determine the final value of the item. This would normally be the listed market price, but a skilled crafter might want to display his craftsmanship and increase the final market value with any amount. During a full work day you make up to 10 gp of progress towards the final cost of the item, or 5 gp of progress if you work as a camp activity, i.e. spending half that in raw materials. Items do not have to be worked on during consecutive days.

At the end of a day’s work make a Wisdom (Craft) check and see the first applicable result below.

  • If the result of your check is 0 or lower. You messed up really bad. Today’s raw materials are wasted, as well as any progress you have made so far. You will have to start over.

  • A natural 1. You find a flaw in the design. Today’s raw materials are wasted, and you have to readjust your plans. Choose one of the following:

    • Continue working, but with -5 on all checks to craft this item until completed.
    • Take some time to think about the problem. Instead of making progress and spending raw materials after each work day, make an Intelligence (Craft) check against DC 12. After a success you can continue your progress as before.
    • Restart the project. Any progress made this far is wasted.
  • On a result below 5. Not a good day. Today’s raw materials are wasted and no progress is made.

  • 6-10. Something goes wrong but you can still save today’s progress if you spend 20% extra materials. If you choose not to, today’s raw materials are wasted and no progress is made.

  • 11-24. Crafting is progressing as expected.

  • 25 or more. A good day’s work. Choose one of the following.

    • Spend only 50% of the raw materials for the same progress.
    • You can spend raw materials and gain progress for two day’s work.
    • Gain +5 on the next Craft check you make during the next week.
    • If this is the final check during the crafting of an item, you can increase the final value by 10%.

Multiple characters can help cut the time down, with each person making a check and adding to the daily progress. This is contingent on those helping having an appropriate tool proficiency and that the item can allow for others to work on it (a crafting a ring won’t have more than one person, while a whole suit of armor could use up to three).

Generic crafting skills

The following skill is not bound to a craft, instead it applies to all crafts in which you have skill.

Guild Politics

Knowledge of the etiquette among guilds and their associates. You have Expertise on Charisma checks when interacting with crafting professionals. This applies even to guilds where you are not a member.

Craft specific skills

For each single craft, you can select the skills described below. Also note, that dwarves gain both the Journeyman crafter and Master crafter skills, as the craftsmanship of dwarves is well known. For other folk, during play, you do not have to spend points to gain the Journeyman crafter and Master crafter skills, instead you gain them as soon as you are applicable for them.

Appraiser (trait) The skill to correctly identify the approximate value of items according to their workmanship and innate value. Your experience allows you to always know an approximate value after examining an object for a few minutes.
Journeyman Crafter (trait) If you start play with this skill, you have an official trade certificate allowing you to charge for your work with the craft, but not yet work as a self-employed master craftsman. This will in most human urban and rural areas allow you to live a modest lifestyle without paying the cost. Becoming a Journeyman crafter during play is a lot harder, as it requires a 7 year apprenticeship. This doesn’t have to be cumulative, so you might almost be done during your background, and finish up the last periods during downtime.

As a journeyman one is expected to accomplish a three-year working trip, to train with multiple masters, which are called the journeyman years. After this trip a journeyman has to submit a masterpiece of work to a guild for evaluation. If the masterpiece is not accepted by the masters, he is not allowed to join the guild, possibly remaining a journeyman for the rest of his life.

Master Crafter (trait) If you start play with this skill, you are a member of a guild and have an official master certificate. This means you have a network of contacts within the craft, as well as suppliers, buyers and in some cases, with other related crafts. In most human urban and rural areas having this skill allows you to live a comfortable lifestyle without paying the cost.

You know how and where to sell and buy the type of items you can craft in order to earn the most. This applies on transactions from single items to wholesale bulk. You have Expertise on all such checks, including checks made to find information about sellers and buyers.


The following list describes all crafting skills.

The scientific study of the properties and behavior of the elements that make up matter; their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. The Alchemy skill covers theoretical knowledge of basic chemistry and can additionally be used to identify, appraise and safely use alchemical substances. You can safely craft basic alchemical items up to a value of 1 gp.
Crafting Alchemical Items.

To craft an alchemical item you need at least an alchemist’s kit and raw materials worth half the value of the created item. Your skill determines what kind of alchemical items you can safely create. If you attempt to make such an item, spend the raw materials and a long rest, then make an Intelligence (Alchemy) check and see the first applicable result below.

  • On a result of 0 or lower. The item is not created, the raw materials are wasted and you suffer an alchemical mishap.
  • On a result below 5 or if you roll a natural 1. The item is not created and the raw materials are wasted.
  • 6-10. The reaction is not as efficient as you would have expected. You need to spend additional raw materials equal to 25% of the value of the created item, as well as 8 additional hours. If you choose not to, the original raw materials are wasted and the item is not created.
  • 11-25. The item is created as expected.
  • Over 25. Exceptional potency. You create the double amount of doses.

You can make any number of doses of the same item at the same time. You can also make multiple different items simultaneously, but with a penalty of -2 per type of item. Make only one check which applies to all items.

If you have access to a fully stocked alchemical laboratory, you have advantage on your check.

You can attempt to make items above your level of skill. For each level below, you have a -10 on your check.

Craft Alchemical Substance (trait) You know how to apply your theoretical knowledge into practice, allowing you to safely craft alchemical items up to a value of 10 gp.
Craft Alchemical Substance II (trait) You know how to safely craft alchemical items up to a value of 25 gp.
Craft Alchemical Substance III (trait) You know how to safely craft any alchemical item.

You have great knowledge on how to purify or concentrate a variety of non-magical liquids, including the making of beverages, and have Expertise on such checks.

Identify Alchemical Substance (→ Sense-Taste)

You can identify potions and other alchemical substances by taste, granting Expertise on all such checks.

Identify Natural Substance You have knowledge on how to locate, identify and harvest naturally occurring substances and liquids.
Prepare Poisons (trait) Adds the option to safely manufacture alchemical poisons that must be imbibed to be effective.
Prepare Poisons II (trait) Adds the option to safely manufacture other types of alchemical poisons, being contact, inhaled and injury poisons.
Poisoning The subtle art of introducing poisons effectively into common food and drink, and upon a weapon's blade without any risk for oneself.
The creation of vessels, objects and figurines made of clay that's hardened or sintered in fire. Ceramics include many possible options for the structure, artistry and beauty of earthenware, porcelain and stoneware. With this skill you can make from simple bricks and roof tiles, to beautiful glazed art objects.

Many objects are formed on the potter’s wheel, with a considerable amount of natural aesthetic included in the craft, as the natural color of the chosen clay is brought out by the firing process. However, the base ceramics skill focuses on shape, functionality and the behavior of clay material as it is modeled and fired.

Clay Masonry

The making and design of structural construction, including bricks, pipes, floor and roof tiles. This skill also allows you to make your own kilns and metal or glass-making crucibles. You have Expertise on all such checks.

Clay Materials Provides a complex understanding of plastic materials, allowing knowledge of clay deposits and their location and the preparation and addition of minerals. Lack of this knowledge requires you to purchase prepared materials for making earthenware, stoneware or porcelain.
Hardened Materials (trait) You know the secrets of increasing the density of clay materials, with knowledge of how to shape and prepare ceramics as weapons and sling missiles.
Animated Pottery (trait) You are able to make ceramic and clay figures in a way that makes them suitable to imbue with magical properties, or even life, such as a golems and other animated constructs.
Prepare Glues & Acids The manufacture of such compounds for use in fusing and etching ceramics and glass. Treat this as if you had Craft Alchemical Substance III with regards to glues and acids.
Glassblowing You are familiar with the process of inflating molten glass with the aid of a blowpipe to produce bottles and other vessels.

Decoration and artistic expression produced before and after the firing process, to create objects of fine distinction with a legitimate tradable value. A ceramic object of art can offer a sense of respect and appreciation, even from those unaware of its value. Gifting such an item might give Expertise on Charisma checks, provided the recipient cares about such things and the item value is appropriate. When creating a ceramic art object, i.e. one that has a market value of at least 5 times the listed price, you can select one of the following benefits. reduce the cost of raw materials by 50%, your daily progress is x5 for this item or gain Expertise on checks to create the item.


You are trained in crafting nets, cords, ropes or cables of varying thicknesses and strengths from fibrous threads of both natural and artificial origin. This also grants Expertise on checks made to assess strength and wear for such items.

Knot Tying After years of practice, your nimble fingers can tie any type of knot imaginable and you can always think of the perfect knot to tie in any situation. Unfortunately, your skill and experience in tying knots doesn't necessarily translate to untying knots, especially if you're being restrained by them.

The skill to shape stone, minerals or gemstones into decorative designs. This does not include the setting of stones into jewelry, which is done by a finesmith. A skilled gemcutter can improve the value of raw gemstones. When performing your craft and determining the final value of your crafted gem, select one of the following benefits. reduce the cost of raw materials by 90%, your daily progress is x5 for this item or gain Expertise on checks to create the item.

Kite Making
The skill of making a functional kite. Normally used for fun and recreation. However, tinker gnomes have found other practical uses for them, such as attaching small non-flying familiars to act as lookouts, lightning attractors or portable beacons.
Advanced Kiting A craft perfected by gnomes, where kites can be built large and strong enough to be able to carry a Small creature. A second creature still needs to fly the kite from the ground. Such a kite can also be used, even by a Medium creature, to glide down safely from a high position. A Dexterity (Advanced kiting) check is required to fly and land safely.
Leatherworking (Group)
The making of products from animals, primarily including the tanning and processing of leather. Leatherworking consists of two very different steps. When you learn this skill, select one of the two subskills below. Even if you are not skilled in the other subskill, you still are aware of what is required to perform it, how to find someone who knows and theoretical knowledge of it, allowing you to make unskilled checks.
Hides & Skins The treatment and process underlying the transformation of skins and hides into leather, including skinning, tanning, tawing and parchment making.

You are skilled at the tanning and tawing steps of leatherworking, gaining Expertise on checks to craft leather from animal hides. This can be used to increase the value of the raw hides before becoming leather.

Parchment Making

Parchments can be made from animal hides, in a process that takes at least two week with optimal conditions. You can make parchments while traveling. This uses your camp activities, as well as some preparation before starting travel each day in order to allow different steps to be done on the road. If not traveling, you have Expertise on associated checks.


You are exceptionally good at removing the hide from dead animals and other beasts, getting a 10 % usable material. Normally this does not require a check, unless it is a mythical beast, such as a dragon or couatl. However this would for instance allow you to recognize which beast a hide came from or to speak to trappers in their own way. You have Expertise on checks made with this skill.

Leathercraft The practice of making animal skins and hides into objects of many forms, including the use of leather for protection and the use of leather as an adornment for aesthetic appeal, such as dyeing, painting, carving, stamping and molding.
Leather Armor

The fashioning of leather as a protective covering used to prevent damage during combat, for both humanoids and animal mounts. You have Expertise on checks to craft leather armor.

Leather Art

Decoration and artistic expression when producing leather items, to create objects of fine distinction with a legitimate tradable value. Wearing beautiful clothes and armor can offer a sense of respect and appreciation, even from those unaware of its value. Gifting such an item might give Expertise on Charisma checks, provided the recipient cares about such things and the item value is appropriate. When creating a leather art object, i.e. one that has a market value of at least 5 times the listed price, you can select one of the following benefits. reduce the cost of raw materials by 50%, your daily progress is x5 for this item or gain Expertise on checks to create the item.

Leather Clothing

The making of leather garments and gear for both practicality and high fashion, as well as protection against the elements. You have Expertise on checks to craft leather clothing.

Leather Containers

The making of bags and containers made from leather. You have Expertise on checks to craft such items.

Metalwork (Group)
The skill of working with metals to create individual objects, assemblies or large-scale structures. Metalworking consists of very different disciplines. When you choose this skill, select one of the subskills below. Even if you do not know a subskill, you still are aware of what is required to perform it, how to find someone who knows and theoretical knowledge of it, allowing you to make unskilled checks.
Finesmith Skill at making and repairing jewelry, engraving, stonesetting, precision tools and other metal forms requiring a fine and meticulous mastery.

You are skilled with the creation and repair of jewelry, and have Expertise on such checks.

Metal Art

Decoration and artistic expression when producing metal items, to create objects of fine distinction with a legitimate tradable value. Wearing beautiful jewelry, armor or weapons can offer a sense of respect and appreciation, even from those unaware of its value. Gifting such an item might give Expertise on Charisma checks, provided the recipient cares about such things and the item value is appropriate. When creating a metal art object, i.e. one that has a market value of at least 5 times the listed price, you can select one of the following benefits. reduce the cost of raw materials by 50%, your daily progress is x5 for this item or gain Expertise on checks to create the item.

Metalsmith The process of working metal through the manipulation of heat and blacksmithing, making common everyday objects and tools in various metals. As a metalsmith you can work with all common metals.

The mastery at making metal armor for humanoids and animals, using a forge, hammer and anvil. You have Expertise on checks to craft metal armors. If you have skill in woodworking you also gain Expertise when making shields.


A metalsmith who specializes in forging arrowheads. You have Expertise on all such checks.

Advanced Arrowsmith (trait) You have complemented your smithing skills with some alchemical knowledge, allowing you to additionally make all types of speciality arrows.

The skill to create objects primarily from wrought iron or steel. You have Expertise on checks to craft objects such as gates, tools, agricultural implements and cooking utensils, provided they are not covered by another metalsmith skill.


Forging of knives, swords and other blades. You have Expertise on such checks.


Metalsmith that works with brass and copper. You have Expertise on checks to craft objects from these metals.

Coinsmith A coinsmith works strictly with minting of coins and other currency. Having this skill implies you have or had an official permit to mint money in some part of the world. Unless otherwise noted in your background you might still have a few important contacts higher up in the ruling class of that area.

Metalsmith that works with gold. You have Expertise on checks to craft such objects.


The skill to craft locks, safes and keys. You have Expertise on checks to craft such objects, as well as on checks to open locks and safes.


Metalsmith that works with silver. You have Expertise on checks to craft such objects, including changing weapons into silvered weapons.


The skill to forge forges weapons other than blades, including axes, spears, flails and other such weapons. You have Expertise on checks to craft weapons.


Metalsmith that works with white metal (tin and pewter). You have Expertise on checks to craft objects from these metals.

Smelting The skill of smelting and purifying metals that can be derived from ordinary ores or coarse nuggets.
Textiles (Group)
The skill of using plant or animal fibers to construct everyday and ornamental clothing or arts. Includes multiple techniques used to embellish or decorate textiles, including dyeing, printing, knitting, tailoring, hooking and more. When you choose this skill, select one of the subskills below. Even if you do not know a subskill, you still are aware of what is required to perform it, how to find someone who knows and theoretical knowledge of it, allowing you to make unskilled checks.
Cloth & Materials Knowledge of the cloth making process, from cultivation and care of plants and animals through the fulling, weaving and coloring of the cloth itself.
Textile Art

Decoration and artistic expression when producing textile items, to create objects of fine distinction with a legitimate tradable value. Wearing beautiful clothing or adorning your home with expensive textiles can offer a sense of respect and appreciation, even from those unaware of its value. Gifting such an item might give Expertise on Charisma checks, provided the recipient cares about such things and the item value is appropriate. When creating a textile art object, i.e. one that has a market value of at least 5 times the listed price, you can select one of the following benefits. reduce the cost of raw materials by 50%, your daily progress is x5 for this item or gain Expertise on checks to create the item.

Textilework The making of cloth garments and gear for both practicality and high fashion, as well as for protection against the elements and other dangers (including combat).

You have Expertise on checks to craft clothes.

Cloth Armor

You have Expertise on checks to craft cloth armor.

Embroidery & Print

Skills at making tapestries, carpets, tablecloths and drapery, coverlets and more, to provide comfort, grace and magnificence to living spaces and surfaces. You have Expertise on checks to craft such items.

Sacks & Bags

The making of bags and containers made from cloth. You have Expertise on checks to craft such items.

The skill of creating, setting and concealing traps for the purpose of detaining, damaging, wounding, injuring or killing unwanted trespassers and unsuspecting victims. Characters with this skill are also able to remove the traps set by other persons.
Animal Trapping

You are skilled at using snares and traps to catch animals for their furs and meat, or as a means of pest control. You have Expertise on checks to create or remove such traps, as well as on all foraging checks.

Booby Traps

The creation of larger traps using materials commonly found in nature and targeting intelligent prey. This includes traps such as deadfall traps, pit traps and snare traps. You have Expertise on checks to create, spot and remove such traps.

Pressure Traps

The creation of traps that implement balance and hydraulic forces in the making. These types of traps are usually part of the architecture, and need to be built in when building a structure. You have Expertise on checks to create, spot and remove such traps.

Safe Trap (trait) Improves traps so that they can be reset or reloaded by unskilled persons with a minimum of training.
Self-resetting Traps (trait) The knowledge to use magical application or ingenuity to enable traps to reset themselves after firing.
Recognise Dweomer

The skill to recognize the presence of magical traps, glyphs, runes, sigils and similar devices. You have Expertise on checks to spot, avoid and deduce the triggers of such traps.

Woodworking (Group)
The skill of making objects, furniture and large-scale structures out of wood, including the dyeing, staining and polishing of veneer and the use of resins as glues and ornamentation. Woodworking consists of some very different disciplines. When you choose this skill, select one of the subskills below. Even if you do not know a subskill, you still are aware of what is required to perform it, how to find someone who knows and theoretical knowledge of it, allowing you to make unskilled checks.
Bowyer The skill of making reliable bows and arrows.
Advanced Bowyer

Your skill with this trade grants Expertise on all checks when crafting bows or arrows.

Joinery The act of joining pieces of wood together to make complex items such as furniture, cabinets, timber framing and additional creations associated with carpentry.
Engines Skill in creating large machines such as wind and water mills, rolling wagons, chariots and siege engines, for practical use, martial destruction and festive celebration.
Shipbuilding Construction of ships and other floating vessels, often viewed as works of magnificence and art, for practical haulage and as weapons of war.
Whittling The art of carving shapes out of raw wood using a knife or mallet and chisel. The wood can be fashioned into a variety of imaginative or useful objects, for both practical and aesthetic merit.
Wood carving

An artistic expression of whittling, for the sole purpose of sculptural ornamentation of a wooden object. Aesthetically pleasing objects can offer a sense of respect and appreciation, even from those unaware of its value. Gifting such an item might give Expertise on Charisma checks, provided the recipient cares about such things and the item value is appropriate. When beautifying an existing wooden object or creating a wooden art object from scratch, i.e. one that has a market value of at least 5 times the listed price, you can select one of the following benefits. reduce the cost of raw materials by 50%, your daily progress is x5 for this item or gain Expertise on checks to create the item.

Craft (other) (Group)
You are skilled in a craft not covered by other Craft skills, such as barrel making, basket weaving, book binding or cobbling. A Craft skill is specifically focused on creating something. If nothing is created by the endeavor, it probably falls under the heading of a Profession skill.

This group collects additional traits that are not part of a skill.

Death’s Suitor

   Requirement: Must have died at least once

You have cheated death so often that even Pharasma now deems it part of your fate. This allows you to reroll any roll where failure has a chance of killing you or reducing you to 0 hp. This might be an attack roll against you when you are low on hp, an unexpectedly high damage roll, a failed save against an ability damage or spell effect that instantly kills. When using it, the reroll is made with advantage or disadvantage, your choice. You can use this a number of times equal to the number of times you have died, and regain all uses when you finish a short rest.


   Requirement: Must be a drunkard

You defenitely have problems with alcohol, being constantly at some level of inebreity. The following applies to you:

  • Each first Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom save you make each day is made with disadvantage.
  • Cocktail. If you consume a potion you have mixed with alcohol, roll 2d8 and gain that many temporary hit points. If you roll two 1s, you are poisoned for one hour instead. Drinking such a cocktail takes at least a full round.
  • Drunken Lurch. If an enemy hits you with an attack, you can spend an Inspiration to gain resistance to that damage, then move into a random empty space within 5 ft and fall prone.
  • Boozer’s Endurance. If you fail a saving throw against being stunned or unconscious, you may add any number to your roll by taking psychic damage equal to twice what you add.
Fiery Spirit of Passion

   Prerequisite: Devoted follower of Balder, Calistria, Hanali Celanil, Hathor, Sheyanna Flaxenstrand or Shelyn

Your faith blooms, giving you a fierce devotion, beauty and free spirited passion. The deity you are devoted to grants you a fiery and irrepressible strength of soul and a breath catching grace of form. You share a deep bond with your companions, driving them forward with your fiery passion and spirit. When you and at least one allied creature within 20 ft make a saving throw against the Frightened condition at the same time, they can use your saving throw instead of theirs if yours is higher. A creature can only replace their roll with yours once and must complete a long rest before they can do so again.
Fiery Soul

You can draw upon your faith to unleash the magnetic fiery soul within you with the effect of the spell enthrall, which you can cast once between each long rest without expending a spell slot. When you cast it in this way, the spell does not require a somatic component. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Fiery Personality

When you cast enthrall using this trait, you additionally gain the effects of the sanctuary spell and advantage on all Speechcraft and Performance checks against creatures that failed their saving throw. All effects end when the enthrall spell ends, or if you break the effects of sanctuary by making an attack or casting a spell.

Graceful Dancer

   Prerequisite: Art - Dance and Devoted follower of Bes, Calistria, Corellon Larethian or Shelyn

Each step is an expression of your faith, graceful and flowing, as if about to burst into dance at any moment, your movements take on a bewildering elegance that makes others seem plodding in comparison. You gain the ability to take a Dancer’s Step as a bonus action. You can move up to 5 ft, and select one additional effect:

  • Your Dancer’s Step movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
  • The next attack from one creature within 5 ft of where you end the Dancer’s Step against you before the start of your next turn has disadvantage.
  • You can make an attack with a light melee weapon after your Dancer’s Step movement as part of the same action.
Masterful Dancer You can select two effects whenever you make a Dancer’ Step.
Selfless Martyr

   Prerequisite: Devoted follower of Arawn or Torag

Your faith helps you persevere through anything, taking the suffering of others onto yourself and offering relief to those that need it most. As an action, you can touch a creature that is Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened , Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned or Stunned, and immediately end that condition on the target creature, but suffer that condition yourself. If that condition has a save against its ongoing effect, you can immediately make a save against the effect to end it as part of taking the condition onto yourself. Each time you take on the suffering of another creature with this trait, you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses when you complete a long rest.

Steadfast Traveler

   Prerequisite: Physique - Endurance and Devoted follower of Desna, Lugh or Marthammor Duin

Your faith gives a drive and curiosity that drives you to go beyond and press further. This has been noticed by your deity who has granted you the ability to cast augury without expending a spell slot as long as the question asked relates to a path, trail, or route, and only the consequences of taking it. The normal restrictions of using augury multiple times a day still applies.

Freedom of Movement

Little can stop you. As a bonus action you can gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus and be under the effect of freedom of movement until the end of your turn. Once you do this, you must complete a long rest before you use this feature again.

Only available at character creation.

If you can’t protect your friends, you can be damn well sure you’ll avenge them. Whenever an enemy causes an ally to become blinded, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, restrained or to suffer a critical hit, you gain advantage on your next attack roll. In addition, whenever a creature causes an ally to drop to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

Beautiful Coward
You’re always quick to shy away from danger, and desperate to keep your blood in its proper place, whether that takes covering your head and sobbing, “Dear god, don’t hurt me! I’m too pretty to die!” or by vigorously pointing a beast toward an ally who is a bit ‘meatier’, you’re quick to save your skin. Whenever you roll for initiative, you gain the benefits of the Dodge action until the start of your next turn. In addition, while you have the benefits of the Dodge action, you may add your Charisma modifier to your AC.
Feel No Pain

   Requires: Constitution 13 or higher, Wisdom 8 or lower

Some people wonder whether you’re really physically tough, or if you’re just too oblivious to notice you’ve been wounded. Who needs mental fortitude when you’ve got a skull thick enough to stop evil magic! You gain the following benefits:

  • You may make an unarmed strike with your head for 1d4 bludgeoning damage as a bonus action. You are proficient with this attack.
  • Whenever you take damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage you take by 1d4, to a minimum of 1 damage.
  • You have Expertise on saving throws to avoid being socially manipulated or magically mind-controlled. This does not extend to illusions, where you instead have disadvantage.
Lovable Klutz

   Requires: Dexterity 8 or lower, Charisma 13 or higher

Though your clumsiness often interferes with routine tasks and you spend as much time on the ground as you do standing up, you always stay positive! It’s important to do your best every day! You gain the following benefits:

  • A creature that makes a melee attack against you while you are prone does not gain advantage.
  • Whenever you roll 1 on an ability check or attack roll, you can use your reaction to gain some forgiveness. The next attack roll made against you before the beginning of your next turn has disadvantage.
  • People forgive you quickly for your mistakes. You have Expertise on any Charisma check that you make to gain favor with a creature you’ve accidentally wronged.
Skills and traits only selectable by certain folk. These folk specific skills always count as being class skills.

Some of the skills are designated as Background traits, which indicates that they can only be selected at level 1.

Celestial Resilience II

   Requires: Celestial Resilience combat skill

Increase your Constitution score by 1.

Eyes of the Upper Planes You can spend 1 minute opening up your divine bloodline up to the creases of reality. For 10 minutes you can see into the ethereal plane, and see through invisibility and illusions. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before using it again.
Wisdom of the Planes

Increase your Wisdom score by 1.

Heavenly Emissary Your natural charm makes you trustworthy and earnest.

You have advantage on Insight and Speechcraft checks in friendly dealings with celestials.

Heavenly Charm

Increase your Charisma score by 1.

Consume Souls You have the ability to drain energy from dying creatures.
  • Whenever a humanoid creature dies within 30 ft of you, you can use your reaction to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus.
Detached From Reality

   Prerequisite: Awakened (skeleton)

  • You are even better at using the body parts you detach with the bone to pick trait. As an action on your turn, you are able to recall any detached body parts, which will be drawn back to you, moving 30 ft per turn in a straight line towards you. Your detached body part has hit points equal to your level, apart from your head which has double your level in hitpoints. If a body part is destroyed, it can be replaced with bones from an appropriate humanoid.

  • Graveyard Whisper. You know the message cantrip. In addition, you have embedded a copper wire onto the inside of your skull, meaning you are never without the cantrip’s material component. When you cast message, if the target replies to you, the reply returns with an echoey quality but otherwise works normally.

  • Arm. Your disconnected arm is a club dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

  • Hand. When detached from your body, your hand gains a walking speed equal to half your walking speed. Your detached hand can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds and has a range of 60 ft before it can no longer be controlled or recalled.

  • Head. When you detach your head from your shoulders you are still able to use all of its functions (sight, hearing, etc.). While detached in this way, your head needs to be reattached manually and cannot be recalled. If your head is destroyed while detached, you are unconscious until the skull of an appropriate humanoid is manually attached onto your body.

  • Ribs & fingers. A rib or finger can be used as lockpicks. When attempting to pick a lock in this way, you may add your proficiency bonus to the roll.

Ghost Speaker

   Prerequisite: Speechcraft

You have learned how to communicate better with other undead, whether in the hope of ending their torments or as a means to obtain forbidden lore.
  • When you make an Insight or Speechcraft check against a non-hostile undead, you have Expertise.

  • You can comprehend and verbally communicate with undead, even if they cannot normally speak. Their willingness to communicate with you is limited by their intelligence and their general attitude toward the living, but even if they might attack you shortly afterward, they can usually be persuaded to give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day.

Ghostly Magic

   Prerequisite: Awakened (bound spirit) and Arcana

Your soul is especially powerful and you may channel its power into a semblance of mortal magic.

  • Each day, you may cast up to three of the following spells: blink, catapult, charm person, fear, and invisibility (self only). You regain the ability to cast these spells when you finish a long rest.

  • When you take this skill, choose either Charisma or Wisdom as your spellcasting ability for these spells, and you cast any spells gained by this feat at their lowest possible levels.

Mask Presence You are able to mask your soul from the mindless hordes and become indistinguishable from one of their own.
  • Undead with an intelligence score of 6 or lower are considered to have the charmed contition in regards to you unless you damage them. Undead with an intelligence score of 8 or lower will not attack you unless you damage them or somehow impede their goal first. You can still be affected by area-of-effect abilities and/or spells from these undead.
Aerial Agility

   Prerequisite: Grung beastfolk

You can use your reaction when you fall to halve any falling damage you take. You can then reduce this damage additionally by an amount equal to your level plus your Dexterity bonus.

Auran Spirit

   Background trait, Prerequisite: Aarakocra birdfolk

You have learned spent time learning from your elders, preparing to tend to the spiritual need of your tribe.

You learn the guidance cantrip.

Auran Spirit II

You learn the augury spell or the find familiar spell. You can cast the spell you choose as a ritual.


   Prerequisite: Kenku birdfolk, Arcana

Your mastery of mimicry allows you to copy the complex gestures and arcane words of spells that you have never seen before.

As a reaction to seeing someone else cast a 1st level arcane spell, you can copy that spell and cast it at its lowest possible level within the next minute, without material components or spell slots. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for this spell. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. The level of spell that you can copy increases to 2nd level at character level 5, and and again to 3rd level at character level 9.

Beastly Forms

   Prerequisite: Nature

With enough training, your ability to change form has improved so well that you can now take forms of beasts.

You can now use your Shapechanger trait to turn into an animal that you have seen of a similar size and shape as you. While you are transformed into a beast, your AC is replaced by the beast’s AC and you lose your ability to speak. Other than that, your statistics do not change.

If the creature you are transformed into has a swimming or climbing speed, you gain it. However, if its swimming or climbing speed is higher than your movement speed, you only gain that speed equal to your movement speed.

While transformed into a creature with horns, claws or other natural weapons, you have natural weapons, which you are proficient with. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.

Malleable Form

   Prerequisite: Acrobatics

You have a finer degree of control over your shapeshifting allowing you to increase the flexibility of your joints.

Gain the skill Acrobatics - Contortion and all its subskills.

Truly Eldritch You have truly embraced your aberrant heritage and are able to mold your mind as well as your body.

You have Expertise on checks and saving throws to resist both magical and nonmagical effects that detect your thoughts, emotions or compel you to tell truth.

Additionally, you can present false thoughts, emotions or lies as if you are being truthful by making a Charisma (Speechcraft - Deception) check contested by the creature’s Insight check.

Eldritch Mindreader

You can cast detect thoughts once without expending a spell slot or components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell and you regain the ability to the spells in this way when you finish a long rest.

Arcane Hiding

While in your true form, you can cast nondetection on yourself without expending a spell slot, requiring no spell components. When you cast the spell this way, it ends immediately if you are no longer in your true form, whether by using your Shapechanger trait, or when you are transformed. You regain the ability to cast the spell in this way when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability.

Powerful Build

   Background trait

Broader and bulkier than your kin, you embody the physical might of your ancient ancestors. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity, the weight you can push, drag or lift, and the creatures that you can grapple or shove.

This does not stack with the Physique - Balance load skill, however that skill costs 0 to you.

Platinum Aspect

   Prerequisite: Devoted follower of Bahamut and the Religion - Acolyte (Bahamut) skill

Your service to the platinum dragon gives a deep well of inner strength and a forceful presence that cannot be easily denied.

As bonus action, you can gain one aspect of Bahumut’s Justice, selecting one of the following:

Wings of Justice: You gain ethereal dragon wings, giving you flying speed equal to your walking speed until the end of your turn.

Breath of Justice: You emit a blast of radiant energy. Creatures in a line 30 ft long and 5 ft wide emitting from you must make a Dexterity save against your breath weapon DC. On failure, creatures take a number of d6 radiant damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Eyes of Justice: Your eyes glow radiant platinum, giving you 30 ft of truesight until the end of your turn.

Once you activate a draconic aspect, you cannot do so again until you spend some time in prayer (i.e. selecting it as a long rest option).

Semi-Aquatic Adaptation

   Background trait, Prerequisite: Black, Bronze or White dragonborn

Your ancestor was once able to swim through rivers, and you have tapped into that ability, developing an eel-like tail, webbed feet and hands, or whatever adaptation you find appropriate.

Gain the Swimming and Swimming - Speed swimmer skills. After calculating your swim speed, add 10 ft to it.

Additionally you can hold your breath for 30 minutes. This stacks with the Swimming - Freediving skill. However the Deep breathing trait is useless to you.


   Prerequisite: Brass, Copper, Gold or Silver dragonborn

You manifest the metallic dragon's ability to change their form.

You can cast alter self once per short rest.

Dwarven Stubbornness Dwarves are renowned for their stubbornness, but you are even more stubborn than most.

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

You have resistance against psychic damage and advantage on saving throws against spells and effects that deal psychic damage.

Arboreal Allure

Prerequisite: Wood nymph floran

Wood nymphs have a knack for appealing to humanoid conceptions of beauty, a talent that has been described as unearthly and enchanting.

You learn the friends cantrip.

Arboreal Allure II Some wood nymphs take this natural appeal to the next level, tapping into their mystical connection with all life to magically alter how others view them.

Choose one spell from among the following: alter self, calm emotions, enthrall and suggestion. You learn that spell, and can cast it at its lowest level. Once you cast it, you must complete a long rest before you can cast it again. If you choose this feat before you reach 3rd level, you must wait until you reach 3rd level to gain this benefit.

You use your otherworldly charm to mitigate the biggest risk of charm magic: being found out. As an action, you may force a creature charmed by you to make a Charisma save. If it fails, the target does not realize that it had been charmed once the condition wears off, overriding the normal side-effect of spells such as friends or charm person. Once you use this ability, you may not use it against the same target again until you take a long rest.

The spell DC for these abilities is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Photosynthetic Efficiency You heal faster when in direct sunlight.

If you take a short rest in sunlight or water, you can re-roll any hit dice you spend and take the higher value. You may also regrow lost limbs and other extremities in this fashion, although this takes a few days.

You need to breathe, but unlike most humanoids, you inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, enough to supply one Medium-sized humanoid with breathable air in an enclosed environment.


   Prerequisite: Arcana

You have carved arcane runes and symbols into your bark. These can be used as an arcane/divine focus when casting spells. As such they must be visible and not hidden behind cloak, armor or clothes.

Add the following spells to your spell list:

Spell Level Spells
Cantrip mold plant, thorn whip
1st bridge of branches, entangle
3rd plant growth
4th tree strike
6th wall of thorns
Artisan's Eye

   Prerequisite: Earth genasi

The treasure seekers of the dao echo in your heritage, allowing you an innate knack for identifying precious items.

You have advantage on any check made to determine the quality, rarity or legitimacy of precious gems or metals, or objects made with them.

You also can cast the detect magic spell at will, but it only detects magic items and objects, not spells.

Eternal Purity

   Prerequisite: Water genasi

The purity of the elemental plane of water flows through your veins.

You have advantage on saves against poison and resistance to posion damage.

You can drink any manner of water, so long as it is of an appropriate temperature. This includes sea water, thin mud and other such liquids; you still gain the benefits of drinking normal water.

Critter Friend

   Prerequisite: Forest gnome

Your friendship with animals mystically deepens.

You learn the speak with animals spell and can cast it at will without expending a spell slot. You also learn the animal friendship spell, and can cast it once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Svirfneblin Magic

   Prerequisite: Deep gnome

You have inherited the innate spellcasting ability of your ancestors.

You can cast nondetection on yourself at will, without needing a material component. Additionally you can cast each of the following spells once: blindness/deafness, blur, and disguise self. You regain the ability to cast these spells when you finish a long rest.

Choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for these spells. The spells are cast at their lowest possible levels.

Alien Mind Your mind is even more alien than most lizardfolk. Insight checks made against you have disadvantage.

Additionally you may reroll an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma saving throw. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest.

Aquatic Hunter

Prerequisite: Blackscale lizardfolk

Your swimming talent develops, allowing you to swim with ease and ambush unsuspecting prey from the water.

You can breathe underwater as long as you are conscious and you have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide underwater.

While in water, the first time you hit a creature with your bite attack, you may attempt to initiate a grapple.

Bat Shape

Prerequisite: Bloodmarked shifter

Your power of transformation have been honed to the point where you can wholly become a bat.

Instead of shifting into your bestial form, you can shift into a bat. This functions as the druid’s Wild Shape, except you can only become a bat, and for all references to druid level, use your character level.

Grasping Tail

Prerequisite: Tiefling with a tail.

Many tieflings have tails, but you have a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry items. While you cannot wield weapons with your tail, you can use it to grab unattended items within 5 ft, carry small items such as a torch or grab stowed objects carried on your person. The tail gives you an extra item action each round.
Infernal Constitution Fiendish blood runs strong in you, granting you resistance to cold and poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.