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The half-living children of vampires birthed by human females, dhampirs are progenies of both horror and tragedy. The circumstances of a dhampir’s conception are often called into question but scarcely understood, as few mortal mothers survive the childbirth. Those who do often abandon their monstrous children and refuse to speak of the matter.

While some speculate that dhampirs result when mortal women couple with vampires, others claim that they form when a pregnant woman suffers a vampire bite. Some particularly zealous scholars even contest dhampirs’ status as a unique race, instead viewing them as humans suffering from an unholy affliction. Indeed, this hypothesis is strengthened by dhampirs’ seeming inability to reproduce, their offspring inevitably humans (usually sorcerers with the undead bloodline).

Regardless, they live and die just like any other mortal creatures, despite possessing a supernatural longevity akin to that of elves. Hardship and suffering fill a dhampir’s formative years. Most grow up as orphans, and despite their exquisite features and innate charm, they face a lifetime of prejudice, mistrust, fear, and persecution. Humans who witness the seemingly sinister nature of a dhampir child’s supernatural powers or sensitivity to daylight display an array of reactions ranging from awe to terror to outright hatred.

Eventually, a dhampir must learn to cope with these difficulties in order to find his place in the world. While most dhampirs succumb to the innate evil of their undead heritage and devolve into the monstrous fiends depicted by society, a few reject their unholy conceptions, instead vowing to avenge their mothers by hunting the very creatures that sired them. Dhampirs keep few, if any, close companions. Ultimately, the majority of evil dhampirs regard their allies as little more than tools or fodder. Those whom they deem useful are judged by their merits as individuals, not by their race.

However, even with those they feel attached to, most dhampirs are sullen and reserved. Some fear the persecution heaped upon them may be transferred to their companions, whereas others worry their own bloodlust will one day overwhelm them and they’ll inadvertently turn upon their friends. In any case, an alliance with a dhampir almost always leads to an ill-fated conclusion.

Physical Description

Tall and slender and with well-defined musculature, dhampirs look like statuesque humans of unearthly beauty. Their hair, eye, and skin colors resemble unnerving versions of their mothers’; many possess a ghastly pallor, particularly in the sunlight, while those with dark complexions often possess skin the color of a bruise.

While many dhampirs can pass as humans in ideal conditions, their features are inevitably more pronounced and they move with an unnaturally fluid grace. All dhampirs have elongated incisors. While not true fangs, these teeth are sharp enough to draw blood, and many suffer a reprehensible desire to indulge in sanguinary delights, despite the fact that the act provides most no physical benefit.


Dhampirs have no culture of their own, nor do they have any known lands or even communities. Often born in secret and abandoned at orphanages or left to die on the outskirts of town, they tend to live solitary lives as exiles and outcasts. Individuals acquire the cultural beliefs and teachings of the regions in which they grew up, and adopt additional philosophies over the course of their complex lives. This ability to adapt to a variety of circumstances provides dhampirs with a social camouflage that hides them from both predators and prey. In rare instances, dhampirs might gather to form small groups or cabals dedicated to resolving their joint issues. Even so, the philosophies of such groups reflect the interests of the individuals involved, not any common dhampir culture.

Alignment and Religion

Most dhampirs succumb to the evil within their blood. They are unnatural creatures, and the foul influence of their undead heritage makes an evil outlook difficult to overcome. Those who struggle against their wicked natures rarely progress beyond a neutral outlook.


The life of an adventurer comes naturally to most dhampirs, since constant persecution condemns many to spend their days wandering. Evil dhampirs keep moving to maintain their secrecy and evade lynch mobs, while those who follow the path of vengeance venture forth in search of their despised fathers. Regardless of their reasons, most dhampirs simply feel more at home on the road than in a settlement. Almost universally, those inclined toward magic pursue the field of necromancy, though dhampir alchemists have been known to obsess over transforming their own bodies. Those who feel the call of the hunt often become inquisitors.

Dhampir Hunger

Every dhampir knows a thirst slaked only by the living. Those who overindulge their thirst risk losing control and forever viewing others as prey. Those who resist might find exceptional ways of controlling their urges or suppress them through constant, molar-grinding restraint. In any case, temptation haunts dhampirs, and circumstances conspire to give them endless reasons to indulge.

While most dhampirs thirst for blood, your character might otherwise gain sustenance from the living. Roll or choose an option to determine what tempts your character to feed.

d6 Hunger
1 Blood
2 Flesh or raw meat
3 Cerebral spinal fluid
4 Psychic energy
5 Dreams
6 Life energy

Dhampir Origins

Dhampirs often arise from encounters with vampires, but all manner of macabre bargains, necromantic influences, and encounters with mysterious immortals might have transformed your character. The Dhampir Origins table provides suggestions for how your character gained their lineage.

d8 Origin
1 You are the reincarnation of an ancestor who was a vampiric tyrant.
2 Your pact with a predatory deity, fiend, fey, or spirit causes you to share their hunger.
3 You survived being attacked by a vampire but were forever changed.
4 A parasite lives inside you. You indulge its hunger.
5 Tragedy interrupted your transformation into an immortal.
6 You are a diminished form of an otherworldly being. Slaking your hunger hastens your renewal.
7 One of your parents was a vampire.
8 A radical experiment changed your body, making you reliant on others for vital fluids.

Racial Traits

Your dhampir character has certain traits deriving from your vampiric ancestry.

The varieties of different vampire bloodlines have resulted in three types of dhampir. The stryg is most common, with most stryg simply referred to as dhampir. The nosferatu and obiri are related to the vampires of the same name. The former prefer to hide their existence, while the latter are harder to identify as a dhampir and go unnoticed.


Descended from common vampires, the Stryg are often considered synonymous with perceptions of dhampir. You have the unearthly beauty and charm of your progenitor. You have pale skin, sharp features, and your eyes have a slightly crimson iris that catches the light like a cat’s.


Kin to nosferatu vampires, you have the long life of other dhampir but seemingly age normally, if not faster. While you retain your vigor until late in life, you eventually appear ancient and decrepit. You do not look human, being unnaturally pale, bald, and have pronounced fangs. You may have sharp canines, but some nosferatu have elongated incisors.


You look more human than other dhampir, lacking red eyes, pallor, fangs, and aversion to light of other vampire-kin. You have coarse hair and are stockier than other dhampir, but retain the agility and piercing eyes.

Obiri vampires are feared by even experienced vampire hunters. Known as daywalkers, for their ability to ignore the light of the sun, obiri possess varied powers that seem to vary between individuals. Thankfully, the obiri bloodline is rare.

A dhampir approaches some classes is a bit different than other races. When you select on of these classes, it is modified as follows: