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Tieflings are humans with demonic, devilish, or other evil outsider blood in their ancestry. Often persecuted for their strange appearance and unnatural mannerisms, most tieflings disguise their nature or are forced to live on the fringes or underbelly of civilized society. Though they are not born evil, it is an easy path for them to find, especially as most suffer at the hands of “normal” folks while growing up. Tieflings look mostly human except for some physical traits that reveal their strange heritage.

Tieflings don’t have a unified culture, and have found it wise to conceal their nature. Their tainted blood usually makes them outcasts of human society. Sometimes they group together for mutual protection in roving bands or wilderness forts, but usually they are seen alone and wandering. Tieflings always have distinctive marks or traits that make them stand out from normal humans.

Self-Reliant and Suspicious

Tieflings subsist in small minorities found mostly in human cities or towns, often in the roughest quarters of those places, where they grow up to be swindlers, thieves, or crime lords. Some times they live among other minority populations in enclaves where they are treated with more respect.

Lacking a homeland, tieflings know that they have to make their own way in the world and that they have to be strong to survive. They are not quick to trust anyone who claims to be a friend, but when a tiefling’s companions demonstrate that they trust him or her, the tiefling learns to extend the same trust to them. And once a tiefling gives someone loyalty, the tiefling is a firm friend or ally for life.

Physical Appearance

Tieflings lack even a common appearance to draw them together as a folk. It is said that no two tieflings look exactly alike; like fingerprints, each tiefling’s unique appearance marks him indelibly.

Most tieflings display all their unusual traits at birth, but some are born resembling their mortal parents only to develop their fiendish qualities months, even years, later. In many regions, the appearance of a fiend-tainted child is reason enough to put the creature to death—and often the mother as well. In lands where the origins of tieflings are better understood, such births are mourned but don’t always end in murder. The grim circumstances of tiefling births mean that many, tieflings don’t survive their earliest days, a sorry condition that many pessimistic tieflings consider a blessing.

By the time they have grown to adolescence, all tieflings display at least one physical reflection of their fiendish ancestry. For the lucky, such traits prove so minor as to allow the tiefling to pass as a human or member of another exotic race. Most, though, are so clearly marked it is impossible to hide their nature without the help of elaborate disguises or magic. Fortunately, most tieflings develop supernatural abilities to aid them in their difficult lives. The dramatic changes a tiefling undergoes are almost secondary, however, to the mental stress such a transformation brings.

Tiefling Names

Tiefling names fall into three broad categories. Tieflings born into another culture typically have names reflective of that culture. Some have names derived from the Infernal language, passed down through generations, that reflect their fiendish heritage.

Some younger tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try to embody that concept. For some, the chosen name is a noble quest. For others, it’s a grim destiny.

Tieflings share certain traits as a result of their fiendish descent.

Abyssal Tiefling

All abyssal tieflings trace their bloodline to the demons of the Abyss. Savage and monstrous, the terrifying spawn of demons know the chaotic fury of their Abyssal ancestors.

Infernal Tiefling

Stalwart and conniving, an infernal tiefling draws upon the power of the Nine Hells and its diabolic masters.

Roll twice on the special appearance tables below.

An tiefling approaches some classes is a bit different than other races. When you select a class, it is modified as follows: