Planning a Journey
A Day of Travelling
1. Breaking Camp
2. The Travel
3. Setting Camp
4. The Night Rest
Roles During Travel
The Guide
The Forager
The Lookout


It is rarely straightforward outside city walls. Many adventurers have lost their way in dark forests. Many more have died from lack of food, or water, or protection from bandits and monsters—the world is not forgiving to the unprepared traveler. This section introduces the journey phase to make travel a more integral part of the adventure.

If you wish to make a journey, there are some basic steps to follow: plan your route and gather supplies, travel the distance and arrive at your destination.

Each travel day is broken up into distinct phases — breaking camp, travel, setting camp and rest.

There are three main responsibilities when travelling: guide, forager and lookout. A person can only lead or assist one role per day, and any role not taken will automatically fail any related rolls.

A role can have only one leader, but any number of helpers. The leader makes the roll, the first helper grants advantage, and subsequent helpers grant a +1 bonus.