Class Options


Changelings are the offspring of a humanoid creature and doppelganger. They almost always remain within the humanoid society; doppelganger clans find the half-blood’s abilities too limited to be of any use. The changeling is indistinguishable from others of its humanoid parentage until it reaches maturity. Indeed, an accidental change is often the changelings first indication that something is amiss with its heritage.

After maturity, changelings strongly resemble their doppelganger lineage. They fall within the boundaries of Medium size. Unlike true doppelgangers, changelings do have gender in their natural form, although they can adopt any shape they like. Changelings have pale gray skin, and their hair is thin and fair. Their limbs are long and slightly out of proportion compared to other humanoids. Their faces have slightly more distinct features than a doppelganger’s, including a hint of nose and lips, though their eyes remain blank white and the rest of their facial features don’t look quite as finished as those on a human.

Quick to Change, Slow to Decide

Many would consider an ability to change their looks at any time a gift, but to the changeling it can seem at times like a curse. Due to fears of prejudice, many changelings spend little to no time in their true form. Some try to have an ordinary life, changing their form rarely. Others take full advantage of their powers, becoming infiltrators, thieves, blackmailers and spies. Yet, some faceless live in their true form, to show others that their kind could be trusted.

Due to their chaotic nature, they change their moods as often as they change their appearance. It’s not unusual for changelings to be indecisive and work on more than one task at a time. Their innate ability of changing gives them an uncanny ability to deceive others. Befriending a changeling could either be a blessing, or a disaster.

Changelings feel a need to search something their whole life. This longing drives them, whether they seek their true self, a place they can belong, or their ancestor. When a changeling takes up adventuring, it might be to fulfill its need. Some get distracted on the way by the fame and fortune, but sooner or later their desire will resurface.


As a changeling you get a some traits that you share with the others of your kind.

Class Options

Psychologically a changeling is very similar to a human, and have the same class options as humans with the following addition: