Dual Class

A dual class is a combination of two existing classes, with abilities that synergize with the base class features of both classes. You can decide to dual class already at 1st level, when you choose the first of the classes included in the dual class, or you can decide to do it later, after having been one of the classes for a few levels.

When you decide to dual class, you do not choose an archetype for the class. Instead each class has features that you gain at the levels when the base classes would normally get archetype features. You can choose the order of class levels as you wish, and you are not required to increace levels of the two classes equally.

When a feature refers to your dual class level, this is the sum of the the two class levels.

Class combinations
Barbarian Bard Druid Fighter
Barbarian - Bardbarian Cataclysm -
Bard Bardbarian - - Bannerlord
Druid Cataclysm - - -
Fighter - Bannerlord
- -


Dual Class Features

Class Level Feature
Barbarian 1st Furious Footwork
Bard 1st Bardbarian Drums
Barbarian 3rd Regular Violence
Bard 3rd Warrior’s Focus
Barbarian 6th Battle Beat
Bard 6th Battle Terror
Barbarian 10th Staccato

Barbarian / Bard

The bardbarian comines the rage of an barbarian with the inspiration and performance of the bard. Usually this takes the form or intense drumming or ceremonial dances (called a haka in some cultures).

Some suggestion for archetypes of this combination include:


As barbarian tribes wander through harsh terrains, eyes and minds always alert to the deadliest creatures in the wild, they’re souls must be kept kindled by their clan. For this purpose, there is no better enflamer than the Skalds.

Singing songs and weaving tales of past victories, Skalds remind their peers of their truest strength: Camaraderie. These stories are not meant to bring peace of mind, but rather to inculcate deeper trust and connection. But Skalds are not merely observers- but active participants in the stories they pass along. As some Skalds say, “There is no better way to see history than to carve it.”

Path of the Haka

Those who follow the Path of the Haka use simple, well-practiced movements to rain attack after attack on their enemies in devastating cadence. The drums of war pound to the tempo of these barbarians’ hearts, who constantly build to the next hammerblow.

Furious Footwork

At your 1st barbarian level, you gain proficiency with drums, Acrobatics and Performance. You can stand from prone using only 5 feet of movement, and when you Dash you ignore difficult terrain.

Bardbarian Drums

You are able to capture your rage in your music, amplifying the psychological effects it has on those around you. During the same bonus action used to activate your rage, you may pummel a set of drums you are proficient with to intimidate enemies and bolster your allies.

Enemies within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma or Strength modifier) or be frightened of you. In addition, make a performance check, allies within 30 feet of you gain temporary hit points equal to your roll.

You can use this feature once, and can regain its use when you finish a short rest.

Regular Violence

Every one of your strikes is a drumbeat punctuating the rhythm of battle. When you hit a hostile creature with an attack while raging, your rage damage bonus increases by 1. This bonus cannot exceed half your dual class level, and lasts until you miss an attack or your rage ends.

Warrior’s Focus

Whenever you rage and the first time you grant an inspiration dice to an ally after each short rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to the size of your Inspiration die + Constitution modifier. These temporary hit points last for up to 10 minutes.

You may expend all temporary hit points you have remaining from this feature to cast a Bard spell you know with a casting time of 1 action or less while raging. (This still expends a spell slot.)

Battle Beat

You can use a bonus action while raging to make an uproar that thrills the hearts of your allies. Friendly creatures within 60 feet of you that can hear you have advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed, frightened, exhausted, or put to sleep until the start of your next turn.

In addition each ally gain an Inspiration Die, that lasts until the start of your next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Battle Terror

The range on your Bardbarian Drums feature increases to 60 feet. In addition, you make attacks against enemies frightened by the effect with advantage and such creatures roll have disadvantage on wisdom and charisma saving throws.


The sound of your mighty blows sends a shockwave bursting through other targets. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, all creatures of your choice adjacent to the target take thunder damage equal to your current rage bonus.


Dual Class Features

Class Level Feature
Bard 1st Fanfare
Fighter 3rd Raise the Colors
Bard 3rd Highborn Horseman, Lead the Charge
Bard 6th Fighter’s Flourish
Fighter 7th Unquenchable Morale
Fighter 10th Lead from the Front

Bard / Fighter

The archetypal Bannerlord is the noble, steadfast leader of the battlefield. Also called bannerets, chevaliers, and men-at-arms, these soldiers direct the flow of battle and bolster their allies with their very presence. Leaders by example, they are the first to enter the field and the last to leave.


When you roll initiative, you and each ally within 60 feet that can see or hear you adds your Charisma modifier to its initiative roll.

Raise the Colors

Your allies rally to you. You can use a bonus action to raise a banner, flag, pennant, or other eyecatch which you hold in one or both hands to bolster your group. The eyecatch can be a weapon or an item attached to a weapon, but attacking with the weapon lowers the eyecatch. When you do so, choose one of the benefits below.

You and each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you (or 60 feet if you are mounted) gain that benefit for 1 minute, until you drop or sheathe the eyecatch, you use this feature again, or are incapacitated. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your lowest class level, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.

But it is not this day. Each affected creature gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your dual class level + your Charisma modifier.

Draw swords together. When an affected creature is attacked and another affected creature is within 5 feet of it, the second creature can use its reaction to become the target of the attack instead so long as it is within the attack’s reach or range.

Do not go gentle. Each affected creature adds your Charisma modifier to death saving throws.

Fear not, for I am with you. Each affected creature has advantage on saving throws against becoming frightened.

Rouse the warriors. When an affected creature rolls a 1 on a damage die for weapon attack, it can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

While you have an eyecatch raised, you can restore an ally’s fighting spirit by expending one hit die as a bonus action. A friendly creature of your choice within 30 feet that can see you regains the hit points from that hit die, instead of you.

Highborn Horseman

At 7th level, you gain proficiency with Animal Handling, Insight, intimidation and Persuasion. You also have advantage on saving throws against being knocked off a mount. If you fall off a mount and fall no more than 10 feet, you are not knocked prone so long as you are not incapacitated. Mounting and dismounting a creature costs you 5 feet of movement, and you can choose to have attacks against your mount target you instead.

Lead the Charge

Starting at 10th level, you can trigger a rush while Raise the Colors is active. When you move at least 15 feet in a straight line on your turn, each creature benefiting from Raise the Colors can use its reaction to move up to its speed in the same direction as you.

The first time you or a charging ally come within 5 feet of a hostile creature during this charge, the creature must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failed save, the target falls prone, unless it is two or more sizes larger than the charging creature. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest.

Fighter’s Flourish

You have combined your love of theatrics with your martial prowess. Whenever you land a critical hit on an enemy, all allies within 30 ft of you gain the benefits of your Bardic Inspiration.

Unquenchable Morale

Beginning at 15th level, when you roll initiative and have no uses of Raise the Colors remaining, you regain one use. You can also choose two different benefits when you use Raise the Colors, instead of one.

Lead from the Front

Starting at 18th level, when you persevere and access the well of strength hidden deep within, so can your allies. Whenever you use your Action Surge, one ally of your choice within 60 feet that can see or hear you can take an additional action immediately after your turn ends.


Dual Class Features

Class Level Feature
Druid 1st Physical Prowess
Barbarian 1st Natural Connection
Druid 2nd Nature’s Justician
Barbarian 3rd Floral Rage
Druid 6th Floral Stride
Barbarian 6th One with Nature
Druid 10th Floral Surge
Barbarian 10th Regenerative Rage

Barbarian / Druid

Many barbarians are well at home in the wild, often feeling connected to the barbarians of their past who braved the best and worst of the natural elements. Then again, there are others who are not merely connected to the wilds, but are an extension of them. When the forces of society conflict with the will of the forest, it is these individuals, the Cataclysms, who embody the rage of the every felled tree and murdered beast.

The Cataclysm knows they are not nature’s diplomat or ambassador, but a violent hammer that strikes fear into those who become too comfortable abusing the land around them. Cataclysms do love the natural world, but can be more accurately defined by their hatred for those that throw the natural world into imbalance.

Natural Connection

You gain proficiency with Herbalism, Nature and Tracking.

Physical Prowess

You gain proficiency with Athletics and Perception.

Nature’s Justician

You have become an embodiment of nature’s judgment. When you activate your rage, you may use your Wild Shape as part of the same bonus action. When using this feature, your beast form gains additional temporary hit points equal to twice your character level.

In addition while raging, if you land a critical hit on an enemy that you know has killed or harmed an innocent beast or otherwise harmed nature in a significant way, you may make one additional attack as a bonus action. However, you are unable to voluntarily revert to your normal form while raging.

Floral Rage

A burst of nature magic is unleashed when you enter rage, covering you in a shroud of vines, petals or spores. This applies both to your normal rage, as well as the rage entered using the Nature’s Justician feature. When you enter rage, you can gain one of the following features.

Anima Rage

When entering rage, your body transforms into a tangled mass of barbed vines. Your melee weapon attacks have an increased reach of 5 feet As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can force a creature within 20 feet to make a Strength saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Wisdom modifier. On a failed saving throw, that creature is pulled 10 feet towards you.

Spore Rage

When entering rage, strange fungal growths cover your body and surround you with a cloud of virulent spores. Creatures within 10 feet must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution or Wisdom modifier. On a failed saving throw, it is poisoned. It gains a new save at the end of each of its rounds. A creature who has succeeded at a save against this feature, is immune for 24 hours.

Floral Stride

Your connection to nature and plants grants you the following benefits:

One with Nature

At the end of a short rest you can expend a spell slot to regain 5 Fury, or vice versa. You can only do this with a 4th level spell slot or lower.

Floral Surge

Your rage is strengthened by nature. You may cast a prepared level 1 druid the same round you enter rage, without expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest.

Regenerative Rage

You can channel your druidic magic to mend the wounds of yourself and your allies. While raging, you and adjacent creatures regain a number of hit points equal to your Constitution or Wisdom modifier at the start of each of your turns. Creatures can only recover hit points in this manner if they start their turn below half their hit point maximum.


Dual Class Features

Class Level Feature
Bard 1st Flair for the Dramatic
Fighter 1st Additional Fighting Style
Fighter 2nd Additional Maneuvers
Bard 3rd Crowd Pleaser
Fighter 3rd Hearty Aplomb
Bard 6th Daring Combatant
Fighter 7th Coup de Grace
Fighter 10th Comeback Victory
Rest Additions
The following additions are made to the general rest rules.
Long rest
Long rest
Add the following class benefits to choose from:
* Regain use of Comeback Victory.

Bard / Fighter

The archetypal Gladiator is a fighter who has honed their skills in the pit of a stadium, with the roar of a crowd ringing in their ears. More than mere performance fighters, true Gladiators are champions of the arena, with reputations built up over many bouts. Gladiators excel in single-combat, where they dominate their opponents with their superior weapon skill and tactical movement.

Flair for the Dramatic

Your stylish fighting style can beguile your enemies. You can use a bonus action to expend an Inspiration Die and add the result to your next weapon attack or weapon damage roll.

Additional Fighting Style

You have access to the following additional fighting style choices:


The Retiarius are combatants that represent the common folk in arena games, emulating fisherfolk, they fight with nets and tridents. They are favorites of the lower class, who love to see Retiarius overcome heavily armed and armored combatants using equipment they might have in their own homes.

You have specialized training in utilizing nets in and out of combat, having proficiency with creating and repairing nets. In addition, the range for a thrown net for you is 10/30 instead of the normal 5/15, the base escape DC is 12 instead of 10 and you can attack a creature within melee range without disadvantage.

Whenever you start your turn adjacent to a restrained creature, you can use your bonus action to make a weapon attack against that creature.


Heavily armed and armored, the Secutus is often pitted against other gladiators as an insurmountable obstacle for them to overcome. They are best at patiently waiting for their enemies to tire and then lashing out for a finishing blow.

While wearing heavy armor, if you succeed on a Dexterity, Constitution, or Strength saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage.

Additional Maneuvers

You have access to the additional maneuvers, listed at the end of the archetype description.

Crowd Pleaser

Starting at 3rd level, you’re easily inspired when you have a crowd at your back, turning their energy into combat motivation. For each allied creature more than 30 feet away from you, you gain a +1 bonus to melee weapon attack rolls, up to a maximum of +3.

Additionally, when you make a Charisma check to sway a crowd of 20 creatures or more, you gain advantage on the roll.

Hearty Aplomb

Whenever you expend any number of Inspiration Die, you heal a number of hit points equal to the roll. If you are at maximum hit points, you receive the rolled number as temporary hit points instead.

Daring Combatant

You have learned that crowds love a fighter who moves around their opponent with daring and nerve. Whenever you hit an adjacent creature with an attack, you immediately gain additional movement equal to half your speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

In addition, you can add your Charisma modifier to melee weapon damage rolls in addition to any other bonuses to the rolls.

Coup de Grace

Gladiatorial fights are performances, and you know that every performance needs a great ending to really be memorable. You can deliver a finishing blow to disabled opponents. When you hit a creature that has half or less of its maximum hit points remaining and is unconscious, paralyzed, or incapacitated with a melee weapon attack, you can force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your Maneuver Save DC. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 Hit Points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

In addition, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to gain one of the following effects:

Righteous Victory. You are reinvigorated by victory as you stand poised over your fallen opponent. You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier.

Adrenaline Rush. Your victory fills you with adrenaline as you prepare to face the next challenger. You can use a make a single weapon attack against one adjacent creature.

Imposing Presence. Foes cower in fear of your might and superior combat skill. A creature of your choice within 30 feet becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Comeback Victory

You arre able to snatch an unexpected victory from the jaws of defeat. When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum.

Additionally, the next time you hit a weapon attack against the creature that reduced you to 0, the attack is an automatic critical hit.

This feature can be used once, and you can regain use of it after you finish a long rest.
