Poison Types

Harvested poisons
Contact Poisons
Ingested Poisons
Inhaled Poisons
Injury Poisons


Given their insidious and deadly nature, creating, possessing and using poisons is highly illegal in most societies but is a still a favorite tool among assassins, drow, and other evil creatures. Illegality does not stop the existence of poisons, but it forces the prices up, making it very expensive. A black-market dealer or unscrupulous apothecary might keep a hidden stash and characters with criminal contacts might be able to acquire poison. Other characters might have to make extensive inquiries and pay bribes before they track down the poison they seek.

Creating Poisons

During downtime between adventures a character can use the Alchemy - Prepare poisons or Herbalism - Prepare poisons skills to create poisons. Not all poison ingredients are available for purchase, and tracking down certain ingredients might form the basis of an entire adventure.

Poisoner’s Kit

A poisoner’s kit is a favored resource for thieves, assassins, and others who engage in skulduggery. It includes glass vials, a mortar and pestle, chemicals, and a glass stirring rod. The kit allows you to apply poisons and create them from various materials.

Harvesting poisons

A character can instead attempt to harvest poison from a poisonous creature, such as a snake, wyvern, or carrion crawler. The creature must be incapacitated or dead, and the harvesting requires 1d6 minutes followed by a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check. On a successful check, the character harvests enough poison for a single dose. On a failed check, the character is unable to extract any poison. If the character fails the check by 5 or more, the character is subjected to the creature’s poison.